It's funny you say that, because I've always felt the labyrinthine structure and puzzle solving was the weakest part of RE. It's in fact what made me stop playing the series until RE4.
It's boring, it can be incredibly frustrating, and it takes away from what attracted me to RE in the first place: Shooting zombies in the face.
To that end, RE4 was the perfect RE. An emphasis on action and atmosphere over mazes and puzzles.
It's funny you say that, because I've always felt the labyrinthine structure and puzzle solving was the weakest part of RE. It's in fact what made me stop playing the series until RE4.
It's boring, it can be incredibly frustrating, and it takes away from what attracted me to RE in the first place: Shooting zombies in the face.
To that end, RE4 was the perfect RE. An emphasis on action and atmosphere over mazes and puzzles.
What in the world are you talking about? RE4 while certainly having more "action" was still through and through Survival Horror.
It was still a large change in direction, just was more of an adventure game instead of the adrenaline action fest 5 was. 5 took a large leap towards pure action but the fact remains that 4 was still a large departure in it's execution and tone than all the predecessors. The game play changes and control scheme alone make it so.
Survivor-Horror continues to be a mostly meaningless term, being two separate themes conjoined in a useless fashion. If RE4 was so "survival", then why add a whole set of melee mechanics (featuring kung-fu kicks and wrestling moves) which diminishes the need of ammo? Why make ammo quite plentiful (drops from enemies) on top of this? Why remove the limit on saves and making it one less resource to worry about?
lol. This is the kind of shit this thread needs, eh?
What does this have to do with Michael Bay? This quality of being similar in tone with a blockbuster action movie (this alone is a huge generalization) is far too common (and far too beloved) to be put in Michael Bay's name alone. The reason behind the association is clear. You think Michael Bay is BAD! And you want to say Resident Evil 6 is BAD! So you picked the laziest way to do it, one that doesn't even put into consideration the fact one of these things is a videogame (at least Call of Duty implies a comment on level design). This is why people don't say Vanquish is Call of Duty or "Michael Bay", even though it is at least as much so as Resident Evil 6 (or 5 or 4 or 3 and so on).
Well, RE never really nailed it, IMO, but the balance was good enough that it kept the action from collapsing in on itself due to more emphasis when it just wasn't that good to begin with. I thought that the combination of the two is what made it mostly work. Doom isn't Doom without the keycards and more complex map layouts because, just based on action alone, it would fail to be good enough to sustain one's interest for very long. I feel the same way about RE which is why I can only really stand to play RE5 in co-op as that keeps things more challenging and dynamic. It could save RE6 for me, but the action and setups don't seem to be nearly as satisfying. I also never gave two fucks about the story or characters in RE, but they were better than a vacuum of nothingness in place of lost exploration and some modicum of critical thinking for recalling where to put what with its key & lock progression.
Funnily enough, I also hate the key cards in Doom.
This. As i said before, i really enjoyed revelations, as for the most part it merged the best of both worlds. I don't mind the action of the series, but i'd like to the removal of chapters and them bringing back typewriter saves, chests and large areas to explore and unlock.
It dawned on me as i typed that, that it's pretty much what Dead Space is these days. Give me what Dead Space is , set in an urban environment in the resident evil world. I'd be a happy chappy.
Ammo is by no means plentiful in RE4. Just in the village section alone if you don't manage your melee attacks to get guys down to get a easier headshot your screwed. Your inundated with people and the only thing you can do is run and try to separate the townsfolk so you have time to melee this one guy before the other jumps on you. Its a complete management of resources and the tension is extremely high because of it.
We need a ban on talking about how good the village scene is in RE4
We get it guys. It's good. It's probably better then any opening section in RE6.
But there's like
19 other hours worth of great game you can point to.
Water Hall?
I'm getting the impression that the level design is bad based on what I'm reading in this thread. That kinda kills it for me. Is it that bad? Is it that repetitive?
We need a ban on talking about how good the village scene is in RE4
We get it guys. It's good. It's probably better then any opening section in RE6.
But there's like
19 other hours worth of great game you can point to.
Those changes didn't fundamentally move it away from where it came from. It was the perfect balance of the roots the series came from and the more modern control scheme afforded by newer games and a brilliant camera system that was copied by everyone. The core of the series was still complete survival horror. It was still genuinely terrifying. The staples were all still there: Limited Ammo, Overpowered Enemies, Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere. To succeed in RE4 just like the previous games you had to use everything at your disposal to get the upper hand and sometimes you just had to run.
Ammo is by no means plentiful in RE4. Just in the village section alone if you don't manage your melee attacks to get guys down to get a easier headshot your screwed. Your inundated with people and the only thing you can do is run and try to separate the townsfolk so you have time to melee this one guy before the other jumps on you. Its a complete management of resources and the tension is extremely high because of it.
Survivor Horror isn't 'Meaningless' in any fashion. It very succinctly describes what the game is going for. Horror atmosphere + Low Survivability(Which can come from overpowered enemies, scant ammo...)
Mourning the upcoming release of RE6 by celebrating the series' glorious past?What the Hell is going on here?
The game isn't out, so we don't really know. Some people who have seen the stream say it's bad. Others who have seen the stream say it varies from good to bad. Until the game actually comes out though we won't know for sure.
If you're that worried about it just cancel your pre-order and wait for reviews. The only reason I have it pre-ordered is because 1) I played the everliving daylights out of RE5 and I feel like RE6 has the same DNA as that game, and 2) I ordered the Archives edition at $15 off on Newegg so I'm technically getting 4 games for $75.
The thread was destined to go to shit after seeing the reactions since the first media coverage. It completely blows my mind that RE fans STILL bitch about the change to action. RE has not been a proper survival horror for OVER TEN YEARS. Code Veronica was the last time and that came out in 99-2000 ffs. It's as if all the RE fans went into cryogenic stasis for a decade and RE4 and 5 do not exist. The direction changed long ago people and if you didn't like it, why are you still here? RE is no longer for you, move along.
My point is, I don't know why people get so immersed into game ratings, I recall people being insanely angry at Gamestop for giving Skyward Sword a 6.75 or whatever, like if the review smeared the quality of the actual game or something.
What in the world are you talking about? RE4 while certainly having more "action" was still through and through Survival Horror.
WAT. Was that the level in that Eastern European city or wherever? Where you were tailing some dude? Man that was an awesome level. I don't know why MGS4 gets so much hate on GAF, it's probably my favorite game of this generation.
I think people are forgetting some of the "tense" set pieces in RE5. The village at the beginning, while it hearkens back to the village in RE4, was plenty tense the first time the Executioner crashes through the wall of a building you were hiding out in. Or the first time you fight a chainsaw majini in what is basically an alley while other enemies pour in from all sides to bumrush you. Or the underground mines where one person had to control the light and the other person had to do the shooting. Or those damned Reapers that could one-shot you and were only vulnerable when they opened their chest as they were about to pounce on you.
RE5 might have been an action-heavy game but it was still able to maintain the tension in its fights.
Uhm... survival horror "through and through"? What? You had plenty of ammo (enemies dropped ammo for fucks sake), and even without ammo, knife + melee attacks were powerful enough to take care of most common enemies. The game turned you from a pray into a hunter. In previous games you very often had to dodge enemies and run away from them; here, the game encouraged you to kill them. By the end of the game you were literally a one man army.
And horror? Monsters + darkness doesn't turn the game into horror. Especially when the main character is cracking jokes left and right.
I believe that is a glitch.Was playing the Leon part of the demo again with laser sights and I noticed that when shooting his gun the laser turns off/disappears for a second and then comes back up. While playing with Piers his laser is always on while shooting.
Is there a particular reason for this, can't seem to recall that this was the same in RE4 and RE5. Just seemed a bit weird to me.
And despite not being straight up survival horror, it ended up being better than every other RE game.
I believe that is a glitch.
And despite not being straight up survival horror, it ended up being better than every other RE game.
Well not really. It's the recoil from the gun making Leon's hand 'waver'. You need to adjust your aim a bit, or wait until it goes back to the center again.
ORC > RE6? Believe
The other problem was the dead bodies lying around. You just fucking know they'd turn into zombies, but it's so frustrating to not being able to kill them when they're not moving.
I wish they'd re-release this. I only ever played the PS1 version
*Internet high five*
Playing it on Dolphin and it's still glorious. Even with the low res backgrounds.
I understand that the recoil makes his hand waver, but why does the laser disappear completely? It should jump up, but not vanish completely I think.
From what I've played the laser jumps more erratically than previous Resident Evil games.
The fact that it's hard to see the laser unless it's on an enemy doesn't help much too.
I understand that the recoil makes his hand waver, but why does the laser disappear completely? It should jump up, but not vanish completely I think.
Bit late, but I'll take this one if it hasn't been claimed yet
This game is going to be the John Cena of RE games.
Polarizing as fuck, booed by older vets of the RE series, cheered by the little kiddies (people new to the RE lineage), doesn't sell anything but RE merch.
I think I'll cancer my $48 pre-order at Newegg, and get the 360 version at Amazon instead. That Mercenaries map has got to be worth $2.
It is probably because the game wasn't designed with the laser sight in mind. To make the laser sight they just drew a line between the gun an the laser dot. And the animations on the guns recoiling and cycling probably don't match what the laser dot does. So rather than have the laser jump oddly between shots, they just turn it off.