Didn't Spiderman get RT added for PS5 with a RT mode?
Yeah but I think's it a bit of different - Spiderman lowest resolution prior to RT patch was 1440p and frame rate was very stable. Returnal's internal resolution is already low at 1080p and framerate can dip heavily when shit hits the fan in Atropos (overall not terrible at all). 60fps is an absolute must for this game so If they choose to include ray tracing, then particle and enemy density would have to be reduced significantly I think; I wouldn't want to play Returnal in such a mode but to each their own. Options are always good for us gamers.
Look Im no Bryank and Im glad Sony isnt just doing a bare minimum job porting these games, but they shouldve offered something. maybe a 40 fps mode? I paid $500 to Sony for a PS5. $70 for the game on Day one. One of the few 500k players to do it. And now they go above and beyond for PC users? Meanwhile Im sitting here with my $600 trying to arm chair engineer an RT solution for this ray traced capable console.
I mean the game isnt even pushing any graphical boundaries. Why is it even 1080p? It almost never drops frames so its likely running 80-100 fps like Ratchet. Why not release a VRR patch like insomniac did? Why not offer a 40 fps mode with ray traced reflections and skip shadows if thats too expensive?
I can see why some people might feel a bit disappointed by how much effort Sony is putting into their PC ports because the same effort isnt being put into PS5 versions.
You know I absolutely love the 40fps implementation but I can't see it for Returnal. I think Housemarque made all the right calls on this one. I don't think it's fair to say the game isn't pushing boundaries when you have a million particles flying around at 60fps. Also, it definitely drops frames when things get very intense. Call me crazy but Returnal is the most visually striking game on PS5 do to the particle tech and 60fps. Like i said above options are always good and it would be cool to see another mode with focus on fidelity but I most likely wouldn't enjoy playing it as much.