Where's August 11th put me?
Sailor Stars Chapter 7
Got to the River of Memory and River of Forgetting. Seems like Takeuchi is making a lot of characters here, kind of getting overwhelming.
@Spyhunterzero: In-between Ami (Sep. 10) and Minako (Oct. 22).
I never seem to get close to one b-day.
Me when"I don't love you anymore."
I was looking forward to seeing Minako as the leader of the Senshi since the 90's anime shafted her, and then Crystal did too. :/
Saw this and thought of you (Goldfish references in Sailor Moon):
NB, contains Goldfish Warning spoilers. http://sailorfailures.tumblr.com/post/109962144235/
That was a great little read. I'd totally watch Goldfish Warning.
Hmm, when they say "fleshing out" they I think they mean the sub-bosses like the Shitennou. I agree that the main protagonists were handled better in the comic, and I generally prefer the big bads in the manga.My view of the '90s anime is that, while it spent far more time "fleshing out" most characters than the manga did, it also had inferior characterizations of basically every single protagonist (Ami and Makoto may be debatable). And Crystal obviously is Crystal. *coughs*
Interesting. Might have to give Goldfish Warning a look.@MikeMyers
Saw this and thought of you (Goldfish references in Sailor Moon):
NB, contains Goldfish Warning spoilers. http://sailorfailures.tumblr.com/post/109962144235/
I think it is worth watching. It is very GIFable, even more so than 90s Sailor Moon.
Hmm, when they say "fleshing out" they I think they mean the sub-bosses like the Shitennou. I agree that the main protagonists were handled better in the comic, and I generally prefer the big bads in the manga.
Luna is Spanish for moon so I guess that kinda makes sense. Not sure about the others.
Did anyone got the Sailor Moon Season 1, Set 2 blu ray yet and any impression right now?
Just asking as I kinda want to buy the new collection but is on hold right now. Watch the american version and like it and want to put it in my anime collection but is on hold for now.
Wait, in that picture I just posted, aren't Rei's shoes wrong?
Usually it is just high heels. Nothing that goes up to the knees.
Shadowing?That seems vaguely positive, but 95% of that thread is people arguing over the price/extras with only the most minimal discussion of quality. It does mention the shadowing nonsense is still there. too.
This just in:
The 90s anime re-run in April will be a remastered version!
Will probably look much better than the Viz BD release ;P
Goldfish Warning! 12
Minako goes to a picnic, but Queen Beryl is there. Later, a fair is held to help Minako's financial situation. Chibi-Chibi has some great troll moments here, I decided she is my favourite character.
If the image on that page is a valid representation, it will look MUCH better than Viz's Blu-rays.
I also enlarged the new picture, so it can compare at Viz's size. Linked, because PNG.
Viz, publicly apologize and cancel Sailor Moon for Blu-Ray or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Nah, Viz will continue to sell its vastly inferior product to people that don't know or don't care that they're being screwed over hard. And they'll continue to say how much love and care they put into it and how it's the best possible result.
Either Wapiko or Bad Ox is the best for me. Hard to decide between the two.
Guess I should hunt those Japanese DVDs or Italian ones if I ever have the income for it.
(at least the dub is good for the Viz releases?)