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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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These heartless fucks can kiss the fattest part of my fucking ass. I am so fucking tired of literally every piece of news that comes out of China because it always just a fucking shit ass piece of news driven by ego, greed, or hatred.

Russia is now waging an active war against a sovereign Nation and China cannot even be fucking bothered to even pretend to care about it. I mean seriously if they could just vocally support the sanctions that have been laid out by the EU and do literally nothing on their end and they cannot even bring themselves to do that little.

Fuck. Them.

Why would China care? explain that, means nothing to them.

They'll sit back and laugh, Doesn't affect them at all.


Gold Member
A real shame this has happened. Still dont get how nobody is really helping Ukraine. Either they truly dont give a shit, or they are all banding together for a collective counterattack in secrecy to help them. Sanctions means nothing.

I guess since Ukraine was part of Russia before, the US, Canada, Europe etc... just dont give a shit. I dont follow Ukraine. Does Europe hate Ukraine so they arent worth helping?

I know someone responded to me before saying it's all NATO related and you either go in together or do nothing together kind of thing, but that's not a good answer for me why they do nothing. Terrorism and conflict happen all the time around the world and the democratic countries with military help out all the time, and it has nothing to do with NATO countries being invaded.

Here you got a clear case of military build up and an invasion and nothing is going on to help.

Maybe it's simply due to it being Russia. And if the US isnt there to carry the load, nobody else will bother.
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Guess I'll download Vanquish so I can at least put Russia (and a final boss that looks like Putin but in a mech suit) in their place virtually.


What time is it?
A real shame this has happened. Still dont get how nobody is really helping Ukraine. Either they truly dont give a shit, or they are all banding together for a collective counterattack in secrecy to help them. Sanctions means nothing.

I guess since Ukraine was part of Russia before, the US, Canada, Europe etc... just dont give a shit. I dont follow Ukraine. Does Europe hate Ukraine so they arent worth helping?

I know someone responded to me before saying it's all NATO related and you either go in together or do nothing together kind of thing, but that's not a good answer for me why they do nothing. Terrorism and conflict happen all the time around the world and the democratic countries with military help out all the time, and it has nothing to do with NATO countries being invaded.

Here you got a clear case of military build up and an invasion and nothing is going on to help.

Maybe it's simply due to it being Russia. And if the US isnt there to carry the load, nobody else will bother.



A real shame this has happened. Still dont get how nobody is really helping Ukraine. Either they truly dont give a shit, or they are all banding together for a collective counterattack in secrecy to help them. Sanctions means nothing.

I guess since Ukraine was part of Russia before, the US, Canada, Europe etc... just dont give a shit. I dont follow Ukraine. Does Europe hate Ukraine so they arent worth helping?

I know someone responded to me before saying it's all NATO related and you either go in together or do nothing together kind of thing, but that's not a good answer for me why they do nothing. Terrorism and conflict happen all the time around the world and the democratic countries with military help out all the time, and it has nothing to do with NATO countries being invaded.

Here you got a clear case of military build up and an invasion and nothing is going on to help.

Maybe it's simply due to it being Russia. And if the US isnt there to carry the load, nobody else will bother.
Risking WW3 is not worth it. We are not the police of the world. Risking the lives of our military is not worth it if they are no clear gains and we won't go there just because feelings. Sanctions are enough and again they are not part of NATO.
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Putin has threatened with a nuclear response if the west responds. :/
Nothing that has happened would provoke a response from the West and the Ukrainians could use but don't appear to need a Western military response. Sissy Vova hides behind a transparent skirt.


Can’t believe this is happening.
Is this how WW3 starts?
No. Ukraine is not part of NATO. There's going to be a lot of yelling and screaming from Western Countries, but none are willing to go to war over it for the sake of Ukraine. America is done with war after two failed attempts and the European Union was never interested in it in the first place.


Gold Member
Sanctions need to be extreme or else this is going to further embolden Russian land grabs in Eastern Europe.

Every unchecked conquest just leads to bigger dreams and aspirations.
They gave up their nukes for peace and now they are being invaded.

But invasions don’t happen for no reason, the west can’t keep putting “defence systems” all around Russia and not expect them to see it as an act of aggression eventually. But I can understand why former USSR states would ask the west for defence systems and military alliances in the form of NATO, given their long history of being invaded. it seems we can’t help them without pissing somebody else off, so it’s all politics, and underneath it people just want the freedom to live their lives.

The world has been going to shit for years, when will this end.


A real shame this has happened. Still dont get how nobody is really helping Ukraine. Either they truly dont give a shit, or they are all banding together for a collective counterattack in secrecy to help them. Sanctions means nothing.

I guess since Ukraine was part of Russia before, the US, Canada, Europe etc... just dont give a shit. I dont follow Ukraine. Does Europe hate Ukraine so they arent worth helping?

I know someone responded to me before saying it's all NATO related and you either go in together or do nothing together kind of thing, but that's not a good answer for me why they do nothing. Terrorism and conflict happen all the time around the world and the democratic countries with military help out all the time, and it has nothing to do with NATO countries being invaded.

Here you got a clear case of military build up and an invasion and nothing is going on to help.

Maybe it's simply due to it being Russia. And if the US isnt there to carry the load, nobody else will bother.
They are not part of Nato. The West policy to contain Russia is based on wishful thinking. America did not help Georgia and fled Afghanistan proving our major power is weakening.

Ultimately, we would lose a conventional war unless America sent a huge force and even then you risk a nuclear war when you do succeed.

Russia have the better strategic leader (as much of a cunt as he is) who does not have to satisfy 27 different countries interests (and in UK case the interests of the compromised, Russian funded Tory Party).

We have given Ukraine arms. That may buy some time. We need to re-arm UK and Europe (forces are a fucking joke without USA) and hope we can contain Russia outside of Poland.

We had years and years to prepare. We failed because we (many countries) knowingly elected clowns.


Gold Member
My wife, Ukrainian , came running crying with the news this morning. Obviously she's (and I) scared for her family and friends. The whole thing is surreal. Obviously I've been in Ukraine countless times, it's not just some obscure country far away, it's a real country with real people. Fuck, I actually didn't think it would go this way.
It doesn't count though if it's in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. /s

I truely wonder what the real reason is for all this. Can't be as simple as the media wants us to believe.
That's another bad thing about this. Propaganda from both sides will come at you fast, people will choose sides, conflicts continue, and nothing will change. There's no deep understanding of why this is happening.
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Wow, if fairness though they were warned to leave far before this happened. Years before. Anyone that stayed it's kinda tough shit, governments told you to leave. Even paid for flights in some cases if you hit up an embassy. . Governments issued a recall for citizens that weren't Ukrainian and tried to fly them back. Had public announcements to not travel there.

No pity for the idiots (not native) that stayed, was all over the news at the time and for years after warning people.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
No. Ukraine is not part of NATO. There's going to be a lot of yelling and screaming from Western Countries, but none are willing to go to war over it for the sake of Ukraine. America is done with war after two failed attempts and the European Union was never interested in it in the first place.

It's certainly possible. Depends how far Putin goes. If Putin doesn't stop at the rebel held areas of Donbas and carries on into Ukraine, I can't see the rest of the world just standing by and watch.


Man, even with all of this coverage and social media and 24 hour news networks, it's hard to parse exactly what's going on. There are reports of severe cyber attacks and a disinformation campaign by Russia to demoralize Ukraine. It's hard to know what to believe and what not to.

At least the first hand videos can be trusted.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
All of the members of NATO need to respond more harshly than they ever have to Putin over this. Almost nothing of lasting impact happened when Putin invaded Georgia in 2008. In 2014 this dictator did what the EU members and others said they'd never allow to happen again after WWII: carving up the maps of Europe through aggression and war when he annexed Crimea from a sovereign, peaceful nation. NATO forces had barely mobilized in countries threatened by Russia prior to that, and in response they barely stepped up their defenses afterwards - not even enough to give Putin legitimate concern. Here we are only about eight years later and because we essentially appeased him twice he's going back in whole hog. It's an obscene example of Russian imperialism driven by Putin's desire to bring back the USSR.

There will be no quick diplomatic solution. Maybe it will come down to another Cold War like series of proxy conflicts, but if you give a person like Putin an inch he will attempt to take every single mile available to him. So sad to see this happening.

They'll certainly bleed the cunt in every room and corridor. This *could* become Russia's Vietnam.

That was Afghanistan for Russia. Arguably the straw that broke the USSR's back.
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