Im with the guy who said that this is one of the best 3rd person shooting mechanics yet. The dynamism is pretty spectacular - makes my head spin thinking of the amount of options available for me to dispose of enemies. 1 on 1 or groups, with a weapon or without.
I wouldn't expect Leon's campaign to gain ay trajectory (plot wise) until once they get out of Tall Oaks tbh.
This is precisely why I am playing chronologically instead of campaign-by-campaign
I wouldn't expect Leon's campaign to gain ay trajectory (plot wise) until once they get out of Tall Oaks tbh.
This is precisely why I am playing chronologically instead of campaign-by-campaign
While mercs is still pretty fun.....they have truly stuffed it up. It's no where near as addictive or chaotic! : (
Fair enough, I'm up to the last chapter now and pretty much nothing has happened. Like I said, early days!
Yeah, I think the bigger, more open environments were kind of a bad idea from what I've seen so far. In the other games, you could only be in one place so long. And there wasn't a lot of places you could run or hide. Now you probably could run a mile to the other side of the map and wait for stuff to come while you snipe.
And nothing happened in Leon's campaign? =l What were all those hours of cutscenes for?
Leon’s campaign story in one sentence:
Helena wants to find her sister, when you both do Helena tells you that Simmons is behind the Outbreak and you must kill him.
That’s literally it when it comes to the cut-scenes! Half the campaign is. Oh and Ada makes a few useless appearances.just finding Deborah
You could sum up the plot of every game in the series in a single sentence if you do it like that...
I'm liking what I've played a lot more than RE5. RE6, for all its problems, feels like something new. RE5 was just a poor mans RE4 with co-op bolted on.
Pics for proof hurry!Selfish brag: Number one on the leaderboards for Urban Chaos solo whooo!
Probably won't last long though.
I vowed to stay out of this thread until I got my copy, but I am SO HAPPY I HIGHLIGHTED THIS. SO HAPPY. SO. HAPPY.I just googled it (I couldn't resist).
bare chested Chris again! yay!
posted? GT review 8.8. I haven't watched it myself cause who knows how much spoilers are there
posted? GT review 8.8. I haven't watched it myself cause who knows how much spoilers are there
Same. That was fast.I'm not seeing the review here, just a 404 error. I think they took the video down.
Embargo busted.
Quick, someone accuse Capcom of bribing GT for that score.
Not a bad score for GT. I'm sure we'll see more this weekend before the embargo is up on monday. I heard some rumblings on twitter that one of the popular sites in particular (or maybe more sites?) has a really scathing review ready.
Is there a stat booster in the full game that stops the aiming dot from dancing around? It's not recoil.
Is there a stat booster in the full game that stops the aiming dot from dancing around? It's not recoil.
I like how the video date was Oct 1, lol.
here is the score if anyone cares, pic by Seda
Just played the demo and gonna have to wait for the reviews. Still feels too much like RE5 over the top action with QTE. Also, why the hell is it so dark?? Half the time I didnt see the zombies until they were all up in my face.
Gamespot. Speaking of which, I wonder why Gamespot is the only site not talking about the leak in Australia.
If the game is designed so well (9.0) why is the gameplay only an 8.2?
Because gameplay and design are two different things?
If the game is designed so well (9.0) why is the gameplay only an 8.2?
Because gameplay and design are two different things?
RE6 leon campaign is the closest to RE since CV/RE0. If the whole game was based on leon's campaign then it would have been the best CV.
Can someone post up the recommended camera control settings? I tried looking through the thread with no luck.
Because gameplay and design are two different things?