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Rumor / Leaker - Far Cry 7 Announcement in Next 72 Hours


Gold Member
I've enjoyed all the Far Cry games since part 2. Part 5, for me, was easily the best of the bunch with its super-refined gameplay and incredible soundtrack. 6 was also a good deal of fun, but the ammo types shouldn't be replicated for 7.

Interested in seeing what game world they've got this time, and if it's using that incredible engine that powers Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

Who actually plays these??

A lot of people. There are 6 games (not counting Instincts or Predator) currently in the series...with a 7th on the way. That doesn't happen by accident.
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Gold Member
They really need to show up on this one, I haven't loved a Far Cry game since FC3. I hope the clean break from last gen helps them to really stretch their legs.

If this and AC Red fail to impress I'm pretty much done with Ubi.
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Seems that the info of the tweet was copy pasted from this September 2023 rumor/leak:

The 72 hours thing didn't mean the game was that the game was going to be revealed in 72 hours. Means you'd have 72 hours to rescue your kidnapped family members.

Do people give a fuck about Far Cry anymore? Last few have been uninspired junk.

When released, Far Cry 5 was mentioned to be the fastest selling entry in the series, and in 2019 they stated that the franchise had sold over 50M units.

Ubisoft mentioned that the fiscal report of the 2021-2022 year (where Far Cry 6 was released) that it had been the top grossing year ever for the franchise, which was one of the 3 IPs that generated over $300M each that year.

So yes, millions of people keep giving a fuck about Far Cry.
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Yay. Can't wait to climb more towers to sync across the map and see a good villain for only 30 minutes in total.
So right.

But i really hope we get a different experaince but i fear im living in fantasy land.

Ubisoft used to be a Rockstar level dev.... the games were innovate and great, for the last 10 years they have been quantity over quality.

Let's hope FC7 isnt a rinse and repeat job.


Gold Member
So yes, millions of people keep giving a fuck about Far Cry.

Don't tell that to the brain trusts here on GAF; their witless critiques are far lazier than the game they spend so much energy ranting about, and yet...on they march. Just like the Far Cry series.

Except, one actually makes money and bring escapist entertainment to the masses.


Far Cry 2 was great on paper but a chore to actually play, when I got to the 2nd map I was like nope and quit since it was just frustrating to have checkpoints respawn so often like that and even though treasure chest hunting in 3D open world games was still really new (AC2 wasn't even out yet) and fun to me I couldn't abide the method for finding the diamonds, it became such a chore quickly.

Far Cry 3 came out and I was super hooked, hunting the specific animals for upgrades was a tad rote at times (and final island was where I quit again due to burnout) but fighting underwater animals was quite a new thing at times so it was so fun to live in that world. Hunting chests in caves was also super fun as each cave had a different design to it and felt like proper treasure hunting. Plus the hallucinogen missions were quite fun among other aspects.

Then Far Cry 4 improved the gameplay of 3 again a bit, made the main missions a bit more exciting (not much, the 2 "different" main characters you could follow were boring af and identical really), the main additions being the mini-copter and riding animals, which added some variety to the base-busting that was quite repetitive in 3. The treasure hunting was mostly pants in 4 though, all the caves were almost completely identical boxes. The drug missions were even better iirc and the special caves were well done, diving into cenotes and such. Also the landscape itself was more fun to traverse than 3 because you had the wingsuit from the start and so could go up the sides of the valley and then wingsuit back to the villages to finish quests or straight into a base or the like. I also found Pagin Min a more interesting character than Vaas (even if the actor played Vaas better) and the final battle was relatively fun.

Far Cry 5 is by far the best of them all imo, the melee from bats, shovels and such was mega fun, the treasures/bunker/stash puzzles were just the right length and difficulty making them really fun. The main characters were silly and fun. The music was immensely good, one of the best modern soundtracks I've heard. They finally added proper flying in helicopters and planes. The stealth combined all the stuff built up in 2-4 with some more changes. The skill tree was fun to fill out (finding booklets in the world to get skill points is excellent because then you progress the same even if you just ignore the missions entirely, well you can't ignore the main ones if you make territory progress anyway...) and the drugs/injections system was a great alternative if you didn't want to find the skill point booklets/do the stashes.

The map was always nicely varied with different little touches for each area (the drugged rivers in one was funny) and it was actually fun to fully explore them due to stashes and side mission collectibles (lighters and... playing cards maybe? I can't remember). I also liked doing up the towns and getting easy access to vehicles and guns, again an evolution from 3/4. Oh also the dare devil side missions were very funny and fun. The companions were also excellent fun to recruit and travel with, their AI was pants at times but it didn't matter when you had upgrades since they would respawn (or even heal themselves) quite quickly, that made playing totally solo more fun for me. I never played it coop but I'm sure thats even more fun since you could do some aerial + ground attacks and cause massive mayhem.

The only issue was the base busting was getting really rote at this point and they didn't really mix it up enough to keep it exciting for the whole game (or even for one territory, of which their were 3 or 4), adding annoying armored bullet sponge enemies to stop you taking over the base in 10 seconds unless you abused specific weapons/mechanics.

All the above (and more I'm forgetting no doubt) added up to making FC5 the best one by far for me... and then FC5: New Dawn came out and it was total trash with the bullet sponge bullshit, I turned it off after 60 mins of playing and never went back.

Far Cry 6 was more back towards the style of 5, but the combo of the map being far too huge, the online MGSV ripoff (but not as good) "send your guys out on a mission for XP/resources" element was bad and a chore and the New Dawn bullet bullshit was even more annoying than in that game somehow.

Far Cry 7 needs to be an actual evolution of 5 and get back to the open world treasure puzzles combined with good narrative content. I have doubts they will go back to a smaller map though, they want these games to take 100s of hours to complete and I just can't be bothered with that after nearly 20 years of these type of games, I enjoy living in a world and scouring the whole map, when the map is so giant and repetitive I just get burned out and the rote narrative elements aren't something than can keep me interesting enough to continue playing. Those are things I put up with because the open world exploration is so fun.


Gold Member
Don't tell that to the brain trusts here on GAF; their witless critiques are far lazier than the game they spend so much energy ranting about, and yet...on they march. Just like the Far Cry series.

Except, one actually makes money and bring escapist entertainment to the masses.
The series is shit just like your opinion, k thx!

Its not a witless critique to ask if people still give a fuck about the series when the last few were not that great. Lots of terrible games sell many copies due to clueless gamers or parents that purchase them without reading reviews. So when Far Cry 7 is announced, you and the last guy that responded to me can be the two people on GAF that buy it
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I've only played Far Cry 6, but it's so super competent in a lot of areas that it's easy to see how 7 could be great if they fix a few things.
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Gold Member
does anyone actually get hyped for farcry games anymore?
Well, yes, obviously people seem to enjoy it and it sells well(?). The concept and game loop is fine. Raiding camps is fun imo.

But there's so much jank, and sometimes shoddy craftsmanship, it's kinda outdated. The AI and spawn algorithm id crazy, it must be updated if I'm to touch this series again.

Hmm, I'd like to see a remake with the best parts.
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I didn't buy Far Cry 6, so i'm not that interested to be honest especially after Ubisoft has told us we won't own our games in the future, i did really enjoy FC 5 though, i played a lot of that game. the open world of 5 was really good.
Seems that the info of the tweet was copy pasted from this September 2023 rumor/leak:

The 72 hours thing didn't mean the game was that the game was going to be revealed in 72 hours. Means you'd have 72 hours to rescue your kidnapped family members.
Barely anyone is reading the OP 🤷‍♂️

Most of them are using this thread to air their grievances about the entire franchise instead.
The OP said -and still has not edited the thread title- that the game was going to be announced in the next 27 hours. Later edited the post, but not the title.
True, just want to add though that OP allegedly had a different title:
Title should have been 72 hours lol, not sure how it became 27 hours.
His other edit in the OP was mere minutes after he posted the thread. I swear I also remember reading 72 in the title, but whether or not a mod edited it to be funny, you're ultimately right yurinka yurinka by the time the thread was posted it was too late.

I'm just pleased that you are one of the few posters who read further into things. I guess to be fair to OP the leaker's imagery was unclear on first glance.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
True, just want to add though that OP allegedly had a different title:

His other edit in the OP was mere minutes after he posted the thread. I swear I also remember reading 72 in the title, but whether or not a mod edited it to be funny, you're ultimately right yurinka yurinka by the time the thread was posted it was too late.

I'm just pleased that you are one of the few posters who read further into things. I guess to be fair to OP the leaker's imagery was unclear on first glance.

Correct, I could swear the title was 72 hours, not sure how it turned into 27 but I'll request it to be edited again.


I need to see a seriosly revamped gunplay or i'm not gonna even bother doing a ubi connect month subcription to try this one.

When a fucking AA like darktide has 10x times better gunplay than your billionaire saga you know something is WRONG.


I quite enjoyed FarCry 6 - it’s the only one in the series that I completed. Am I hyped to see 7? Nope, but I’m mildly interested. Personally, I’d like to see the next one be purely balls to the wall action - I can’t be doing with first person stealth, unless it’s done really well, like Deus Ex etc.,


Gold Member
Monty Python Movie GIF

Middle Ages era or no buy.

Hey Blinkin

I'm always down for some Far Cry.

I started the series with 3. I didn't care for new dawn and 6 is probably my least favorite of the main line series, though I didn't hate it.

I'd love another Primal spin off.


I'm always down for some Far Cry.

I started the series with 3. I didn't care for new dawn and 6 is probably my least favorite of the main line series, though I didn't hate it.

I'd love another Primal spin off.
Primal is low key my favourite far cry game but it's the opposite for a lot of people.

Neon Xenon

My current interest (about my only interest) in a Far Cry 7 are the rumors regarding things like a time limit for the campaign. I don't think I've seen another series on sale so many times (and on  deep discounts, too) where I've dodged every sale.

Another famous actor appearing inside the game for a whopping 5 min as new main baddie.
I haven't played through all of Far Cry 6 as I stopped after a few hours (I got it for free, at least), so I've got questions related to this: How much is Giancarlo Esposito used for the game? And does it feel like he doesn't have enough of a presence?


My current interest (about my only interest) in a Far Cry 7 are the rumors regarding things like a time limit for the campaign. I don't think I've seen another series on sale so many times (and on  deep discounts, too) where I've dodged every sale.

I haven't played through all of Far Cry 6 as I stopped after a few hours (I got it for free, at least), so I've got questions related to this: How much is Giancarlo Esposito used for the game? And does it feel like he doesn't have enough of a presence?
It's barely in there in a couple of cutscenes and sure he is a good actor so he has natural charisma but the script was meh.
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