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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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I don't think we're going to have any doubts as to when the counter offensive actually begins. In modern warfare a large scale offensive against defending positions generally begins with an airborne attack. I'd say we'll know the counter has started when we start getting information and video of multiple cruise missile hits. If it's to be believed that the Ukrainians have hundreds of storm shadows, then they will use a lot of them to soften up Russian positions.
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I don't think we're going to have any doubts as to when the counter offensive actually begins. In modern warfare a large scale offensive against defending positions generally begins with an airborne attack. I'd say we'll know the counter has started when we start getting information and video of multiple cruise missile hits. If it's to be believed that the Ukrainians have hundreds of storm shadows, then they will use a lot of them to soften up Russian positions.

If Ukraine had air superiority.
Besides that, we are seeing Storm Shadows strikes and behind enemy lines incursions for more than a week now.
What we are seeing now is probably force recon, trying to pin Russian forces in place.
I would expect some sort of SEAD/DEAD ops, some real panicking coming from the Russian miliblogsphere, and then a massive artillery/air strikes before UAF commit their to their main assault.

(My opinions are of a avid Tom Clancy's reader so take everything with a grain of salt :))
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I would also point out that for the latest few months Ukraine has been quietly poking and prodding all along the zaporihzhia frontline tightening the front and while sending a force recon of this size is an escalation this was ultimately about trying to find where they get an actual push back.

Right now they are conducting two operations to get the orcs to relocate troops, one is around Bahkmut and the other inside Russia itself.

Russia is currently activating various international “pacifist” organizations with the aim of impressing upon public opinion the necessity of peaceful negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.​



Classic Film Horror GIF by Warner Archive



700 $ dollars is the cost for a dead enemy. :0

Lots of activity tonight, this looks interesting:


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700 $ dollars is the cost for a dead enemy. :0

Lots of activity tonight, this looks interesting:


I would feel very weird directly funding the death of another person... even if he is a Russan invader.

Yes... taxes... war machine... all that..

Still a weird burden to shoulder.


I would feel very weird directly funding the death of another person... even if he is a Russan invader.

Yes... taxes... war machine... all that..

Still a weird burden to shoulder.

People wouldn't have to shoulder the burden of killing Russian soldiers if their governments didn't spend the past 30 years appeasing Russia's imperial fantasies. The invasion and occupation of Samachablo and Abkhazia made Russia's intentions abundantly clear. The annexation of Crimea should have been the nail in the coffin for the Russian economy.



This is fucked up, I bet Ruzzia will say Ukraine did it. This provides power to the Nuclear plant.

workin moms comedy GIF by CBC

It’s unlikely to be connected to the plant. If it’s confirmed to be a Russian action, it’s more likely to flood crossings downstream making Ukrainian advancement in that direction difficult or impossible.

It’s worth remembering that the Ukrainians also considered doing the same last year and even shelled the dam with himars to test if water levels could be raised to affect a Russian supply lines without flooding nearby towns.

“There were moments when we turned off their supply lines completely, and they still managed to build crossings,” Kovalchuk said. “They managed to replenish ammunition. … It was very difficult.”

Kovalchuk considered flooding the river. The Ukrainians, he said, even conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages.”

Scorched Earth lunacy maybe, but we won’t know for sure for days yet.


The water probably flowing in the opposite direction now
Yeah, it's allready started in some water ways:

Add this to the list of war crimes.
Article 56 - Protection of works and installations containing dangerous forces
  1. Works or installations containing dangerous forces, namely dams, dykes and nuclear electrical generating stations, shall not be made the object of attack, even where these objects are military objectives, if such attack may cause the release of dangerous forces and consequent severe losses among the civilian population. Other military objectives located at or in the vicinity of these works or installations shall not be made the object of attack if such attack may cause the release of dangerous forces from the works or installations and consequent severe losses among the civilian population.
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Which side looses the most with the dam blasting? It sounds a bit counterintuitive if Russia did it on purpose as at best it would give a very temporary advantage for Russia. After a few days they are back to similar situation as they were before the blasting with the problem of Crimea basically fucked without a good source of water.
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Which side looses the most with the dam blasting? It sounds a bit counterintuitive if Russia did it on purpose as at best it would give a very temporary advantage for Russia. After a few days they are back to similar situation as they were before the blasting with the problem of Crimea basically fucked without a good source of water.

Ukraine loses the most because of the devastation caused by flooding and the loss of a hydro electric power plant that will require years to rebuild.


Which side looses the most with the dam blasting? It sounds a bit counterintuitive if Russia did it on purpose as at best it would give a very temporary advantage for Russia. After a few days they are back to similar situation as they were before the blasting with the problem of Crimea basically fucked without a good source of water.

Could be wrong, but, how would Ukraine blow it up?

It was captured by Russia at the start of Moscow's February 2022 invasion, and has been held by it ever since. They had control of it.

The time line points in one direction, local Russian authorities in the city of Nova Kakhovka initially denied anything had happened to the dam at all, then all of a sudden they blamed Ukraine for it, which has everything to loose by this move. It ruined a powerplant, and makes any sort of troop movements in the area harder, allowing for the RuSSKies to now station troops on the banks and reinforce.

The dam was really built with military actions in mind – it is a capital structure with a margin of safety. It is very difficult to destroy it from the outside. The second reason is the continuation of Russia's tactics to destroy Ukraine's critical infrastructure.

Also, "The weapons currently used by the Ukrainian military [i.e. destroying bridges and crossings in the occupied territories – UP] are not enough," says Yurii Sobolevsky, Deputy Head of Kherson Oblast Council.".

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Which side looses the most with the dam blasting? It sounds a bit counterintuitive if Russia did it on purpose as at best it would give a very temporary advantage for Russia. After a few days they are back to similar situation as they were before the blasting with the problem of Crimea basically fucked without a good source of water.

It's Russia. Who the fuck knows?! They just do these sort of things.

Most of the population are fucked up in some way.

Seriously, they are what a toddler would be if they were a nation.

Rat Rage

I hope the nuclear power plant is safe.

If a nuclear meltdown happens, I think it's going to trigger NATO to attack, as a meltdown could potentially threaten quite a few european countries.

Here is what happend after Chernobyl.

Also, I'm 100% certain Nato has been training for a war with Russia since month. Russia is gonna be very fucked if that happens.

Putin that motherfucker needs to die already. This shit's been going on for way too long.
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Which side looses the most with the dam blasting? It sounds a bit counterintuitive if Russia did it on purpose as at best it would give a very temporary advantage for Russia. After a few days they are back to similar situation as they were before the blasting with the problem of Crimea basically fucked without a good source of water.
Are you for real?
1.The dam was a bridge that Ukrainians could use to cross the river. Whitout the dam a kherson front is no more.
2. This will sure delay the Ukranian offensive
3. Ruzzians don't give two fucks about their own citizens let alone crimea citizens. Let them die of thirst.
4.Orcs are orcs and act like orcs

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right

Hitting yourself GIF by The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper

Nuking yourself has to be the dumbest thing ever done.

What stood out in the following video were that Russian parents in Belgorod were evacuating hundreds of kids out of harm's way... to Crimea?! Why the fuck would you move your children from one active warzone to potentially another flashpoint, rather than sending them deeper into the interiors of Russia? Made me think that they are deliberately sending their children into danger.



Judging by some of the videos surfacing, these "probing" attacks are turning pretty disastrous for ukrainians. Lots of destroyed, abandoned western IFVs, like Maxxpros. Just like russians, driving into minefields and pounded by artillery.

As I said, western armor won't magically make you immune to mines and artillery. Russians had plenty of time to dig trenches and mine everything. And just rushing against those defensive lines will not work. Without strong air support against artillery I don't have very high expectations (saddly) for this offensive.
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