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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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'Siberia will be free': Five Russian regions vote in unauthorised independence referendums​



mel gibson freedom GIF


russia increased its missile attack which fly by close over nuclear reactors of zaporizia power plant i bet if somehow it would hit it ukraine would get every weapon it would ask in no time.



It will be the new West Germany.
They are on a weapons buying spree for a long time.
LOL, you guys are so funny. No, Poland will not be the new West Germany.

- High inflation driven further by money handouts to all that are likely to vote for the government
- Hundreds of billions of Euros of deficit not showing on the budget balance sheet due to them being put in funds which need not to be reported and do not count towards the deficit
- No independent judiciary, which the EU is constantly handling Poland fines for, and one of the key reasons Covid-19 support plan is still not approved and the money is frozen
- Multiple reports each week if how the ruling party and the government are stealing from the state by funneling millions into the foundations they control
- In the last few months Polish army lost thousands of skilled specialists with 15-20 years of experience: https://businessinsider.com.pl/wiad...ie-bylo-szybka-reakcja-mon-na-artykul/bcjx3h1
- This weekend newspapers reported once again that the only Polish factory designed to service and repair tanks is on the verge of bankruptcy due to political decisions and general incompetence of the public administration: https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-...ca-klamstwo-niech-przemowia-dokumenty/9ftqg2p

To sum up:
  • Economy is fucked up and overheating, inflation remains at a high level because the government refuses to cut social handouts (I think seniors will get 14 months of pensions this year instead of 12)
  • The retirement system will leave people in poverty in 20-30 years, where your retirement will be approx. 20-25% of your last salary - nothing is being done about it
  • Army loses specialists every month, instead the MoD is compensating by announcing record number of "volunteers" joining
  • The national military industry almost doesn't exist
  • Judiciary is completely controlled by the ruling party, including the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court (although the last one is paralyzed right now due to half of judges not accepting the Lead Judge)

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
There is no way right there aren't american fighter planes or whatever flying around kyiv right now with him there.

I'm assuming there would be a fair number of F22s and F35s and who knows what else in Ukrainian airspace during Biden's visit. I'm also assuming that if the Russians did get wind of it, there would have been hasty and furious orders to cease all missile strikes in that region.

But yeah, the US or NATO enforcing a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be glorious though highly unlikely at this stage :(
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I'm getting dangerously close to not giving a fuck about the Russian people. They've decided to go the north Korea route after watching this war the last year.

Bury your heads in the sand and go along with the propoganda. It's become a fascist fantasy land and I'm glad tons of people fled last year.

Unless China really starts supporting Russia domestically their whole economy is going up in flames


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I'm getting dangerously close to not giving a fuck about the Russian people. They've decided to go the north Korea route after watching this war the last year.

Bury your heads in the sand and go along with the propoganda. It's become a fascist fantasy land and I'm glad tons of people fled last year.

Unless China really starts supporting Russia domestically their whole economy is going up in flames
:tapping on my watch:


I'm surprised and happy to see Biden in Ukraine. It reinforces the US support. Now, give Ukraine some F (insert number here) jets and long range missiles and let's put an end to this.
And europe up their game … man we are slow , with tanks .. and other stuff .I think our leaders like to talk Russian in the future .
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Now, give Ukraine some F (insert number here) jets and long range missiles and let's put an end to this.

I'd love to see it, but I don't think it's going to happen.

Ignoring the political reasons why the US, France, the UK etc hasn't given Ukraine fighter jets for a moment, even if Ukraine was given fighter jets (F-16s for example) they wouldn't be able to instantly use them.

It would take Ukrainian pilots up to six months to learn how to operate the F-16. Add to this that Ukraine would need to also train ground staff to service and maintain the jets, a process which will also take months.

It's unfortunate because the arrival of F-16s into the arena would be devastating against Russia.


Ignoring the political reasons why the US, France, the UK etc hasn't given Ukraine fighter jets for a moment, even if Ukraine was given fighter jets (F-16s for example) they wouldn't be able to instantly use them.

It would take Ukrainian pilots up to six months to learn how to operate the F-16. Add to this that Ukraine would need to also train ground staff to service and maintain the jets, a process which will also take months.

It's unfortunate because the arrival of F-16s into the arena would be devastating against Russia.

And here is the actual reason there’s been no indication from the west that they’re going to give Ukraine fighter jets.

If (when) it happens, the last thing they want to do is alert Putin that it’s happening beforehand.

I think we forget in this age of instant digital information that in warfare we are not told everything, and are actively lied to, to prevent strategy from being compromised.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
And here is the actual reason there’s been no indication from the west that they’re going to give Ukraine fighter jets.

The Ukrainian air force are the ones who said it could take up six months to train their pilots. If somebody can fly a MIG it doesn't mean they can hop into a F-16. They'd need time to learn how to fly them, not to mention getting ground staff trained for maintenance.

Unless of course they've already been trained and this is all a ruse like you suggested.

But if it is a ruse to prevent Putin knowing their plans, then why reveal that Ukraine is getting tanks for a spring offensive? The political reasons (excuses?) western governments have given so far as to why they haven't provided jets are logical as well, although I personally don't agree with them and think jets should have been given from the start.


all this shite in the news about no tanks till April, only a quarter being delivered etc, jets are on the table off the table is all purely designed to fuck with the Russians and their long term strategic planning and keep them guessing
Hopefully. If the reporting is honest it is disconcerting. Makes you wonder who the audience is for all the talk...

The west needs to step up. But saying that, so far Biden et al have handled things pretty well. This is a tightrope that requires real skill to traverse. It is beyond me, I just hope the guys in charge know what they are doing.
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