or Trinity for 3D chipletsTrinity?
Playstation, Xbox, and Switch games available on the same system?
or Trinity for 3D chipletsTrinity?
Playstation, Xbox, and Switch games available on the same system?
8K performance mode will be 30fps instead of 15-20 in resolution mode lol8k performance mode?? Bullshit on this one.
Yea they lost me with this one.
ps5 slim is coming this year.I do not like this new trend.
It should have been ps5 slim with better thermals and huge price reduction ( 199 or 250 max )so more people can enjoy.
And yet despite the massive gap in memory bandwidth, nearly every game was 900p on x1 and 1080p on the ps4. the perfect 40% resolution to tflops ratio. I wonder why.PS4 vs XBO also had a ram difference between the consoles. Just like the One X had more ram than the PS4 Pro.
TF did not tell the whole story.
Im no tech whiz. But typically when new hardware comes out, you got spanking new: cpu, gpu, ram amount/type/bandwidth, SSD, IO, RDNA X, Teraflop X and probably some other shit I forgot.no one is saying that the ps5 pro shouldnt have a big memory bandwidth increase. hell, i think the 570 GBps is clearly not enough if they are planning on running games like HFW at native 4k 60 fps. but IO, SSD and Ram bandwidth will not render graphics for you. I kept telling you guys in the leadup to this gen and you're still hung up on this shit despite what seems like a gazillion games running sub 1080p this year alone. Dead Space, Star Wars, forspoken, ff16. if tflops werent the whole story then the ps5 io wouldve run these at way higher resolutions. efficiency can only take you so far.
Since this is a midgen upgrade similar to what pc gamers do when upgrading their GPUs, the GPU and the memory bandwidth is the main upgrades. CPU has not been a bottleneck on PCs for almost a decade now apart from edge cases like gotham knights and star wars, but these consoles might need a bigger cache instead of more cores, threads and faster clocks if they want to run decently optimized native 4k 30 fps games like horizon forbidden west, demon souls, and spiderman miles at 4k 60 fps.Im no tech whiz. But typically when new hardware comes out, you got spanking new: cpu, gpu, ram amount/type/bandwidth, SSD, IO, RDNA X, Teraflop X and probably some other shit I forgot.
In order to get a high quality stable mabel 4k/60, what's the pecking order given that a console has a budget to hit unlike PC where gamers can do whatever they want with the latest parts?
There's 1 8k game that I know about:base PS5 got 8k logo on the box and no 8k games, just sayin'
Well you're going to be disappointed because that game is very single core heavy.I for one am very deep into Hell Let Loose on my PS5 and a certain maps that game really chugs hard I will drop $1000 on pro consoles for that game alone if it helps frames
Wtf. The boost is too small and upscaling is to be damned. Anything with upscaling on consoles this gen is looking like crap. It was created only to be used to go like 1440p to 4k. Not 720p.It should be a 700+ Console
The base is still kicking strong, offering a 1-1.5X boost and then relying on some okay implementation of upscaling is decent
Like give me a 20Tflop console with a custom upscaling technique built into the hardware
There's 1 8k game that I know about:
But why?
Why make a PS5 Pro when we're only just recently getting going with the generation
It was only this past year that PS5 consoles became readily available and have ditched PS4 support. Why not wait three more years or so before putting out the pro model?
People forget that engineers like to have meaningful/interesting work - more so than $$.It's not that big of an investment. It keeps the hardware team constantly engaged, otherwise they wouldn't be doing much at all. It also provides for research into future products even if they don't get implemented into the PS5 Pro. It staves off platform migration. It provides a relatively low cost, high performance solution earlier for their most enthusiastic fans.
3-4 years is enough to give a meaningful update. Closer to 4K native, better Ray Tracing, better AA methodologies, higher framerates - similar enhancements the PS4 Pro offerred. And many people really enjoyed having the PS4 Pro, I am one of them. I am very glad I was able to experience games starting with Horizon running at much better fidelity even if it wasn't a generational leap.
Some goodlooking games already run at that on base ps5, to not look far demons souls1440p/60fps thats all i need on console and thats the minimum i want!
It might just be the beginning of the end for their console division if they don’t do an X Pro this gen if Sony does. They would completely cede all ground to the hardcore console playerbase and likely won’t have a chance getting them back next gen. I don’t think they’ll be able to compete in the power race after that.Read that shit again about MS saying XSX is their mid gen refresh, S is the standard one. Hell no it isn't. This truly could be their first real big mistake if they truly see it like this. They need to be serious about this, because I think we've all seen cloud isn't taking off anytime soon, go all in with consoles please.
Not gonna be pretty when many games manage to be 60fps on a PS5 Pro and the XSX struggling or not even going past 30fps.
I might really end up getting multiplatform titles starting late next year until next gen on a PS system and I never thought I'd say that.
Thats my strategy too, was no point to get base ps5 when we got official specs reveal, already back then any techsavy person was sure pr0 model will happen, and those few years is good for sony to build up solid amount of quality exclusives, no downsides at allI'll pick up ps5 pro when I skip ps6, and just wait for ps6 pro.
If this is the strategy from now on, no point in getting the base model.
I can't help but feel that you are completely getting this whole TF argument wrong.no one is saying that the ps5 pro shouldnt have a big memory bandwidth increase. hell, i think the 570 GBps is clearly not enough if they are planning on running games like HFW at native 4k 60 fps. but IO, SSD and Ram bandwidth will not render graphics for you. I kept telling you guys in the leadup to this gen and you're still hung up on this shit despite what seems like a gazillion games running sub 1080p this year alone. Dead Space, Star Wars, forspoken, ff16. if tflops werent the whole story then the ps5 io wouldve run these at way higher resolutions. efficiency can only take you so far.
I don't look at this any different to a more powerful GPU. These consoles just aren't powerful enough and it's one of the consequences of trying to keep hardware cheap. High end GPUs have gone from $600 to $1200 in the time we went from the PS3 to PS5 yet the PS5 is cheaper. How do you think this works? The reality is consoles have gone from have equivalent to high end PCs at the time (xbox 360) to mid range PCs now. The console industry isn't magical. If the PS7 is still cheaper than the PS3 it will be equivalent to low end PC hardware at release. The mid gen refresh corrects this by given the console that would have launched if they could have charged more. It's quite rational.
It makes complete sense because these consoles use PC components. The Xbox 360 launched with a GPU that was better than anything AMD had on PCs at the time. It wasn't until 2006 until they released a more powerful GPU. That would be the equivalent of the PS5 launching with a 7900 (25 to 30tf) GPU but of course it would be $1000. I live in the UK and the Xbox 360 would be around £700 today. I am sorry but it's not more complicated than that. Pay less, get less.High-end GPU have gone from $600 to $1200 because NVIDIA is greedy, has a monopoly and can do whatever they want....
It doesn't work like that in the console market
The PC-console comparison makes no sense
It makes complete sense because these consoles use PC components. The Xbox 360 launched with a GPU that was better than anything AMD had on PCs at the time. It wasn't until 2006 until they released a more powerful GPU. That would be the equivalent of the PS5 launching with a 7900 (25 to 30tf) GPU but of course it would be $1000. I live in the UK and the Xbox 360 would be around £700 today. I am sorry but it's not more complicated than that. Pay less, get less.
Nope.. that makes no sense. PC GPUs don't cost $1200 because the components that go into making them cost $1100 and the vendors are making a $100 profit.I don't look at this any different to a more powerful GPU. These consoles just aren't powerful enough and it's one of the consequences of trying to keep hardware cheap. High end GPUs have gone from $600 to $1200 in the time we went from the PS3 to PS5 yet the PS5 is cheaper. How do you think this works? The reality is consoles have gone from have equivalent to high end PCs at the time (xbox 360) to mid range PCs now. The console industry isn't magical. If the PS7 is still cheaper than the PS3 it will be equivalent to low end PC hardware at release. The mid gen refresh corrects this by given the console that would have launched if they could have charged more. It's quite rational.
I do work in the manufacturing industry selling electronic components for servers. I know it's not the same as console manufacturing but I can tell you that costs have gone up massively in the last 5 years alone especially since Covid. Not being able to get anything out of Northern Italy where all the big ABB factories are in Europe was difficult. Of course there is greed but costs are much higher now and this will filter through. Phones, laptops, everything is more expensive. All the components come from the same place, from just a handful of factories and they all compete for the same stuff. Sony directly bids against Samsung etc.Nope.. that makes no sense. PC GPUs don't cost $1200 because the components that go into making them cost $1100 and the vendors are making a $100 profit.
They cost what they cost because it cost like $500 to make them and Nvidia or the vendors realize they can get away with marking it up by over 100%+.
Just doing a cursory analysis on component pricing you can deduce for yourself how much these things really cost to make. But if that's too much trouble, let's just look at say the 7900XT. 84CUs (48 more than a PS5), 20GB of RAM, a 530mm2 chip on a 5nm process... a 50TF GPU. For $900. That $900 includes BOM, OEM markup and retail markup. The OEM markup for these things can be as much as 30-40% over the BOM. Then you add another 10-15% retail profit...etc. And you quickly see that stuff you see in Retail that cost $900 actually costs like half as much to make.
This is not just a GPU thing, it's pretty much industry-wide. I mean.. even the current-gen consoles' PC GPU equivalent launched at $480. And that was just a GPU. That ought to tell you everything you need to know about GPU prices. Best advice, stop looking at Nvidia prices and try instead to look at component pricing.
There's 1 8k game that I know about:
Imagine their pain in showing the differences between a 4 TFLOPs Series S running out of RAM and a >20 TFLOPs (40 TFLOPs dual-issued) PS5 Pro, in the same video.
To be fair, not all of them were part of the "iT's jUsT a lOwEr tArGeT rEsOluTiOn" crowd that has been proven wrong over and over.
Rasterization should be on the level of a 6800XT assuming 2.8-3GHz core clocks.
RT performance ia harder to predict if it has new hardware.
FSR3 is compute based. Thee's no specific hardware acceleration for it AFAIK.
Nothing. The PS5 Pro isn't going to have less RAM. If anything it's the PS5 Pro that is hindered by the PS5 target.
Ian is talking about the technical hardware journalists community (of which there are like 4 or 5 left) and in that regard he's completely right.
I guarantee you he's not talking about NeoGAF.
Did not realize keytogaming.com was Tom Henderson's website:
The margin is around 60% not over 100%, the prices went up because production costs did and they wouldn't decrease their margin. Go look at how much the price of wafers keep going up each node now and tsmc has increased their prices like over 20% the last few years ontop. The guys saying costs have gone up are not saying your going to get price increases to the degree pc components did but they will go up, AMD are not going to subsidize the console makers by not passing on foundry costs.Nope.. that makes no sense. PC GPUs don't cost $1200 because the components that go into making them cost $1100 and the vendors are making a $100 profit.
They cost what they cost because it cost like $500 to make them and Nvidia or the vendors realize they can get away with marking it up by over 100%+.
Just doing a cursory analysis on component pricing you can deduce for yourself how much these things really cost to make. But if that's too much trouble, let's just look at say the 7900XT. 84CUs (48 more than a PS5), 20GB of RAM, a 530mm2 chip on a 5nm process... a 50TF GPU. For $900. That $900 includes BOM, OEM markup and retail markup. The OEM markup for these things can be as much as 30-40% over the BOM. Then you add another 10-15% retail profit...etc. And you quickly see that stuff you see in Retail that cost $900 actually costs like half as much to make.
This is not just a GPU thing, it's pretty much industry-wide. I mean.. even the current-gen consoles' PC GPU equivalent launched at $480. And that was just a GPU. That ought to tell you everything you need to know about GPU prices. Best advice, stop looking at Nvidia prices and try instead to look at component pricing.
Yeah, thats not what I am saying at all. The reason why I brought up those games running at 1080p is to prove that computing power is whats needed to render these graphics, not the IO or the ssd or any of the ancillary systems. The reason why the same games run at higher resolutions on PC is because on PC we have GPUs with .... you guessed it .... MORE computer power or tflops.I can't help but feel that you are completely getting this whole TF argument wrong.
And your examples of games running at 1080p whatever.... honestly makes no sense. If you gave devs an 80TF machine.... they could still ma a 1080p game for it if thats what they wanted to do. I don't know why anyone or who thinks that TFs is some sort of direct correlation to expected performance. I will say this to anyone that says xxTF would only get you yy Rez, ad to anyone that says you need xx TF t get yy rez.
Before his gen even started...I literally said, it doesn't matter how much power you give devs in consoles, they would somehow end up making 1080p games. What I dont get though, is when people talk about stuff like the games that are running at 1080p... and using that to point out how these machines ar not `powerful` enough... have they ever stopped to ask, if those games in question are even the best looking games on the console?
In what ways has it been a let down? Vast majority of games have a 60fps mode that usually stays pretty consistent. That is a huge improvement over previous gens. We haven't seen that since what the Genesis/SNES days?This gen has been such a letdown that I think I don’t care about a Pro upgrade since all we’ll be getting are average looking games.
He mentions average looking games. Dont think he cares about 60 fps modes.In what ways has it been a let down? Vast majority of games have a 60fps mode that usually stays pretty consistent. That is a huge improvement over previous gens. We haven't seen that since what the Genesis/SNES days?
Did not realize keytogaming.com was Tom Henderson's website:
I remember at one point even Tom seemed to doubt the PS5 Pro was coming saying something along the line he was hearing more about the PS6 than a PS5 ProInteresting how Tom is throwing shade on peopled who were "leaking" that the PS5 Pro had been cancelled and that there were multiple designs and such.
There's only one leaker who said all this and it was RedGamingTech.
I remember at one point even Tom seemed to doubt the PS5 Pro was coming saying something along the line he was hearing more about the PS6 than a PS5 Pro
There seemed to be some confusion in naming at one point as some people thought they (Sony) would stop with the pro moniker and just call it the next generation and with how much is cross gen anyhow whats the difference in what its actually called
I think RGTs problem is he puts on video everything he hears without any sort of verification and imo Tom cares more about what he puts out thereI do remember that, at the time he said he hadn't heard anything about a Pro... but in the latest article he was quite specific about the PS5 Pro aka Project Trinity being the only mid-gen refresh in development by Sony, and that there was no cancellations in design and such.
This directly contradicts RGT's information, who was for months saying the Pro had been canned. Then saying he wasn't sure and simply doesn't know.
My opinion is RGT doesn't know jack, and his sources are dubious and inaccurate.
Blame AMD. Their 7000 series line of cards this thing is likely based on is complete trash from both a performance and thermal perspective. Its no Polaris which had a massive die shrink due to its 16nm design along with a 25% IPC gain. There are no IPC gains here and thermals for their 26 tflops card on 5nm are roughly on par with their 7nm 23 tflops card. It's a complete turd especially if you are Cerny and hoping for a massive power reduction for your console. At current specs, 60 CUs at 2.23 GHz, you are looking at the GPU alone taking 175 watts which is insane considering the other 10 tflops RDNA 2.0 cards like the 6600xt and 6700 non xt top out at 135 watts.Honestly, the specs are very disappointing and as conservative as can be for a pro console. Its looking like almost a 1.5~x increase in compute and possibly bigger improvement which is just baffling...even the ps4 pro which was rather conservative itself and did the easy butterfly design managed a 2x+ boost in compute while the one x was a truly impressive console for a mid gen boost. This console almost comes across as a Nintendo style boost like the switch+ strategy which makes you wonder what is even the point...
If they are going for a premium console why not actually make a capable piece of hardware that can appeal to the segment you are trying to target? Price it at 600$ if need be and the people who want the enthusiast product will buy it, but making a middling upgrade and still ending up charging 500$ just comes across as greedy and disappointing.
So you're extending your generation by additional 3 years? Is that really worth $500?I'll pick up ps5 pro when I skip ps6, and just wait for ps6 pro.
If this is the strategy from now on, no point in getting the base model.