Because Trump didn't literally mean wiretapping, that is why quotes are necessary
so good. had me laughing showing all of my teeth.
Because Trump didn't literally mean wiretapping, that is why quotes are necessary
There was no surveillance on Trump, either, so it's a moot point.Surveillance in general
Are you for real?
He is real in the fact Trump meant "wiretapping" to mean what ever best suited Trump's deflection argument.
You know, cause he knows cyber. It crazy stuff that will make your head spin. Trump has the best people working on it.
The former AG said in a public hearing that she told the president his pick for NS advisor was easy pickings for Russian blackmail, the president said "NBD", and people think this is a waste of time?
The president, who maintained that Flynn's reported convos with the Russians were simultaneously "fake news" and "leaks", is now ushering half the government to seek out who leaked the story of his incompetence/negligence to the press with the intent to punish them, even though Yates' knowledge was not considered classified information? And this is nothing?
Stop embarrassing yourselves. We "know" all this because the Washington Post and NYT did amazing reporting for months... we're just now getting it confirmed, with I's dotted, T's crossed.
February story with all that Yates just told us... without an actual quote from her.
Follow that up with the Vice President lying on national television denying those ties and defending him...
Because Trump didn't literally mean wiretapping, that is why quotes are necessary
Because Trump didn't literally mean wiretapping, that is why quotes are necessary
And all of that happened after Obama told Trump he was not to be trusted, with Yates following afterward.Early January, yes. He later concerned this point and fired Flynn after Flynn came clean, no?
And all of that happened after Obama told Trump he was not to be trusted, with Yates following afterward.
Agreed. However, Yates herself was careful in her wording. She said today that Pence was unknowingly lying.Follow that up with the Vice President lying on national television denying those ties and defending him...
You're allowed to have shit opinions here without getting banned though. I mean...there was a whole thread dedicated to Breath of the Wild being the best Zelda game. If that nonsense doesn't get you banned, nothing should.Trying to pass off shit like this makes me really surprised you haven't been banned yet. What a joke.
Trying to pass off shit like this makes me really surprised you haven't been banned yet. What a joke.
And all of that happened after Obama told Trump he was not to be trusted, with Yates following afterward.
Because Trump didn't literally mean wiretapping, that is why quotes are necessary
What! Maybe you're forgetting that time Trump's assistants went to a 7-11 and there was totally a camera in there watching him. You're trying to pretend those were installed to catch other criminals and not just to try and sway the election for Clinton?There was no surveillance on Trump, either, so it's a moot point.
I don't have a link, but when asked if Flynn lied to Pence, she deferred saying something along the lines of "well, it appeared that he had lied to VP Pence at the time."
Early January, yes. He later concerned this point and fired Flynn after Flynn came clean, no?
You're allowed to have shit opinions here without getting banned though. I mean...there was a whole thread dedicated to Breath of the Wild being the best Zelda game. If that nonsense doesn't get you banned, nothing should.
So what are the cliff notes on this? I missed it yesterday?
Follow that up with the Vice President lying on national television denying those ties and defending him...
Agreed. However, Yates herself was careful in her wording. She said today that Pence was unknowingly lying.
You're allowed to have shit opinions here without getting banned though. I mean...there was a whole thread dedicated to Breath of the Wild being the best Zelda game. If that nonsense doesn't get you banned, nothing should.
Agreed. However, Yates herself was careful in her wording. She said today that Pence was unknowingly lying.
You're allowed to have shit opinions here without getting banned though. I mean...there was a whole thread dedicated to Breath of the Wild being the best Zelda game. If that nonsense doesn't get you banned, nothing should.
. Next you'll just start ranting about how awful aardvarks are or something.
True, his handle may as well be "Johnny Amerika"I have thought for a while that he may be some kind of Russian troll. Bruce Springsteen is just like the most generic American screen name I can imagine.
In his press conference today, Spicey called Yates an Obama appointee
In his press conference today, Spicey called Yates an Obama appointee
I don't watch these briefings because I have preserve what little sanity I have during the day but does anyone in that room stand up and say "No dude, you're just fucking wrong / lying"?
Their message is so mis aligned. Yates/Obama are so biased that they can't trust the warnings but Flynn needed no vetting because he was already cleared by the Obama admin.
Holy shit I legitimately thought they photoshopped one guy over a dozen times. It took me a solid 30 seconds to realize those were all different people.
Olga_Lautman NYC ✨‏ @olgaNYC1211 Apr 30
Join Us in a Nationwide #MarchforTruth on June 3rd to Demand a Special Independent Prosecutor in #Trumprussia !! Let's Do This America ����
De Amerikaanse senator Lindsey Graham gaat een onderzoek instellen naar president Trump. Hij wil weten of de zakenbelangen van de president in verband kunnen worden gebracht met Rusland,
Dat melden Amerikaanse media dinsdag, een dag nadat het onderwerp ter sprake kwam bij een hoorzitting in de Senaat.
De Republikein Graham zei ook graag inzage te willen krijgen in de belastingaangiften van zijn partijgenoot Trump. De president had in de aanloop naar de presidentsverkiezingen vorig jaar beloofd deze aangiften openbaar te maken, maar heeft dat tot op heden niet gedaan.
Op de vraag of Graham de belastingpapieren via een gerechtelijk bevel openbaar wil krijgen, wilde de senator niet antwoorden. Het Witte Huis wilde nog niet reageren op het voornemen van Graham.
Holy shit I legitimately thought they photoshopped one guy over a dozen times. It took me a solid 30 seconds to realize those were all different people.
The reason they do this is because it works. It's that simple. Enough of their supporters tell people who easily believe this stuff.
Hey, is this already known? I've just read on a Dutch site that Senator Graham wants to conduct an investigation into possible ties of Trumps businesses into Russia. He also wants clearance to look into Trumps' tax returns.
Fuck graham is such a scumbag these fucking evil shits
I see good old Lyndsey is trying to defend Trump and company again.
Graham asking stupid questions.
Graham tried his best to derail this shit again
Graham clearly isn't interested in the truth. Yates tried to call out his unmasked nonsense and he didn't let her.
You just put more effort into thinking about this situation than Trump's entire voter base ever will.Their message is so mis aligned. Yates/Obama are so biased that they can't trust the warnings but Flynn needed no vetting because he was already cleared by the Obama admin.