Filthy Leonista!
Don't get me wrong, Leon section was also bad. (Incredibly linear, 2x2 hallways, weird movement/camera, blurry graphics, QTE's everywhere.). Just not as awful as Chris's.
Filthy Leonista!
PSN pre-order is 70 euros which is 15 more than I have to pay at the store. I'd rather buy the disc, if I'm tired of it... can always sell it.
Don't get me wrong, Leon section was also bad. (Incredibly linear, 2x2 hallways, weird movement/camera, blurry graphics, QTE's everywhere.). Just not as awful as Chris's.
PSN pre-order is 70 euros which is 15 more than I have to pay at the store. I'd rather buy the disc, if I'm tired of it... can always sell it.
Man... I just bought the lightgun games. I am weak.
I'm playing Umbrella Chronicles on my new Wii and it is fucking awesome.
I'm playing Umbrella Chronicles on my new Wii and it is fucking awesome.
Also weird that there's a QTE everytime a zombie grab you. Either the joystiq one or the press the button when the cursor pass over the desired area type of QTE.
I hope so.
I have a Move I never used after Sport Champions ping pong... so I guess I can take it out of the drawer and blow the dust off. Might be a fun distraction in the interim.
Is it a long game? The files I'm downloading are pretty big.
The lightgun games are surprisingly long. Could take 8 hours and after that you still have a ton to unlock. And they are awesome.
Is it a dumb question to ask how can a DD cost more than a retail disc? Am I missing something here.
Filthy Leonista!
"Equality for women and freedom of speech?"
Nice OP, good job.
I'm an avid Resident Evil fan. 1-3 are classics, 4 is different but good and 5 is completely forgettable. But the demo is just pure trash, I hated it. I'm going to wait and see what the RE fans say on this board. Here's hoping that the game is much improved and that they picked the absolute worst part in Chris' campaign because that was shocking. I can't believe how bad that was.
The guy playing the stream cleared the first chapter in 2 hours but he wasn't very good and kept dying.
No weapon upgrades. ;_; Damnit Capcom! *shakes fist angrily*
He's playing Mercenaries. Yep. This looks like crack.
Claire works for TerraSave, an organization specialized in helping/rescue victims from bio terrorism attacks.So uh, where the hell are Claire and Rebecca?
Are they dead?
Mercenaries has always been like that.
I know. Just glad to see nothing's changed in that regard.
Did you see if there are unlockable/alternate costumes for each mercenary?
I wonder... why is Resident Evil Gaiden (GBC) not mentioned under Leon's appearances in the OT?
No weapon upgrades. ;_; Damnit Capcom! *shakes fist angrily*
Okay stopped watching. Seemed like a good place to save for the actual playthrough.
Very pleased with everything I saw.
Well we still have to find the weapons, so thats cool.
Not canon. Particularly since he dies in it.
I wouldn't be so quick to judge it. We only have two lengthy demos, half the game available in desperate, publisher released video form and the negative impressions of others to go by. Wait until you play the final game to make a call on anything like this.NAG is 100% right about the AAA mentality.
Stream died! I still have mixed feelings about it :S
There was like two "defend this spot against waves of enemies" with Leon already >.>