Gold Member
"FINAL FANTASY XVI" released in June of the 23rd seems to be more than three and a half million copies at the moment (Squeeni HD, President of Skueni HD, President Ryuji Kiryu at the Financial Results Briefing).
安田秀樹【半導体からゲームセクターに投資資金がシフト! その背景とは?】(訂正) | 特集 - 株探ニュース
●ゲームセクター投資の魅力はボラティリティの高さ 今月はゲームセクター の決算について取り上げたい。まず、コーエーテクモホールディングス <3635>、カプコン <9697>は2025年3月期第3四半期は大幅な減収減益だった・・・。
To fully grasp the disaster, SE announced 3 million units (likely distributed) just 4 days after its release. There have been no further announcements since then.
So, despite price drops and the Steam release, it's estimated that only an additional 500,000 units were sold, bringing the total to 3.5 million.