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Resident Evil 3 |OT| Shooting for the S.T.A.R.S.


Ellie and Joel, right smack in the middle of the Raccoon City outbreak.
Joel "What are you doin' kiddo?"
Ellie "Trying to lose that nasty-piece-of-work Nemesis f*cker"
Joel "You think you're gonna go through this alone?"
Ellie "Now that you mention it, was really counting on ya. Where's Dina though?"

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  • LOL
Reactions: N0S


This is on sale on PSN. Finally got it.

Its good. Its very good in fact. Graphics, gameplay are sublime. But its nothing like the original. Its completely different. I guess the characters are the same, but Carlos has been overhauled. It does feel like you're escaping though. It does that well. Its streamlined, but there are still puzzles and ways to open doors.

I knew about the Clocktower being removed etc on forehand, but I didn't expect it to be so radically different when I actually see it through. Its not that its been cut short, its bigger than the original. But it does feel cut short compared to RE2R. I also wished Resistance was gone in favor of Mercs and all.

My PSU died over the summer and I haven't replaced it yet and I don't have anything else really to play modern games on except an old Xbone I don't use. I think prices for PC components are a little jacked from COVID fallout.

I haven't played RE3make still, but never plan to I think. Waiting and hoping for RE4make which will be massively interesting to see if they steer that game into something closer to the classic formula. Still haven't played RE7 so RE8 isn't something I'm looking at.

RE3 mods are still really good. Speedruns haven't changed that much from what I've seen as the game has been fully routed with the DA manipulation.


I beat it in 5 hours. I prefer the original.

I liked the second form of Nemesis. I liked Mercs. Doing speedruns with minigun and RL. The choices.. And nemesis terrorizes you for far longer. Here he appears in one area basically, and after that he's just a repeated boss battle. This is a very fun romp, but absolutely not as good as the original. Not even sure if its really bigger. I think the original took me around the same time on the first go. But its a slower game ofcourse.
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I agree with what most people says here about the game but one thing I really wanted more was to see and explore Raccoon City.

Astral Dog

This is on sale on PSN. Finally got it.

Its good. Its very good in fact. Graphics, gameplay are sublime. But its nothing like the original. Its completely different. I guess the characters are the same, but Carlos has been overhauled. It does feel like you're escaping though. It does that well. Its streamlined, but there are still puzzles and ways to open doors.

I knew about the Clocktower being removed etc on forehand, but I didn't expect it to be so radically different when I actually see it through. Its not that its been cut short, its bigger than the original. But it does feel cut short compared to RE2R. I also wished Resistance was gone in favor of Mercs and all.
I disagree there being puzzles at all but the first half at the city is very fun and they have good art direction, better than RE2 even


Gold Member
I swear it's like modding was created so that horny guys would stroke their cocks while gaming.

Then again, wasn't the internet originally made for porn? Wasn't there a movie about that?


stuck on the last boss in inferno ...how in the blue fuck do you beat this fucker?
With shop items. Specifically the Combat Manual, the Healing Coins and the Defense Coins. And bring as many Full Heals as you can. Assault Coins are optional but recommended.


With shop items. Specifically the Combat Manual, the Healing Coins and the Defense Coins. And bring as many Full Heals as you can. Assault Coins are optional but recommended.

got them all , still cant beat him.

i dodge almost everything but somehow he always gets me with that 3 combo smash


got them all , still cant beat him.

i dodge almost everything but somehow he always gets me with that 3 combo smash
Unfortunately the only option left is "git gud".
-Study his attack animations and look for obvious tells in his attacks and time your dodges accordingly. You may die several times while studying his moves. Perhaps avoid even shooting him so you can better concentrate on what he's doing instead of what you're doing.
-Secondly try to position yourself in a way that allows bullet time to auto target his weak-points without obstruction.


Assuming you're using everything you possibly can and know how to beat him, try looking up a video of someone else finishing it on Inferno to see what they do differently to you. You will inevitably be hit by things as a result of the design flaws of the fight, but it's definitely doable.


how do i that?
That's one of the trickier parts of the fight since his arms are almost always in the way. But dodging to the left or right will usually do it.
You can also try baiting him into attacking in dead center of the room and then dodging in the direction of where his weak points are.


Was waiting for an halloween sale... And this game is on sale every.fucking.where but on PS4.

  • LOL
Reactions: Isa


Its a very fun and addicting game. The game doesn't let up, I think one game can be compared to it and thats Vanquish. It has no filler and downtime either, and I could replay that for days as well. Game is well worth 20.
Not gonna spend more than 10 euros for a 5 hours remake with cutted contents, also i don't really like this new nemesis version.

I have enough to play without wasting money on something that i'm not convinced of.


Finally beat the game last night, and while the game is not at all terrible it's definitely very disappointing. The amount of content cut and changes are not welcome, and the amount of bullets it takes to kill zombies is downright RETARDED.

The enemies are so bullet spongy that it actively hurt my experience. It shouldn't take 15 rounds to kill one zombie.
Hell when I was playing as Carlos it sometimes took an entire mag to kill one zombie. It feels like some of the game wasn't playtested at all.


Just beat nightmare, good lord the final boss is by far the hardest in the game. It was a joke boss on the previous difficulties. You essentially need to use the evade, and shoot in between. I felt the easiest was the swipe as it has no quick follow up. When he keeps smashing the ground with both arms its free hits as well. I don't have the rocket launcher.

I need to do no item box run and no heal. I think I go on standard, grab the pouches en drop down to assisted. Did a no death run already.

Finally beat the game last night, and while the game is not at all terrible it's definitely very disappointing. The amount of content cut and changes are not welcome, and the amount of bullets it takes to kill zombies is downright RETARDED.

The enemies are so bullet spongy that it actively hurt my experience. It shouldn't take 15 rounds to kill one zombie.
Hell when I was playing as Carlos it sometimes took an entire mag to kill one zombie. It feels like some of the game wasn't playtested at all.

In 2 they're even more persistent. You can just shoot them down, and sometimes they get one shot. With shotgun they're all one shots. And once you beat it you can buy assault coins. The evade shot can one shot them too.
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Platinum get.

Fun ride. In hindsight I could do the speedrun, S rank and inferno in one go. Perhaps even no heals. The rocket launcher trivializes it, but I did hardcore and nightmare without it. Shotgun and nade launcher management fuck with enemies well enough also. The hardest parts on Nightmare are easily the prologue and the last boss, I'd save after the prologue and before the final boss. The rest is no issue if you have RL and the coins. The prologue was hard because the zombie in front of the gate can end you, the zombie in front of the bar likely ends you if you skip the cutscene (don't skip this one and the charlie head one), and the parking lot zombie can fuck you up. After that you grab the RL and can reach the final boss blind folded, who is a dipshit.
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I bought the game.
Played for one hour and loved it.
The first Nemesis-Jill chase scene is great.

If you loved the first hour, you'll love the rest of it.

If you're really enjoying the game, when you beat it, try it on the harder difficulties; that's where it really shines.

On a side note: awesome avatar, Yakuza is an amazing series. I myself just got into it last year.
This game is still in my top 5 for 2020.

The pacing and length are fucking perfect.

One of the best games of the year. I got all of the records on PC, just bought it for XSX and did it all over again. Love the pace. Edit: ^ I didn't read the last post until after I posted. Pretty much the same post lol

You are both spot on. Agree 100%.

The game gets maligned, maybe even unfairly so, because of the comparisons to the 1999 original, and because it has "less content" than Resident Evil 2 (2019) -- even though that latter game, which I also absolutely love, is 4 "different" campaigns that share probably upwards of 80% of content, all said and done.

This game is not only amazing in pacing and length as you both said. It's also got a decent degree of skill and a mechanic (the dodge) that feels so incredibly satisfying. And then when you think you truly mastered the dodge, in the Nightmare and Inferno difficulties the final boss fight will test the limits of your skill -- as well as the limits of your patience, LMAO. One of the most satisfying complete set of achievements I've gotten in a long while.
Speaking of comparisons to the original, the characters are all extremely well done here. The characterizations and the voice acting are through the roof. New Jill is amazing, but probably the real winner here is Carlos, with Nikolai coming in a close second. Another winner here is
, who was practically a throwaway 2-second appearance in the original 1999 game. Infinitely better done in this game.


If you loved the first hour, you'll love the rest of it.

If you're really enjoying the game, when you beat it, try it on the harder difficulties; that's where it really shines.

On a side note: awesome avatar, Yakuza is an amazing series. I myself just got into it last year.
Shame there are under 4 left for him
Resident evil 3 is annoying because everything that is there is fantastic, but there is just so little of it.
Would have been great there were all of the areas and boss fights reimagined because then I think it would have been perfect,
a shame because the handful of gameplay upgrades really put it above remake 2.
though I wonder if it was originally going to be a stand alone dlc type thing but had resistance bolted on to justify the price.
Resistance is another shame as the core gameplay was great, but capcoms utter refusal to fix the balance killed it, masterminds are winning 70% of the time, oh boy they need another buff! What the latest survivor upgrades brought them close to a 50/50 win rate, better nerf them into the ground.


Yeah, I definitely liked the new Resident Evil 3 game. It was fun to go through it.

I ended up also getting it just now on the PC, where can I get the mods?


It wasn't as good as RE2make but I still really enjoyed this game.

It's improved on 1X/SX right?

Need to replay it on Hard on there. Game feels much better on Hard.


Gold Member
I think this game is underrated. Did piss me off with the physics downgrade from RE2R but other than that I've had a blast, played through 3 times and really liked all Nemesis encounters


I bought it a few days ago and already finished it 3 times, the last time in 1:45 or so, just trying to get through it the fastest. It is now among my favorite games because I love high intensity short games like Half Life (which I can also finish in a few hours). At first I didn't like it as much as 2 but once I finished it I immediately felt the urge to do another run and then I did almost two runs in one day :D


Actually, Shinji Mikami expressed his desire to remake 2,3 and Code Veronica back in 2002. But then biohazard 4 would have been delayed for good.
After all these years, it finally happened (with CV being still in question)

BIOHAZARD 2, 3 and CV will be released on GameCube too?

Shinji Mikami : Those games are NOT remakes, totally ports. Don't misunderstand that.
Tatsuya Minami : You will not remake those games?
Shinji Mikami : No, I just released those games for the new users on GameCube.
Tatsuya Minami : Why don't you remake?
Shinji Mikami : Personally, I want to remake, but if I do, the biohazard 4 release date will be delayed again.
Tatsuya Minami : Maybe it is better to just release the port and make it a cheap price.
Shinji Mikami : So, I'm not going to add anything. If I add something or change something, die-hard fans will buy it, and I don't want that to happen. "No addition, No change".


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