You people need to make up your minds about wether you want the USA to be the World Police or not.
You're kind of suffering from an interesting sense of naivety. I don't know about you, but as a Westerner, I've enjoyed the last century of Pax Americana and the freedoms in the first world and huge benefits to the entire world it's brought. See chart:

I understand from my travels and time studying abroad that many don't appreciate the fact that it's the American nuclear umbrella and armed forces providing their standard of living sustained by low defense spending or that it's America's 12 Carrier Action Groups keeping the shipping lanes free and open. But, the reality is that it is. Don't mistake the neoconservative dreams of lifting Afghanistan and Iraq into prosperous western democracies as imperialism, it never was.
But I'm sure you have an alternative situation and paradigm that would work. I'm sure all the IR research and models on multipolar worlds being unstable are wrong, not even to mention that sheer physics tells us that the n-body problem is intrinsically unstable. But it's just been waiting for you to explain the constrains and attracters that make the sensitivity to initial conditions and resulting chaotic motion stable! Your nobel awaits....
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