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Russia begins Invasion of Ukraine

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Patrick S.

didn't realise western fascism has progressed this far, that calling its narrative propaganda is ban-worthy. But to be expected i suppose - west can't tolerate being paid back in its own coin.
Walking Glancing GIF


Gold Member
didn't realise western fascism has progressed this far, that calling its narrative propaganda is ban-worthy. But to be expected i suppose - west can't tolerate being paid back in its own coin.

Of course it's always the west's fault. It's never Russia's fault.
Russia was forced to invade it's neighbors for 500 years, because of NATO.
Ignore that fact that NATO was created in 1959. Also ignore logic an reason.


Ukraine could have more battle tanks than Russia for the first time ever, new data suggests
A compilation of data from various sources suggests Ukraine currently has roughly 1,500 active tanks compared with around 1,400 for Russia, Bloomberg reported.
Russia began the war with 3,417 tanks available. At the same time, Ukraine had 987, according to The Military Balance for 2023, an annual report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank which looks at military equipment inventories.
While Ukraine's tank fleet has continued to grow, Russia's has been severely depleted.
During the conflict, Ukraine has lost 558 tanks and captured 546, data from open-source outlet Oryx suggests.
Meanwhile, Oryx estimates Russia has lost 2,091 tanks in the war.



Now countries are complaining about cluster ammo 🤣 USA has to now because European countries are lagging in normal supplies .. so now they need cluster ammo to fill the gap , give what you promised, and I am from the EU. Wake up .. Hitler 2 is nocking on your door .
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Now countries are complaining about cluster ammo 🤣 USA has to now because European countries are lagging in normal supplies .. so now they need cluster ammo to fill the gap , give what you promised, and I am from the EU. Wake up .. Hitler 2 is nocking on your door .
I remember when my history teacher said, the point of learning about history isn't just to know a bunch of old boring facts, it's about learning not to repeat it.

No matter how many times history repeats itself, most people seem to have some sort of a "this is different because it's the time I'M living in" complex or something. Hitler wasn't Thanos and the dark side of human nature wasn't eliminated forever because we defeated one guy. Nor was the danger of scaredy-cat appeasement politics that will never satisfy a dictator, or in failing to lay down the law before it's too late.


I remember when my history teacher said, the point of learning about history isn't just to know a bunch of old boring facts, it's about learning not to repeat it.

No matter how many times history repeats itself, most people seem to have some sort of a "this is different because it's the time I'M living in" complex or something. Hitler wasn't Thanos and the dark side of human nature wasn't eliminated forever because we defeated one guy. Nor was the danger of scaredy-cat appeasement politics that will never satisfy a dictator, or in failing to lay down the law before it's too late.
Sadly , all true .



Another report on the tanks:

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Gold Member
In theory, neutrality means a country has no enemies. But it also means it has no friends.
And this makes a country a prime target for aggressive dictatorships.
A bit sad, a bit glad, it is 200 years of neutrality gone, something lost that was a bit unique..

But, atleast, we're getting into a good alliance.

I think it is that they are now getting their airplanes.
Why would you be proud of being neutral when people like Hitler & Putin would ravage trough Europe.

Sometimes you just have to choose a side. Especially when it's so clear that it's a case of good vs evil.
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Why would you be proud of being neutral when people like Hitler & Putin would ravage trough Europe.

Sometimes you just have to choose a side. Especially when it's so clear that it's a case of good vs evil.

Thousand of lives saved is a good starter, but then, you need to read a thing or two regarding the neutrality, it's a interesting story, especially during WW1 and WW2.

Being neutral never meant not fucking things up for the bad guys. There are literally thousand of things Sweden did despite being neutral since 1812.

And it is one of the few countries that literally gave a entire armoured Brigade to Ukraine, equipped with some of the best hardware in the world.

They have also been receiving training from the Swedish armed forces since 2010, in methods developed specifically to deal with RuSSia.

I just wish we had kept our Stridsvagn S in mothball, who knew that the tanks it was developed to deal with would roll out on a battlefield in 2023 though.

At least, BAE systems keeps on delivering.

NATO really wants the stuff they make.

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Medvedev threatens to strike three Ukrainian nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities in Europe


After running away as the little bitch he is from the insurrection, now trying to look tough, and if they do that stupid thing, you can bet he will run again as the bitch he is.
Russian Defenders: It is vile western propaganda to say that Russians would ever have any intention of doing damage to nuclear power plants.

Medvedev: Hold my coat...

Russian Defenders, bios updated: It is vile western propaganda to say that targetting nuclear power plants is anything worse than what the west does every day.
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Why would you be proud of being neutral when people like Hitler & Putin would ravage trough Europe.

Sometimes you just have to choose a side. Especially when it's so clear that it's a case of good vs evil.

I understand his position. Sometimes you enjoy being completely independent and not counting on someone else all the time to back you up. It's a position of dignity and authority. The status quo of the world allowed it to happen for a long time. Russia stole a delicate balance from the world -a sort of equilibrium that allowed so much cooperation yet independence. Of course, now it only makes sense to join, Russia has made it the only sane option


Gold Member
Sweden didn’t really have any national security reason to end its 200 years of neutrality.

- After Finland joined NATO, aside from a bit of international waters, Sweden is basically landlocked by Article 5 countries. I don’t think anyone actually thinks Russia would succeed in marching or sailing through or past a NATO country to attack another country
- The situation in Europe is certainly not anywhere near as threatening as WW1 and. WW2, where Sweden successfully stayed out of fighting and remained “neutral”. Russia’s army is decimated to such an extent that it will not consider another conquest in a decade.

So if security concerns are not why Sweden really joined, why did it? Probably because of political pressure and/or business reasons.

Political pressure would be USA and EU wanting Sweden in NATO, and creating pressure. Business reason wiould be a promise of selling a lot more of that sweet Sweeish military gear.
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Gold Member
Sweden didn’t really have any national security reason to end its 200 years of neutrality.

- After Finland joined NATO, aside from a bit of international waters, Sweden is basically landlocked by Article 5 countries. I don’t think anyone actually thinks Russia would succeed in marching or sailing through or past a NATO country to attack another country

I think there are a number of issues with your logic on this one. I'd recommend watching the video below and see if you still feel the same way. I timestamped the crucial part for you, but the whole thing is worth watching if you have the time.

To quote the video:

"Finland and Sweden joining NATO will immediately transform the Baltic into a NATO-dominated lake."

Basically, St Petersburg and the Kaliningrad Oblast are entirely checkmated because of the Danish Straits and Gotland. Also, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are now far more defensible, whereas before they were usually toast in most Rand Corp-run wargames.
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I remember when my history teacher said, the point of learning about history isn't just to know a bunch of old boring facts, it's about learning not to repeat it.

No matter how many times history repeats itself, most people seem to have some sort of a "this is different because it's the time I'M living in" complex or something. Hitler wasn't Thanos and the dark side of human nature wasn't eliminated forever because we defeated one guy. Nor was the danger of scaredy-cat appeasement politics that will never satisfy a dictator, or in failing to lay down the law before it's too late.
I still dont get why the fuck we do history at school since its clear humanity is incapable of learning from its mistakes when it happens over and over and over again like clockwork and the population is too retarded to see past the goverment or in Russia's case Putin's brainwashing.Especially with the rise of AI we'll be in for a fucking century of war and suffering caused by ai enhanced lies,deepfakes and selfish dictators who will use those things to disturb the balance of the world.


Sweden didn’t really have any national security reason to end its 200 years of neutrality.

Political pressure would be USA and EU wanting Sweden in NATO, and creating pressure. Business reason wiould be a promise of selling a lot more of that sweet Sweeish military gear.

Or… Sweden have seen that in the modern world, being aligned with NATO is the most sensible option, given the depredations of Russia, and potential of China to do the same. You make it sound like it’s an unwanted decision, forced on the country by outside elements. It may just be that the invasion of Ukraine has sharpened a lot of minds about the future, and Sweden are making this move to secure a stable future.


Gold Member
Sweden didn’t really have any national security reason to end its 200 years of neutrality.

- After Finland joined NATO, aside from a bit of international waters, Sweden is basically landlocked by Article 5 countries. I don’t think anyone actually thinks Russia would succeed in marching or sailing through or past a NATO country to attack another country
- The situation in Europe is certainly not anywhere near as threatening as WW1 and. WW2, where Sweden successfully stayed out of fighting and remained “neutral”. Russia’s army is decimated to such an extent that it will not consider another conquest in a decade.

So if security concerns are not why Sweden really joined, why did it? Probably because of political pressure and/or business reasons.

Political pressure would be USA and EU wanting Sweden in NATO, and creating pressure. Business reason wiould be a promise of selling a lot more of that sweet Sweeish military gear.

NATO was almost dead a few years ago. An organization with almost no purpose in a post cold war world.
It was Russian aggression that made so many countries want to join NATO.
Unlike the Warsaw Pact, NATO never conquered countries to force them to join up. In fact, countries are free to join or leave NATO. Something that France already did, for example.
Being neutral is not as fun as it looks. A country that is neutral has no allies. Has to defend itself alone. Has to invest much more money and resources in it's military.
And at a time when Russia is constantly making threats with nuclear weapons, it means that Finland and Sweden now have allies that also have nuclear weapons and can counter these Russians threats.
Not even Stalin was constantly making threats with nuclear weapons. And this is a very serious issue with the current Russian administration, as they show little restrain.
This means that being under the nuclear umbrella of the US, UK and France is very important for the upcoming decades.

You might want to remember that Finland was also neutral in WW2, but that didn't stop Russia from invading it.
And although Sweden remained neutral, it did send assistance to Finland. For example, many Swedish soldiers got "vacation time" so they could go to Finland and fight the Russian invasion.
The reason why Sweden did that, is because they knew that if Finland felt, then Sweden would be next.
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Gold Member
I think there are a number of issues with your logic on this one. I'd recommend watching the video below and see if you still feel the same way. I timestamped the crucial part for you, but the whole thing is worth watching if you have the time.

To quote the video:

"Finland and Sweden joining NATO will immediately transform the Baltic into a NATO-dominated lake."

Basically, St Petersburg and the Kaliningrad Oblast are entirely checkmated because of the Danish Straits and Gotland. Also, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are now far more defensible, whereas before they were usually toast in most Rand Corp-run wargames.

I can see how it is a huge deal for both NATO and Russia. Suwalki gap is really the problem for Baltics. So from the perspective of stability ot the entire region, especially Baltics, it is a positive. Whether it was really as necessary for Sweden, not sure.

NATO was almost dead a few years ago. An organization with almost no purpose in a post cold war world.
It was Russian aggression that made so many countries want to join NATO.
Unlike the Warsaw Pact, NATO never conquered countries to force them to join up. In fact, countries are free to join or leave NATO. Something that France already did, for example.
Being neutral is not as fun as it looks. A country that is neutral has no allies. Has to defend itself alone. Has to invest much more money and resources in it's military.
And at a time when Russia is constantly making threats with nuclear weapons, it means that Finland now has allies that also have nuclear weapons and can counter these Russians threats.
Not even Stalin was constantly making threats with nuclear weapons. And this is a very serious issue with the current Russian administration, as they show little restrain.
This means that being under the nuclear umbrella of the US, UK and France is very important for the upcoming decades.

You might want to remember that Finland was also neutral in WW2, but that didn't stop Russia from invading it.
And although Sweden remained neutral, it did send assistance to Finland. For example, many Swedish soldiers got "vacation time" so they could go to Finland and fight the Russian invasion.
The reason why Sweden did that, is because they knew that if Finland felt, then Sweden would be next.
I see the logic for Finland, although Finnish military is exceptionally well equipped to fend off Russia. It’s got a huge reserve and super modern equipment.

Anyway, the popular opinion in Sweden and Finland is now pro-NATO, and like you say, Russia has transformed to the worse, so a huge own goal for Putin.

Just to be clear about WW2, Finland was not neutral by choice, and wasn’t really neutral at all. Allies wouldn’t pick up a war with Soviets while fighting Nazis. Finland became allies with Nazis and Italians in WW2 - albeit not officially in the axis pact. Obviously that turned out a disaster as well, and Finland paid heavily for it.



Already said it multiple times. Drone the living shit out of the villages and city's in russia from every direction. Let drones fly in from the east, south, north west. Put out a message to putin that his world is over.

Russia has straight up no defenses anywhere because "nukes" defend them. Fuck there nukes, let them shoot them they never will.

Put a fucking price on putins head of a billion dollars for anybody that kills the fucker and put prices on all the other clowns.

Isolate them completely and carpet bomb with drones his home main city's even moscow. and start mass producing suicide drones.

Get a army at finland boarder and invade a part of russia while at it to get the old finland boarders back and shell that shitty city on the boarder the moment russia doesn't retreat from ukraine see how they like it. Also go after there powergrid delete it all.

U only fight bully's in one way, you bully the living shit out of them.

The moment they retreat we put nukes on the boarder of entire EU pointed at every russian city and village. Mine the living shit out of russia land at the boarder of the EU which will be anaxed for defense.

Hell we could make a deal with china so they can get there land out of russia they so desperately need. hit them from all directions.

At the same time, its time to deal with turkey / iran while at it. iran delivers suicide drones to russia to kill europeans. Europeans should shell the living shit and dron the living shit out of all there city's while at it. Let them bleed, there population can take out there leaders while at it.

Erdogan is next, and eventually we put all our resources to destabalize china to no end and let that shit hole collapse.

Dead to communisme.

This throwing a bunch of bombs from one side to another side is fucking pointless. Russia has its entire war machine on the boarder, there boarders are so big the only way to get ukraine there land back, is to fight them on other fronts as they have no defenses there and will have to pull back and collapse in seconds after that as result. He wants to fight the EU it's time for the EU to start fighting russia.
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Gold Member
I can see how it is a huge deal for both NATO and Russia. Suwalki gap is really the problem for Baltics. So from the perspective of stability ot the entire region, especially Baltics, it is a positive. Whether it was really as necessary for Sweden, not sure.

I see the logic for Finland, although Finnish military is exceptionally well equipped to fend off Russia. It’s got a huge reserve and super modern equipment.

Anyway, the popular opinion in Sweden and Finland is now pro-NATO, and like you say, Russia has transformed to the worse, so a huge own goal for Putin.

Just to be clear about WW2, Finland was not neutral by choice, and wasn’t really neutral at all. Allies wouldn’t pick up a war with Soviets while fighting Nazis. Finland became allies with Nazis and Italians in WW2 - albeit not officially in the axis pact. Obviously that turned out a disaster as well, and Finland paid heavily for it.

Finland was neutral during WW2, until Russia invaded. Then Finland tried to find countries that could help and got turned away by Great Britain and the USA.
So without any allies, Finland was forced to ally itself with Nazi Germany. This was not a choice and we cannot blame Finland, when it was presented with an impossible situation.
During the first Winter War, Finland lost territory to Russia, because by the end, their military was already exhausted.
During the Second Winter War, they regained all their territory. But when Germany lost the war, Finland again had to cede territory to Russia.

Let's also remember that Russia was not the good guy in WW2. Russia was an ally of Nazi Germany at the start of the war.
For many years, before the war, Russia assisted Germany to develop weapons, while the Versailles treaty forbade it. Russia was providing the materials and oil for Nazi Germany to be able to rearm itself.
And Russia was allied with Nazi Germany during the invasion of Poland. Russia and Germany signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, dividing Poland between the two.
Russia and Germany invaded Poland in September of 1939, starting WW2 in Europe. And this was the reason why Poland felt so quickly, as it was invaded by the 2 biggest military land powers in Europe of the time.
Hitler and Stalin were constantly writing to each other, with letters starting with "my dear friend".
The reality is that Soviet Russia and Stalin were as bad as Nazi Germany and Hitler.


More details:
  • 2 additional Patriot launchers
  • 40 additional Marder IFV
  • 25 additional Leopard 1A5
  • 5 additional Bergepanzer 2 ARV
  • 20k 155mm shells
  • 5k 155mm smoke shells
  • 1 Luna recon UAV system
  • recon and counter-UAV package
  • combat engineer package with focus on mines
  • tactical medical package including elements for a field hospital

Germany sending another great package!
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I still dont get why the fuck we do history at school since its clear humanity is incapable of learning from its mistakes when it happens over and over and over again like clockwork and the population is too retarded to see past the goverment or in Russia's case Putin's brainwashing.Especially with the rise of AI we'll be in for a fucking century of war and suffering caused by ai enhanced lies,deepfakes and selfish dictators who will use those things to disturb the balance of the world.

We still need to produce the top 2% of leaders who will save the world from the rest of its own stupidity, and they need at least enough half-support for idiots not to burn them at the stake. You don't know who they are when they're born. Just teach everyone.


Already said it multiple times. Drone the living shit out of the villages and city's in russia from every direction. Let drones fly in from the east, south, north west. Put out a message to putin that his world is over.

Russia has straight up no defenses anywhere because "nukes" defend them. Fuck there nukes, let them shoot them they never will.

Put a fucking price on putins head of a billion dollars for anybody that kills the fucker and put prices on all the other clowns.

Isolate them completely and carpet bomb with drones his home main city's even moscow. and start mass producing suicide drones.

Get a army at finland boarder and invade a part of russia while at it to get the old finland boarders back and shell that shitty city on the boarder the moment russia doesn't retreat from ukraine see how they like it. Also go after there powergrid delete it all.

U only fight bully's in one way, you bully the living shit out of them.

The moment they retreat we put nukes on the boarder of entire EU pointed at every russian city and village. Mine the living shit out of russia land at the boarder of the EU which will be anaxed for defense.

Hell we could make a deal with china so they can get there land out of russia they so desperately need. hit them from all directions.

At the same time, its time to deal with turkey / iran while at it. iran delivers suicide drones to russia to kill europeans. Europeans should shell the living shit and dron the living shit out of all there city's while at it. Let them bleed, there population can take out there leaders while at it.

Erdogan is next, and eventually we put all our resources to destabalize china to no end and let that shit hole collapse.

Dead to communisme.

This throwing a bunch of bombs from one side to another side is fucking pointless. Russia has its entire war machine on the boarder, there boarders are so big the only way to get ukraine there land back, is to fight them on other fronts as they have no defenses there and will have to pull back and collapse in seconds after that as result. He wants to fight the EU it's time for the EU to start fighting russia.
The aim is to strengthen Nato's defensive position, minimise / undo Ukraine territorial losses whilst avoiding WW3 / nuclear war.

As much as we want to punish Russia and its allies for this war, we don't want to drag European populations into another large war / create a radioactive hellscape. One reason being, we are not armed enough to fight on multiple fronts and still contain other threats.
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