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Rumor: Resident Evil 1 Remake coming in 2026


I would love to see 1 remade using the new engine, as good as the original remaster is it’s basically a GameCube game upscaled. I loved what they did with the 2nd remake it felt totally new but also very familiar.

I have always wondered why capcom are reluctant to touch code Veronica. Part of me thinks the dangerhairs would get triggered from that one character that cross dresses Norman Bates style.


Gold Member
They REALLY don't wanna touch Code Veronica when it needs it. lmao.
Most things in the game happen because of a creep who wants to bang the main character so badly amidst a zombie apocalypse, going as far as going in for a nonconsensual kiss while she’s asleep. Then there’s a cross-dressing schizo as the main villain. I guess nobody at Capcom wants to touch that, not even to rewrite it from scratch.
For the people against this remake consider this: New RE fans have started at RE 2 Remake. They have just learned about the fall of Raccoon city and Umbrella, and have been put on a roller coaster of secret bioweapons, hidden truths, and zombies.

RE 3 Remake introduces the chaos of the city and Jill along with more secrets and other bioweapons. RE 4 Remake brings them back to the guy they’re familiar with who was there when the journey started. And they get to see Ada again. It’s a big time skip.

Some mastermind is introduced at the end of 4 that they don’t know of. In a TV series or movie franchise, this would be a pivotal moment to give us insight into that bad guy.

Which option would you choose?

A) Remake the Wesker saga to continue this wild ride for them (1, CV, 5) and thus the franchise maintains gameplay synergy throughout all entries with possible story and level design improvements. They get to experience the story in a special order that suits the current narrative development.

B) Hope that they purchase two 20+ year old games with tank controls and one 15 year old third person shooter with awkward controls.

You cannot choose ‘don’t do anything’.

People will disagree but this is essentially why I’m on board with this potential plan to remake 1. Capcom has to commit to the Wesker remake trilogy though, so CV has to happen.
I get what youre saying and Im a fan of both original and remakes, but fuck this attitude of catering to Newer Audiences. Are they too inept to appreciate what millions of people cherish as great games for their time? Even I make an effort to play older games of a franchise if Im not familiar with them, and try to appreciate their place in the series' history. Adapting things for these so called new gamers is a trash strategy and is disrespectful to the gaming generation. Sure, tank controls unplayable, cheesy voice acting, shit graphics. Those are part and parcel of classic games. Sometimes those aethetics are preferable over modern anti- aesthetics. Bastardizing the lore and molding the premise to fit a modern narrative, whether it is objectively improved, is akin to how crystal dynamics thinks they need to modify tomb raider history for the sake of political correctness. Im aware its not a direct comparison, but lets not kowtow to modernity. Once again, I will look forward to this game because its a rarity that remakes are handled well.


Big question though is why? Cant really justify paying £70 for a 4 hour game, dont care how good it is
Why would it be a 4 hour game? A typical playthrough for RE1 (without using a guide or remembering where to go and what to do) should be 10+ hours.

Plus I think Capcom learned their lesson after the shortened RE3R got plenty of backlash.


« generous god »
I get what youre saying and Im a fan of both original and remakes, but fuck this attitude of catering to Newer Audiences. Are they too inept to appreciate what millions of people cherish as great games for their time? Even I make an effort to play older games of a franchise if Im not familiar with them, and try to appreciate their place in the series' history.
Specially when the game in question is not so dated that it makes playing it a bore or requires a guide to complete, in my view.

Parasite Eve 1, for example. You can go back to that, and play it like any other game made today.
It's not dated at all (I have no nostalgia towards that game, by the way). Maybe visually to some people. And it's obviously not a new game with polished dialogue and plot.

But that's part of playing and appreciating things before your time. And in PE 1's case, you can play it no hassle or problem. I played it 2 years ago, and never had to google or guide anything.

(Arguably) Not the case with something like Chrono Cross, for example.
While the game looks, plays and sounds delicious, the game is WAY too obtuse for a newer audience.
And will only please people that either don't mind using a guide for everything, or played it at the time.

So a remake or remaster that "caters" to a newer audience, would be appropriate.

Just like I believe older gamers should make an effort to play and appreciate new games, and not just go "Back in my day bla bla bla", I believe newer gamers should make an effort to play and appreciate older games for what they are.

If they CAN do that, obviously. Playing Chrono Cross is way too much of a chore, for me.

Anyway, make new games, people.


Love the remake of RE1. The perfect RE for me.

Still I want a new Remake. Exploring the mansion with over the shoulder perspective sounds really cool. Hope they keep the more horror vibes (than its successors) and do not turn it into a shooting/action game.


If they're going forward with the Wesker saga after RE 4 remake, it kinda needs to be done, along with CV for the new audiences. As good as REMake 1 is, as in, perfection, its old, its dated in its gameplay.
As long as they do it justice like RE4 remake did and keep everything and even expand some more, keep the 2 character system etc, it'll be golden.
And expand upon the unlockables too, plenty of costumes, some extra weapons other than the rocket launcher etc.
2026 would be the franchise's 30th anniversary, so it makes sense to remake the first one (even though it's already been remade once)

Agreed. The last remake still had a lot in common with the OG version as far as the movement and camera. A RE2/3 style remake for this one would still be able to upgrade quite a bit.

It's the best story of all the games in the series IMO. More to be gained here than remaking 5.


Tears of Nintendo
The easter eggs in RE4: RE seemed to signpost Resi 5, but I think your points are valid, that Resi 5 Remake might be thematically strengthened by remaking the first game prior to that (it would also give a bit more time for graphics to advance to improve Resi 5: Remake, as the original is still graphically decent even today).
They're officially working on REX Engine which is a more complex RE Engine with next-gen features which will be added gradually over time. It'll be interesting to see which game / remake will get the most visual upgrades, but I think it'll be 5 as the next one after 1 and 9.


Yes, please, something that I've wanted more than any other RE game. An over the shoulder remake of RE1 in the RE engine, LFG please!


They're officially working on REX Engine which is a more complex RE Engine with next-gen features which will be added gradually over time. It'll be interesting to see which game / remake will get the most visual upgrades, but I think it'll be 5 as the next one after 1 and 9.
Plotting The Simpsons GIF


Tears of Nintendo
REX engine? Did they change the name of the RE engine?

Path Tracing is already in current version (DD''2''), but it's not game ready, it's more like a reference feature for level artists and designers for now, but the good thing is, it already can be ported to the first RE Engine games so fingers crossed, it'll be possible to port the whole fuckin' feature set of PT to old games at some point via RE Framewrok. So basically, all RE Engine games are future proofed visually, well, except RE7 and RE8 cuz they've absolutely horrendous foliage and vegetation quality which are basically flat sprites.
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So a remake or remaster that "caters" to a newer audience, would be appropriate.
In that sense it would just be applying the fundamentals of current game design, whereas classic methods expected players to devote their entire weekends trying every possible combination of locations and characters etc to figure wtf to do! Which I agree is tediuous and aint nobody got time


Reseterror Resettler
Which RE have been soulless recently? RE3 Remake, that one I'll give you even though I haven't played it. 2 Remake, 4 Remake, 7, and 8 are all awesome.

Even RE3R wasn't "soulless," it was just briskly paced. In terms of matching the overall energy and atmosphere, RE3R is probably one of the better Remakes. People didn't like cut areas or enemies, and they especially didn't like new content replacing old content, but it's a classic style Capcom game - short, punchy, made for speed runs and repeat playthroughs with unlockables.

With that said, it's probably my least favorite REmake so far. 1 and 2 are still top for me.
Even RE3R wasn't "soulless," it was just briskly paced. In terms of matching the overall energy and atmosphere, RE3R is probably one of the better Remakes. People didn't like cut areas or enemies, and they especially didn't like new content replacing old content, but it's a classic style Capcom game - short, punchy, made for speed runs and repeat playthroughs with unlockables.

With that said, it's probably my least favorite REmake so far. 1 and 2 are still top for me.
Yeah i haven't played it, so really can't comment, but I know people don't like it.

The rest are total bangers/all timers.


I would like forward to a RE1 Remake, especially with VR support. Id likely get it day one if PSVR2 was supported day 1, but whats with the Capcom god tier comments?

Dont get me wrong, i have lots of love for Capcom, as i grew up on them, but I'm not seeing the god-teir level development anywhere with their games. Then again i mainly play legacy series.

Maybe im spoiled? Their characters tend to look and feel like the cgi RE2 OG intro to me...a bit janky and lifeless? Maybe i just dont like the designs, I dont know, but something is off and it prevents me from putting them that high up on a pedestal. Not to say the games arent enjoyable.


I pity the guys who'll spend a few years of their life working "creatively" towards something already done.

When boomers will finally die and the rest of humanity can finally shape society and humanity as we want, do you think those endless regurgitations will stop ? SOmetimes i feel like we live on Dune's god emperor golden path in that everything is familiar and inoffensive because already done, and nothing new can escape the vigilance of the domineering force (those goddam globalists
Sad Alex Jones GIF

As an aside, i've always wondered, is making the frogs gay is the first step in evolving them into sand trouts ? I surely hope so.


Reseterror Resettler
I pity the guys who'll spend a few years of their life working "creatively" towards something already done.

When boomers will finally die and the rest of humanity can finally shape society and humanity as we want, do you think those endless regurgitations will stop ? SOmetimes i feel like we live on Dune's god emperor golden path in that everything is familiar and inoffensive because already done, and nothing new can escape the vigilance of the domineering force (those goddam globalists
Sad Alex Jones GIF

As an aside, i've always wondered, is making the frogs gay is the first step in evolving them into sand trouts ? I surely hope so.

You seen the clip of the ape on DMT working on a remake? Fucking wild shit, Jamie, pull it up
Which RE have been soulless recently? RE3 Remake, that one I'll give you even though I haven't played it. 2 Remake, 4 Remake, 7, and 8 are all awesome.
Every remake you listed was soulless, censored modern slop. 2 is especially close to my heart as my favorite of the real Resident Evil games. That "remake" was a spit in the face to anyone who actually knows the real 2 through and through. So much cut content, character bastardizations, A/B scenario writing completely ruined when they had an opportunity to improve the minor faults in the original, somehow managed to make the environmental detail WORSE than the 21 year old prerendered backgrounds, and above all else if you listen to that remake soundtrack and walk away thinking it isn't completely soulless, I just don't know what to say. The 1 of 2 decent tracks (Hunk theme and final tyrant boss themes are the exception, everything else is utter shit.) Go listen to the first floor, library, lab, and rail yard themes from the original and then listen to their remake counterpart. Oh wait half those locations don't even have a score. Fucking pathetic 🙄 well if this comes off as a rant, sorry but I feel really strongly about these modern shitty remakes and I'm tired of them tainting the legacy of the classic real games, made by the real original CAPCOM developers who had passion and a vision. Not these new blood young kids who are only taking the easy road to make tons of cash off nostalgic gamers desperate for something good and familiar but are too basic to understand how much worse these games are compared to their originals. Maybe they're just too burned out from the 9-5 family grind to care, but I'm not and I know these remakes blow chunks.

Astral Dog

My top wish will always be RE Code Veronica Remake,as it has plenty of potential to be massively improved into a survival horror gem from its somewhat obscure release

Sadly thats uncertain to happen but since RE1 and CV story wise are so connected, releasing RE1 Remake Again then Code Veronica Remake would actually fit very well lets see if Capcom has the balls to do it
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Suffers with mild autism
I would much prefer if they instead took the REMake pre-rerendered backdrops formula and used that to remake 2 & 3 again

fixed / prerendered camera + today's full rendering power for the characters and other effects would be incredible
I get what youre saying and Im a fan of both original and remakes, but fuck this attitude of catering to Newer Audiences. Are they too inept to appreciate what millions of people cherish as great games for their time?
No, but some genres and games have aged poorly or at worse like milk. I have stated on here plenty of times that I feel the PS1/N64 generation gave us a ton of classics but at the same time aged the poorest in many regards. A lot of newer gamers simply will not touch sluggish tank control games. It is a relic of it’s time that one can understandably see when they take a second to step back and look at things from all points of view.

Every older gamer on this site has to cope with this. Yes, our generation grew up with quite a few fun experimental games of that time period, but not every experiment back then was a good idea, as it was simply what that developer could manage at the time. Things like nostalgia cloud judgment in that regard.
Even I make an effort to play older games of a franchise if Im not familiar with them, and try to appreciate their place in the series' history.
As do I (I even post about it in the 52 game thread when I complete it), but I am willing to directly state if a game has simply aged poorly. Again, not many here want to because they feel they are ‘betraying’ history. However, you can’t be betraying it if you know there were much better games that controlled much better back then and you managed to simply put up with a game that controlled a bit worse because it was heralded for it’s time for reasons beyond it’s control scheme. Those reasons eventually fade away, and what you’re left with is ‘does this control well or does it control terribly’?
Adapting things for these so called new gamers is a trash strategy and is disrespectful to the gaming generation. Sure, tank controls unplayable, cheesy voice acting, shit graphics. Those are part and parcel of classic games.
Usually when it comes to remakes the point is to respect the legacy. Capcom usually does a great job of respecting legacy. Which leads me to my problem with your next point:
Sometimes those aethetics are preferable over modern anti- aesthetics. Bastardizing the lore and molding the premise to fit a modern narrative, whether it is objectively improved, is akin to how crystal dynamics thinks they need to modify tomb raider history for the sake of political correctness.
In a predictable manner, thanks to our current political climate on this forum, You’re going off on the usual tangent of criticizing certain western companies and ideologies that everyone here lately starts to veer into…in every single thread, almost as if it takes up real estate for you guys. This is something that is unrelated to Capcom.
Im aware its not a direct comparison, but lets not kowtow to modernity.
It’s not at all, and a kowtow is not the point here. Another problem I have noticed on this forum is that people will treat a remake in a combative way as if it has completely erased the original from a storefront. Literally the only known company who has attempted this crap was Rockstar with the GTA definitive edition. Aside from a few exceptions, nearly every other remake stands next to it’s predecessor on the store, both available to buy as a choice to every gamer.

At that point, part of me feels that the reaction is a selfish one that’s essentially ‘they must experience this older game this way because I did’ which usually doesn’t happen that way as it’s more wishful thinking and those older games just stay ignored.
Once again, I will look forward to this game because its a rarity that remakes are handled well.
Same here. If it’s a great game I just hope that people here won’t nitpick it to death like many here tried to do with RE 2 Remake and RE 4 Remake, attempting to convince(or some would say gaslight) others into believing that the highly rated game they’re playing is actually a 4/10 game because things weren’t 1:1 with their nostalgia.


I would much prefer if they instead took the REMake pre-rerendered backdrops formula and used that to remake 2 & 3 again

fixed / prerendered camera + today's full rendering power for the characters and other effects would be incredible
Hell, even take the REMake pre-rendered backdrops formula to a REREMake. I can't even imagine how good that would look...


waste of time and resources

I thought the same when the RE4 remake rumours first starting popping up -you can't improve on perfection after all- and the end product blew me away. Let's have it.

It would be amazing if it combined RE0 as well. Include both and redo it.

They'd definitely integrate aspects of 0's story, and hopefully update it so that it's no longer shit.

Remake 1 is already amazing as it is.

Correct, which is why I expect they'll do something radical with it.
Eh no point at this...point. People just wanna continue the remake franchise with 5 and hopefully remake the entire 6th's one and with the first person ones. Stop going backwards ffs.
  • I know they won't do this but imagine for this remake they kept "live actors faces" in resident evil 1 ala L.A. Noire! LOL it would be unsettling!
  • Give me the Wesker origin story damnit! How he mentored Chris, before he was a mutant.
  • If they incorporate some of the story elements of RE0 into this one. We want more Rebecca!
  • Imagine the adventures the original members of S.T.A.R.S got into during the early days of the outbreak
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