That's because you've been influenced by CCP shills, wumaos, and 50centers. You just need to look at how they've, almost premptively, reacted to those balloons.
All authoritian states are cut from the same cloth. They have many issues, that usually boil down to accountability, and moderation of and constraints on power. Ultimately, they are after maintaining power and therefore they crackdown and dismantle constraints, remove moderation, and aren't accountable.
You talk about shitstains on humanity; well the CCP are a major one too. They just keep most of it internal. I bit like someone who only abuses their relative at home. Well, the CCP are also a bit like a jack russell on the world stage - snappy little buggers.
As for why they are clandestinely supporting Russia? If Russia are defeated, then it will set back the CCP's (or is it mostly Xi now?) plans, perhaps indefinitely. They wouldn't have the confidence to carry out their expansionist plans.
Why? Well, if even just indirect 'Western'/'Democratic Free World' (DFW) support for Ukraine could defeat Russia, then imagine what the 'West'/'DFW' directly getting involved in a conflict would be like...
Further, if Russia are defeated, thr much of the 'West'/'DWF' would turn their eyes almost solely on the PRC. A Chinese bee wouldn't even be able to fart with us knowing about it.