I think this episode was a bit rushed and could have been two separate ones, but it was still good.
My understanding was 10 episodes total.
Also, synopsises (synopsisi?) for the next three:
XCVII:XCVIII:Ashi's search for Jack helps her to see his effect on the world after encountering numerous people and places where he has changed things for the betterXCIX:Jack and Ashi overcome a series of dangerous physical and spiritual tests in order to recover Jack's swordThe burgeoning relationship between Jack and Ashi takes a turn after they are hunted by one of the galaxy's deadliest creatures
Kinda beat?
no we're not talking about this again, and they probably don't mean it that wayburgeoning relationship???
it's 'synopses'
no we're not talking about this again, and they probably don't mean it that way
And yes we are >![]()
it's 'synopses'
no we're not talking about this again, and they probably don't mean it that way
Honestly, I feel that's been one of my minor gripes with the season, mostly the last 4 episodes. Pacing wise it's pretty fast. I mean it's the good kind of fast, one where it doesn't get incoherent in its speed, but at times the editing can be somewhat abrupt during slower scenes.
.This might just be my new favorite thread.
We are trash lol
Jack is pure. Stop shitting on my early adulthood, y'all.
Ion know about all this, y'all
I was just a lil dude when I first watched this show
I believe I was 11 when I saw the premiere. Damn I feel old...
I was buggin' out when he showed up this time. In the previous episodes it was like "Ooh, spooky samurai, what's he up to? Just creeping again," but this time I was actually shocked. It was the suddenness of him appearing, then speaking, and then Jack willingly going with him. I had no idea what to expect from ghost samurai and that creeped me the hell out.This is the first time. Even more interesting, Jack seemed to know who he was, when he agreed that it *was* time.
Ignoring it is the horseman some kind of spirit
For a while I thought he was just a manifestation of Jack's fear but the illusion Jack seems to be that. I honestly have no idea what it could be.
Heck. For some reason, I'm fine with episode description spoilers for some shows, but with Jack being a limited series, I don't think I like having episode descriptions up to the 8th one. I liked it better when we didn't have anything but the teasers. It might've just been my cable company, but the first 4 episodes didn't have any descriptions other than the episode numbers.
...And in retrospect, the 4th episode was the one that was bumped a week for the Surprise Rick & Morty Marathon. And when the 4th episode actually aired, it suddenly had a description. I wonder if that had anything to do with the lack of episode descriptions early on?
IIRC, I was 9, & I still have to agree.
I am almost 100% certain the horseman is the spirit of Jack's sword. Either that or it's himself that he is running away from. The person he knows he needs to become.
IIRC Genndy has emphasized that this is the end of Jack's story, probably leaving the door open for a spinoffBTW, did they say this would be the final season, or is there a chance of season 6?
At long last, his time has comeAku makes the best faces
IIRC Genndy has emphasized that this is the end of Jack's story, probably leaving the door open for a spinoff
At long last, his time has come
her face in there is amazing. Plus he ain't the pimp of pimps
I'll tell you who it is
I think its good. Jack deserves some love in his life after 70+ years of living. Points for her not being damsel in distress and seeing through her mother's bullshit brainwashing quickly with her own eyes. That plot point did not need to drag on more than one episode.
Would be hilarious if he legitimately became ripped and well trained, after taking Jack's advice to heart.
Naww son,
when Jack is Back,
he is,
A Pimp Named Slick Jack
The Guardian's vision of the future showed Jack with a beard, sooo......yeah.i really hope Jack reverts back to his pure samurai form, with his clean shaven face, hair pulled back, and white gi.
I wonder if they'll make him an Afro Samurai shout-out.He'll reappear as an old wise sage, training a new generation of samurai.
The Guardian's vision of the future showed Jack with a beard, sooo......yeah.
That was from the intro, wasn't it?The teaser trailers feature at least one shot of a clean-shaven Jack in the rain with his gi on, so unless that's a flashback he is getting rid of that beard at some point. The Guardian's vision could be from anywhere along the present timeline, as long as it shows a Jack worthy of the portal.
Jack already had suicidal thoughts from another representation of himself, he's not going to have two.
This is probably the spirit/magical being of his sword telling him it's time to get back to grabbing it.
Jack probably has been running away from his responsibility after depression and the green ranger is haunting him to remind him of what he must do before he gets rid of his insecurities and turns into the white ranger
Scotsman never had a Divine weapon, wouldn't matter if he were Jack's equal in combat or not.This is also a reminder that scotsman=jack, and if the scotsman was younger, he could totally have taken aku
Awww shit.