Full credit to Uzupedro on ResetERA for getting the paywalled text.
When the deal was finally sealed a few months later, Housemarque's management rented the former boat of ice hockey player Teemu Selänne, the luxury yacht Lucky Eight.
They spent a sunny weekend in the Helsinki archipelago in the summer.
The price of Housemarque's Sony deal has not been disclosed, but it is more likely to be in the tens of millions of euros. With them, Sony bought expertise and a ready-made team.
According to tax information, Ilari Kuittinen and Harri Tikkanen each raised capital income of 9.8 million euros in 2022. According to Kuittinen, the cultural change has been major.
They have had to learn the HR practices coming from the group, develop their supervisory work and project expertise, and adapt to new information security practices. At the same time, Housemarque has gained the financial resources of a large group. The company has just moved to new premises in Kaartinkaupunki, Helsinki, and renovated them to the last detail, including its own cinema.
The budget for Saros is not public, but the game can be compared to Remedy's Alan Wake 2, whose development and marketing budget is estimated at around 70 million euros.
The project started in full force in 2022 and is now in the production phase. "You couldn't have made such investments as an independent studio," Kuittinen says.
Sony's investments in game development can be seen in the numbers: while Housemarque's turnover was 8.9 million in 2020, it was already 21.8 million euros in the financial year ending in March 2024. After the acquisition, Housemarque has renovated large new premises in Kaartinkaupunki in Helsinki.

HS Visio | Suomen vanhin pelifirma myytiin täydellisellä hetkellä
Housemarque on Suomen vanhin pelitalo, joka sinnitteli itsenäisenä lähes kolme vuosikymmentä ja myi lopulta itsensä täydellisellä hetkellä Sonylle. Nyt se kasvaa ja kehittää historiansa suurinta peliä.