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Resident Evil 4 Remake: Separate Ways ($10) has almost the same amount of content that Resident Evil 3 Remake at launch did (retail $60)


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
it's my most replayed modern RE because of that, I loved it.
I never played the original RE3, so for me it’s the most approachable RE remake title. I’ve gone through it several times because it’s fast and to the point. Plus the dodge mechanic is great.

I guess ignorance is bliss for me.

I still think RE2R is the best remake they’ve done though. So much content, and superb encounters from start to finish.

I’ll be trying this dlc when I get time. 3-5 hours is perfect .


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
What kind of thread title is that?!
Separate ways uses most of re4 remake locations and enemies etc. This doesn't compare to re3

I mean, even besides that, Separate Ways adds the same, maybe more, 'story' content than RE3make too.


RE3make was a really short game, no wonder they had to throw in REsistance as a freebie to make the package more palpable.


RE3R detractors are so obsessed with the cut content that they can't recognize that the game is still well made in its own right.

Is it disappointing that content was cut? For some of the cuts, yes. The clock tower segment is probably the most egregious one that I wished would've made it into the remake for its plot significance. Not even going to defend that one. Other cuts, however, I can live with.

The park / graveyard for example (it's really the same section, and a small one at that). I don't know why people split these into two when making their cut content lists - maybe to pad the list out and make the cut appear worse than it really is, I don't know. Lots of backtracking here and has one of the lamest boss fights in the series, Grave Digger. I can't say I missed that section aside from the visual variety of the location.

The police station excursion as Carlos was more or less the same scenario in both the original and the remake. The other Carlos section, the hospital, was actually made substantially bigger in the remake. In the original it's a brief 20 minute or so detour to get the vaccine while the remake is more padded out. Just compare the sizes of the maps:



Dead Factory in the original is basically swapped for NEST 2 in the remake. Some memos you find in both the original and remake confirm both had the same usage as a disposal facility for BOWs:



I did think that both of these sections, in their respective games, were a little lacking. NEST 2 in RE3R also re-used a lot of assets from RE2 Remake (a plus point for consistency but I did roll my eyes). NEST 2, as a setting, in some ways felt more appropriate than Dead Factory though, as the way it connected with the hospital drove home the point that Umbrella were in such control of Raccoon City that they could use the local hospital as a front for their experiments.

Finally a word has to be said about the size the Raccoon city sections in both games. Nostalgia is a powerful thing and people believing that the original RE3 had a far larger scale are mistaken. It's a testament to how well Capcom were able to make the scale seem huge back on the PS1. But in terms of actual playable area, they are pretty similar:


Indeed, the length of both games is also not as drastic as people would have you believe - averaging around a 45 minute difference between them on How Long To Beat, which would align pretty well with the play time of the original's content that was objectively cut.

Overall you can compare the games like so:

RE3 Nemesis: City -> RPD -> Clock tower -> Hospital -> Park -> Dead Factory
RE3 Remake: City -> RPD -> Hospital* -> NEST 2

*where the hospital in RE3R is expanded a lot to fill in for the Clock tower and Park sections, and Dead Factory is swapped out for NEST 2. It's not nearly as wild a detour when viewed in that context.
Thanks for the link by the way. Nothing personal. The more people who enjoy RE games the happier I am. I just get heated sometimes since I just love RE.

I respect people who enjoyed the remake and recognize that people might enjoy it more as it functions as a tighter experience due to the linearity. I just don’t think the original sucks at pacing comparatively speaking. I mean I personally know the original can be finished even faster than the remake and that’s despite the larger setting considering the amount of times I’ve played both. Just look at the speed run records for both games.

One thing I can give you about RE3R pacing is that it’s actually a lot more accessible and easier to go through on the first couple of runs than the original. To put it in a perspective of a speedrunner, it’s a lot easier to optimize RE3R runs because there’s fewer random elements which breaks pacing.
I get it. I have a strong preference toward the original Resident Evil and praises of the Gamecube remake make my blood boil. Just enjoy what you like.


Can’t Git Gud
I mean, even besides that, Separate Ways adds the same, maybe more, 'story' content than RE3make too.


RE3make was a really short game, no wonder they had to throw in REsistance as a freebie to make the package more palpable.
Interesting. I never played either separate ways or re3remake, so I gotta get to it.
edit: I mean, i have like 90 minutes in re3 remake but that's just admiring the graphics in the beginning of the game
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Gold Member
I think it‘s pretty obvious that during the dev of RE3 Remake something went awry and they ended up just quickly piecing together something in the end.
what's weird is that they easily could have delayed it, IIRC RE2 came out only a year prior (as in, 12 months or so) and nobody was really clamoring for RE3R so quickly. Like, guys, give it another six months, now the game is bad forever...


Capcom should apologize for Resident Evil 3 remake and do it again. It's such a weird black sheep in their lineup the past few years.

It's extra content that was originally in the PS2 version.
The main problem i think was not letting the same team do it. They literally had a bunch of people who left Platinum create the game and it shows because you can accidentally speed run the game in under 2 hours if you're skilled enough.


I mean, even besides that, Separate Ways adds the same, maybe more, 'story' content than RE3make too.


RE3make was a really short game, no wonder they had to throw in REsistance as a freebie to make the package more palpable.
I didn't play R3make but it was a solid RE youtube movie lol


Gold Member
Meanwhile i still come back to Resident Evil 3, which i don't do nearly as often to RE 2 despite considering a better game. Resident Evil 3 remake is a blast to play and one of the most replayable games of all times, y'all clowns deserve these bloated 300h open world shitfest.

Amen. I got 60 hours in RE3. It's just a blast. Perfectly paced and the combat roll makes it so much more fun than 2. I was sad when RE4 remake didn't keep it. Instead you can awkwardly crouch to avoid shit. Lol
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Tears in the rain
That's pathetic, wrong, and absurd. I've beaten the DLC yesterday and it is way shorter and has WAY less content than RE3...
Nah. And I am a RE3 Remake fan that replayed it a lot. RE3 remake took me 3 hours to finish on first playthrough. Separate Ways took me almost 6 hours and I rushed through the last 3 chapters.

Separate Ways instead of taking cool enemies but butchering them by placing them in only one location (Like the Drain Deimos in RE3R), uses almost all enemies from RE4R in fresh new ways, has a cooler, more intimidating stalker enemy in Pesanta who uses things from RE 3.5 like the hallucinations.

Separate Ways adds almost everything that was cut from RE4R but always make it make more sense in context. People yapping about the RE4R gondolas....look at them. They are ratchet, home-made crap that don't even work. And why would a farmland village need that? Separate Ways instead places it on the Island where it makes more sense and is more intense.

Chapter 4 and 5 of Separate Ways are entirely new things, where in 4 you have to complete puzzle after puzzle in an unseen part of the Castle (SW has more puzzles than RE3R flat out), and Chapter 5's waterways are legit more memorable than anything from RE3R past that first short hour in Raccoon City where Nemesis can attack you randomly....only in that area and nowhere else, because he becomes a dog from a fucking grenade and every place it could stalk you are gone. Flat out.

The cut Gravedigger from RE3R? It's here as Pesanta's 2nd form lolol. And it's great.

And Separate Ways has more unlockables for fuck's sake. I fucking love RE3R despite it's faults and it's a great game for speedruns, but it's fans flat out lying about what everyone else knows (Separate Ways curbstomps it with style)...It kinda makes me want to hate it, and stop forgiving it's obvious missteps.

And hell instead of cutting out a boss, they added a new one.
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Execution was much better in RE3 along with polish. I refunded Separate Ways. RE4 is way more archaic than RE3. They are incomparable unless they are talking about length.


Tell me. I never finished RE3 remake. I do have it on pc and ps5 for some reason.
I love re2remake though. One of best games ever.
But re3 got so little hype, I kinda skipped it. Should I ?
I will always argue that you shouldn't let hype or lack of hype determine whether or not you play something. If something looks interesting to you, play it. Especially if you already own it. Stop worrying about being a part of the zeitgeist.


Reseterror Resettler
I haven't played Seperate Ways R yet, but on the RE3R topic - reading the back and forth here (and most places) it plainly illustrates to me that this is a case of different tastes for different people.

In some situations, I feel the quality level vs. What's expected of a remake is a very measurable thing, but it's a trickier affair for RE3R for me. I think a big part of it is the fact that it's undoubtedly a AAA affair, with all the ups and downs that that entails. It's hard to argue in good faith that the presentation, voice acting, writing, gameplay, continuity, etc. isn't all present and professionally done. From an objective point of view, every craft and labor of care from said craft is done well, and polished.

However, I also have trouble reconciling the gap of open space where like....sixty percent of the original game fit. Aside from some character design choices, most of the vitriol I see thrown about for RE3R's sake isn't over the quality or lack thereof of the things actually featured in the game, but the absence of those things that aren't.

Also emergent, I'd argue, are the game's roots to the original, itself a product that felt like a prototype late 90's expansion pack of RE2. This is a personal opinion, and I'm not proselytizing for anyone to join me, but I think RE3R is probably the most successful in the Remake series of conveying the feelings of the original: Why wasn't this a part of the last game? and It's over already? Nothing, and I do mean nothing - sounds more Nemesis to me.
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Astral Dog

tbf, Resident Evil 3 Remake had entirely new assets made and for a 'classic' Resident Evil game its average lenght , RE2R was extended by the 2 character playthrough but outside a few areas they aren't that different.

Still, its obvious Resident Evil 3 Remake was rushed and got the short end of the stick

And Ada's campaing in RE4 Remake is of good quality for a $10 add on.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
What kind of thread title is that?!
Separate ways uses most of re4 remake locations and enemies etc. This doesn't compare to re3
I swear people have officially lost it. Im half through it and every single level has been the same. just reworked encounters. Who gives a shit if it takes longer to beat.

RE3 is short. It probably shouldnt have been a $60 game, but ffs, its a brand new remake that changes a lot more than some of these so called remakes like SOTC and TLOU which are literal copy pasta with new graphics.

The word content has lost all meaning. Content is a destiny term. fill the game with the same shit you do 100x. that is content. A completely new game with a brand new story, brand new levels, brand new bosses is a completely new game.... not just more content set in the same world with the same enemies and same weapons.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Seems like thread backfired, some mod should rename it to "People are starting to realize Resident Evil 3 Remake is a bonafide classic".
I went back to RE3 earlier this year after being pretty meh on it back in 2020. Especially coming off of RE2.

But then i found that the game has incredible replay value thanks to its rewards and ranking system. I must have done like 10 runs trying to get all the abilities and new weapons. And every run changed the way i played the game. I now like it a lot more than RE2 precisely because of its short length. at one point, i was beating the game in one sitting in under 2 hours. and it was a blast.

I love the RE4 remake but it just goes on and on towards the end. I almost (almost) wish it was a bit shorter.


Also emergent, I'd argue, are the game's roots to the original, itself a product that felt like a prototype late 90's expansion pack of RE2. This is a personal opinion, and I'm not proselytizing for anyone to join me, but I think RE3R is probably the most successful in the Remake series of conveying the feelings of the original: Why wasn't this a part of the last game? and It's over already? Nothing, and I do mean nothing - sounds more Nemesis to me.

This is something i've thought about before. RE3 was originally intended to be a spin-off from RE2 before Capcom higher ups stepped in and wanted to put a 3 at the end of the title:

Not long after, in spring 1999, Aoyama was called into a meeting with his bosses, Okamoto and Mikami. The meeting saw his bosses drop a bombshell that Aoyama was not expecting. Discussions took place across three days, but the end result was Okamoto’s decision to repurpose and expand the conceptual scope of “Resident Evil: Nemesis” to match that of a main entry/non-spinoff. Among a number of modifications, Okamoto decided to add the number “3” to the game’s title, rebranding it to the final names of BIOHAZARD 3 LAST ESCAPE in Asia and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in the West.

In this interview the director specifically mentions that the game was meant to end at the Clock Tower battle with Nemesis. The areas which were hastily added at the last minute were also the same ones that were cut from the RE3 Remake:

Regardless, it was too late to reboot the game, and Aoyama’s team only had about two months in the summer to add enough content to extend the game’s playability. “Okamoto requested us to add more content so the game would be longer,” Aoyama explained. Notably, the game was originally intended to end at the Clock Tower following one final encounter with Nemesis. It might have taken the average player two or three hours to reach this point in the game and less during replays. As a result, Aoyama’s team added new locations, such as Raccoon City Park and the Dead Factory. Other existing areas were expanded with new rooms, as well.

It would make some sense that Capcom probably were never happy with these late additions and would've done things differently in a remake. In that regard, RE3R is almost as much of a 'what if?' as it is a 'remake'.

How much those sections actually added to the game also lines up pretty well with the How Long To Beat play time difference between the remake and the original:

The game’s content did not change dramatically as a result of these additions, but it did make the game longer than it was originally intended to be; Aoyama estimates that the game gained about 30 minutes of extra playtime. It was the best the team could do with only two months of development time available.

From what I gather, the RE2 and RE3 remakes were reportedly meant to be released as one package, but Capcom split them to avoid delays. Despite being an opportunity for the remake to be a do-over of the original and stand on its own two feet, history (ie. Capcom higher up meddling) seemed set on repeating itself.
Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office

RE3make was a really short game
Not really, it's about as perfect length for a video game as you can get.
RE3 remake took me 3 hours to finish on first playthrough. Separate Ways took me almost 6 hours and I rushed through the last 3 chapters.
I'm not sure how that's possible, unless you literally ran past everything and skipped all cutscenes in your first playthrough, there's no way to make it in 3 hours.
Also RE games don't count when you are in menu's, reload or in cutscenes, so there's a difference in clear time and total play time:

As you can see there's almost 2 hours difference on the clear time vs the play time. R3make took me 10.5 hours of streaming time to finish, 8.5 hours clear time, separate ways took me 8 hours of streaming time to finish, 6.9 hours clear time, and I play all RE games at the same pace the first time around.

If you really did finish R3make in 3 hours the first time you played it, I'm not sure if that's impressive or sad.
The cut Gravedigger from RE3R? It's here as Pesanta's 2nd form lolol. And it's great.
It's the absolute worst boss in the entire franchise, I hate it so much I'm hesitant to even do a second playthrough of separate ways; complete and utter trash encounter; shame because the first half of the fight is great.

Jennifer Lopez Applause GIF by NBC World Of Dance

R3make is a blast to actually play and I go through it regularly because of it.


Nah. And I am a RE3 Remake fan that replayed it a lot. RE3 remake took me 3 hours to finish on first playthrough. Separate Ways took me almost 6 hours and I rushed through the last 3 chapters.

Separate Ways instead of taking cool enemies but butchering them by placing them in only one location (Like the Drain Deimos in RE3R), uses almost all enemies from RE4R in fresh new ways, has a cooler, more intimidating stalker enemy in Pesanta who uses things from RE 3.5 like the hallucinations.

Separate Ways adds almost everything that was cut from RE4R but always make it make more sense in context. People yapping about the RE4R gondolas....look at them. They are ratchet, home-made crap that don't even work. And why would a farmland village need that? Separate Ways instead places it on the Island where it makes more sense and is more intense.

Chapter 4 and 5 of Separate Ways are entirely new things, where in 4 you have to complete puzzle after puzzle in an unseen part of the Castle (SW has more puzzles than RE3R flat out), and Chapter 5's waterways are legit more memorable than anything from RE3R past that first short hour in Raccoon City where Nemesis can attack you randomly....only in that area and nowhere else, because he becomes a dog from a fucking grenade and every place it could stalk you are gone. Flat out.

The cut Gravedigger from RE3R? It's here as Pesanta's 2nd form lolol. And it's great.

And Separate Ways has more unlockables for fuck's sake. I fucking love RE3R despite it's faults and it's a great game for speedruns, but it's fans flat out lying about what everyone else knows (Separate Ways curbstomps it with style)...It kinda makes me want to hate it, and stop forgiving it's obvious missteps.

And hell instead of cutting out a boss, they added a new one.
Yeah personally I finished RE3R in 20 minutes at the first play through with my feet on hard mode.

Stopped at your first sentence, be serious one minute.
what's weird is that they easily could have delayed it, IIRC RE2 came out only a year prior (as in, 12 months or so) and nobody was really clamoring for RE3R so quickly. Like, guys, give it another six months, now the game is bad forever...
Didn’t fit in I think. RE Village was due the next year. I assume many of the aspects were not salvageable. They probably tried to do a bit more with RE3 than they did with 2. Who knows, maybe RE3s failure was one of the reasons why Capcom made RE4 so truthful.


Jesu Christi, all RE3 Remake moaning bastards need to stfu and move on. Its a great game and I don't gaf about what they removed from the original, it is its own thing, cry more.


Yeah personally I finished RE3R in 20 minutes at the first play through with my feet on hard mode.

Stopped at your first sentence, be serious one minute.

Yeah exactly, all these cunts saying they finished RE3 Remake in 3-5 hours, were you running constantly without stopping?!?? I read everything and took my time and it took 9 hours including cutscenes.


R3make is a blast to actually play and I go through it regularly because of it.

It doesn't get enough love as far as game mechanics go either. The perfect dodge that slows down time was a lot of fun to use and worked a lot more consistently than the original.

It doesn't surprise me that the developer M-Two is made up of ex-Platinum Games staff.
It doesn't surprise me that the developer M-Two was removed as the RE4R dev team after the reception to RE3R.
Uhh capcom division 1 took over because M-Two wanted to do a 1:1 remake, while capcom wanted it to be inspired by; so in a way you can blame/thank division 1 for all the changes.


always chasing the next thrill
I dont get the hate for resi 3 that game was the perfect bite sized lenght


Tears in the rain
Uhh capcom division 1 took over because M-Two wanted to do a 1:1 remake, while capcom wanted it to be inspired by; so in a way you can blame/thank division 1 for all the changes.
Dusk Golem told us a year before the game was announced that M-Two were taken off the project a while back because of the backlash to RE3R but would help develop Separate Ways with new creative leads. A year before that State of Play where it was announced!
Dusk Golem told us a year before the game was announced that M-Two were taken off the project a while back because of the backlash to RE3R but would help develop Separate Ways with new creative leads. A year before that State of Play where it was announced!

It’s believed that the disagreements that led to M-Two’s reduced role involved the studio’s desire to stick faithfully to the design of the original Resident Evil 4, partly influenced by backlash to Resident Evil 3’s remake, which did not include significant portions of the original PlayStation game, much to fans’ disappointment.

Capcom’s production team is said to prefer a direction which would see RE4’s remake inspired by the original, but with its own unique take on features, story elements and environments not necessarily confined to the blueprint of the original.

Sources said the Resident Evil 4 Remake would now be partially rebooted under the new mandate, which could see its release delayed by as much as a year to 2023.


Tears in the rain
It’s believed that the disagreements that led to M-Two’s reduced role involved the studio’s desire to stick faithfully to the design of the original Resident Evil 4, partly influenced by backlash to Resident Evil 3’s remake, which did not include significant portions of the original PlayStation game, much to fans’ disappointment.

AKA their faithful approach would have been cutting out stuff out the wazoo.
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  • Surprised
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Since it's looking like RE5 is being teased as the next remake, it will be interesting to see what comes after that. A lot of people are wanting a Code Veronica remake but personally i'd be more interested in them going straight for Resident Evil 6. Give it to M-Two and let them go nuts with the game mechanics and making whatever changes they want. It's not like anything of value would be lost.


That's pathetic, wrong, and absurd. I've beaten the DLC yesterday and it is way shorter and has WAY less content than RE3...

My first playthrough of RE3R I completed the game in 5 hours. Separate Ways took me about 4. So they're really not that far off.


I dont get the hate for resi 3 that game was the perfect bite sized lenght
I personally don’t hate it despite my extreme criticism of it. In fact, I love it. Was one of my fastest platinums ever.

I just expected more. It’s like ordering your favorite pizza and when you opened the box a fourth was eaten by the delivery guy.


People blamming RE3:R, but not blamming RE2:R using 4 times the same story?

Also, never liked RE4:R (shit Leon Ver. Gameplay less arcade and nervous / aim shit) so I don't care Ada DLC using all the cut content of RE4. (woah new game!)
and people applause... tss..

For me RE3:R is the more enjoyable.


People blamming RE3:R, but not blamming RE2:R using 4 times the same story?

Also, never liked RE4:R (shit Leon Ver. Gameplay less arcade and nervous / aim shit) so I don't care Ada DLC using all the cut content of RE4. (woah new game!)
and people applause... tss..

For me RE3:R is the more enjoyable.

Correct. People applause when the get a more complete game. Imagine that.


Correct. People applause when the get a more complete game. Imagine that.

That's good to you if you enjoy the Ada DLC, not my case for the base game (also annoying Ada ver.)...
But let people claiming RE3:R is bad because "no longer".. that's stupid... especially when the DLC using tons of assets of the base game and not outsourced by external studio.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
That's good to you if you enjoy the Ada DLC, not my case for the base game (also annoying Ada ver.)...
But let people claiming RE3:R is bad because "no longer".. that's stupid... especially when the DLC using tons of assets of the base game and not outsourced by external studio.

Obviously that's not the *only* reason, fans of the franchise have been complaining about Re3make not only being short, but also cutting key locations from the original and not supplementing with anything new like RE2make did with the orphanage.


Obviously that's not the *only* reason, fans of the franchise have been complaining about Re3make not only being short, but also cutting key locations from the original and not supplementing with anything new like RE2make did with the orphanage.
Come on, the orphanage or Ada section is bad. It's just break the game at the middle. The Carlos segment in RE3:R is by far, better.
I would wish a bit longer game for RE3:R. It's the least annoying game to play, the dodging is a great addition and the gunfight part is more direct, less risky and less frustrating. (I dunno why Capcom doing shit with Headshot resistance in RE2 / RE4, likly, you gain no reward with a good aim shot)


That's good to you if you enjoy the Ada DLC, not my case for the base game (also annoying Ada ver.)...
But let people claiming RE3:R is bad because "no longer".. that's stupid... especially when the DLC using tons of assets of the base game and not outsourced by external studio.

RE3R is bad for many reasons. The game is far too short and lacking in content to justify it's $60 price tag.
  • It's far too short in length.
  • Extra modes are completely absent from the game. No Raid Mode, Mercenaries, or anything.
  • Nemesis is such a downgrade from Mr. X. Hell he's even a downgrade from OG Nemesis from 20 years ago. They completely failed at making him terrifying.
  • The game lacks in tension in scares.
  • It's badly paced. There's no build up to Nemesis. He just shows up within the first few minutes of the game.
  • So much of the areas and bosses from OG RE3 were absent. Part of the appeal of RE3 was Jill surviving against zombies during the initial outbreak and within the city itself. Yet the Remake somehow managed to make the city feel so tight and small. The layout is just bad.
I'll concede that the game looked and played really great, but it's just a poorly made, rushed out entry. It literally came out a year after RE2R.
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