419 Platinums. This man... has no life.
Ooh, he's doing Chris' campaign. I don't care if I spoil that.
I never understood how anyone could watch someone play a game you want to play. But more power to you. I just read it took the guy 8 hours to finish Leon, that is insane.
ok, what are skillpoints used for?!
but only 14.420 bronze!419 Platinums. This man... has no life.
Ooh, he's doing Chris' campaign. I don't care if I spoil that.![]()
To buy perks, of which there are a shitload. Some even make the game harder.
Ooh, he's doing Chris' campaign. I don't care if I spoil that.![]()
ok, what are skillpoints used for?!
To buy perks, of which there are a shitload. Some even make the game harder.
To buy perks, of which there are a shitload. Some even make the game harder.
Do any of them make the camera better, like Sonic and the Black Knight?
The perk I'm most interested in is the one that removes your aiming dot/laser and increases weapon damage. That should make for an interesting second playthrough.
A little variation in the sound enemies make when they die would be nice.
Different enemies do have different sounds. Some sound quite disturbing as well.
BTW for those still watching the stream, does Professional look very difficult? In RE5 one hit put you in the danger zone. What's it like here?
They all sound like Bruce Lee taking a shit in this section.
LOL, check out the shrieks these guys make at around 4:44.
Alright now that's pretty cool. I would probably start switching to digital downloads if I could get games day 1. However retail shops still have the better discounts, and you can't resell a digital copy of a game.
Great! Will get it from there. Too bad you can't pre-order it and get some "free" bonus maps like on the Euro PSN.
BTW for those still watching the stream, does Professional look very difficult? In RE5 one hit put you in the danger zone. What's it like here?
So can we discuss demo in here now?
I just played Leon and Chris' demos last night on co-op. Was a blast. I was fine with the controls. Bugged me how fast you move ALL the time (really have to slightly tilt the joystick to walk through environments and make sure you can see stuff).
My only real qualms were indeed the FOV everyone has been talking about. Character really takes up a lot of the screen. The RE4 vs. 6 image someone put up earlier pretty much hit the nail on the head on how to fix it.
Also, why does every set of characters have a totally different pause menu? Blech. They look cool but it wasn't intuitive when I was desperately trying to figure out why Piers kept shooting over his left shoulder.
And quick shot is godlike, wtf. Homes in on closest enemy, and sets up a melee? Whatev.
Anyone know how many unique melees were possible? There's the obvious default melee, a headshot melee, and I think I got one for a few shots to the leg. Surely there is more. I got tired of Leon flipping people over his shoulder or stabbing them in the chest. One time I drove a knife up through a guy's chin, wasn't sure how that happened.
Ya, it's like he's not even paying attention.I refuse to believe that the guy playing on the stream can have over 400 platinum trophies and yet be this terrible.
I refuse to believe that the guy playing on the stream can have over 400 platinum trophies and yet be this terrible.
I refuse to believe that the guy playing on the stream can have over 400 platinum trophies and yet be this terrible.
BTW for those still watching the stream, does Professional look very difficult? In RE5 one hit put you in the danger zone. What's it like here?
Ya, it's like he's not even paying attention.
Team Jill reporting in!!!Chris defeated Wesker... Wesker.
I'm Team Jill.![]()
I dont get that thing were you need to hold 'O' to open a door and control your partner.
Its kinda odd even buggy. On the Leon campaign my team mate got stuck running against a wall and i had to steer it towards the door.
On the Chris Campaign i got a bug in which i couldnt kill some enemies, i shooted 'em but there was no feedback whatsoever and they just stood there shooting.
Needless to say: I didnt like it one bit.
I refuse to believe that the guy playing on the stream can have over 400 platinum trophies and yet be this terrible.
You don't have to be great at video games for a lot of plats. You just need an absurd amount of patience.
Most importantly.And free time.
I had fun rolling around in the demo. Still think its funny that everything ends up with you in the prone position on your back.![]()
are people really complaining about an infinite ammo option potentially being available right out of the box? did we complain about RE3 having a difficulty that gave you an infinite ammo machine gun right out of the box back in the day?
maybe we did, but it's not a completely new thing for the series.
You don't have to be great at video games for a lot of plats. You just need an absurd amount of patience.
If you don't hold the roll/dodge button, they usually have an animation for immediately getting up instead of lying down and then getting up. I believe the exception is jumping backwards onto your back.
And are there anymore specific melees people have found that you can intentionally setup every time? Like I said all I really found was the headshot one. I came across the situational stuff, like stealing a guys axe and slashing him with it, or turning around and elbowing someone behind me. I just want to know all the sexy things I can do when there's one poor bastard making his way toward me. Perhaps I'll try a headshot and then run behind him.