The problem I had was that it was all buildup and no payoff. Just a bunch of kids running around, freaked out in the woods. Noises happen here and there, and then all of a sudden the movie ends in the basement of a building.
(Yes, I'm aware what actually happened in the basement, but it still doesn't counter the fact that there was literally no climax to the movie)
It had some good stuff (my god, the scene where her boyfriend wakes up and she's just laying there on the floor tied into a pretzel while staring at him? So god damned tense), but ultimately disappointed. I liked the early stuff where they would go back and forth between what happened and then have the prosecutor offer a rational explanation, but the movie quickly abandoned the conceit and decided that no, it really was all supernatural.
Mama. Old ladies freak me out.
What the heck is this from?
I'll agree with this part. It wasn't phenomenal or anything, but definitely better than it could have been.Around the time of release they had a very clever marketing campaign that elaborated more on the child murderer Rustin Parr and the legend, so maybe that had something to do with it. Also, the acting is far better than it had any right to be considering the budget, I thought they held the film together very well. It could have gone very wrong with a different cast.
Mirrors was a totally forgettable movie, but if you've seen it there's one scene you're bound to remember:
Not technically a monster, but oh JESUS GOD!
That didn't bother me at all, but there was an episode of Amazing Stories called Mirror, Mirror that really messed me up as a kid.
A guy starts seeing a figure behind him, moving towards him every time he sees his reflection. And each time it starts at the distance it left off at the last time he looked away.
That sounds pretty creepy indeed, is that Sam Waterson too?
We'll have to agree to disagree. I thought the ending was great.
Around the time of release they had a very clever marketing campaign that elaborated more on the child murderer Rustin Parr and the legend, so maybe that had something to do with it. Also, the acting is far better than it had any right to be considering the budget, I thought they held the film together very well. It could have gone very wrong with a different cast.
I'm a complete skeptic when it comes to ghosts and such in real life, but Blair Witch still gives me the creeps a bit.
Then, in November of 1940, she told him to go down to Burkittsville and get the first two children he saw. For some reason he found himself unable to resist. Actually, unwilling to resist. He followed the voice's directions completely, even when it began instructing him to take more children from the town of Burkittsville and kill them. In all, Rustin murdered seven children, sparing one, Kyle Brody, a boy who was made to stand in the corner while Rustin performed the awful act in the cellar of his house.
That is one funky trio for a TV serial horror show.
That didn't bother me at all, but there was an episode of Amazing Stories called Mirror, Mirror that really messed me up as a kid.
A guy starts seeing a figure behind him, moving towards him every time he sees his reflection. And each time it starts at the distance it left off at the last time he looked away.
Fun fact: The mirror monster is Tim Robbins.
Holy shitballs fact: The episode was directed by Martin Scorsese.
Cujo was terrifying because Cujo was real. All you had to do was imagine that Cujo was your own, beloved dog. All the ghosts, goblins, and boogeymen were rubber shit to me, but Cujo was real. Jaws was real-ish (well, not Jaws 3D). Jack Nicholson in the Shining was real, even if the ghosts that drove him crazy were not.Now Cujo?
Cujo was terrifying.
That didn't bother me at all, but there was an episode of Amazing Stories called Mirror, Mirror that really messed me up as a kid.
A guy starts seeing a figure behind him, moving towards him every time he sees his reflection. And each time it starts at the distance it left off at the last time he looked away.
Fun fact: The mirror monster is Tim Robbins.
Holy shitballs fact: The episode was directed by Martin Scorsese.
That didn't bother me at all, but there was an episode of Amazing Stories called Mirror, Mirror that really messed me up as a kid.
A guy starts seeing a figure behind him, moving towards him every time he sees his reflection. And each time it starts at the distance it left off at the last time he looked away.
Fun fact: The mirror monster is Tim Robbins.
Holy shitballs fact: The episode was directed by Martin Scorsese.
That reminds me of an episode of the Night Gallery called "The Cemetary." This guy had a painting of his house inside the house and everytime he walked by it this corpse in the painting would get closer to his front door.
That was like... The one good part of that movie. It really fell apart once the pseudo twist happened where![]()
Grave Encounters 2.
Just watched this last night. Good god it creeped me out.
The exorcist
Fuck these things. I watched this movie when I was 12, and for some reason it scared the shit out of me. That footage they show on the news where the alien passes in front of the driveway is still burnt into my retinas.
I had the same fucking reaction when I saw that movie, me and Joaquin just yelled "WHOA" completely in synch.
I may have to watch Mama. Not many things scare me in movies, but those tense "holy shit it's just standing there, it's just standing there...OHMIGOD IT'S COMING RIGHT AT ME" scenes freak me out like nothing else.
I actually had a dream after watching The Blair Witch Project (shit movie, BTW), where I was one of the characters and ended up going into the house and opening the basement door and there was essentially some creepy silhouette standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me. Then it charged. I woke up in a sweat.
Fuck these things. I watched this movie when I was 12, and for some reason it scared the shit out of me. That footage they show on the news where the alien passes in front of the driveway is still burnt into my retinas.
I had the same fucking reaction when I saw that movie, me and Joaquin just yelled "WHOA" completely in synch.
Only in the 1983 version, though. The 2011 prequel changed it from a cunning, paranoia-inducing cosmic horror to a dumb bloodthirsty brute.
This film was incredibly messed up. Good suggestion.I skimmed trough this thread and I think no one posted this one yet: a monster from Żulawski's "The Possession" (1981). It creeped me out big time.
Funny thing is, you don't really know you're watching a monster movie until, like, a half of it. Then the madness starts.
A NSFW image of young Isabelle Adjani making love to a human-tentacle monster.
I skimmed trough this thread and I think no one posted this one yet: a monster from Żulawski's "The Possession" (1981). It creeped me out big time.
Funny thing is, you don't really know you're watching a monster movie until, like, a half of it. Then the madness starts.
A NSFW image of young Isabelle Adjani making love to a human-tentacle monster.
Can't believe this wasn't posted.
Worm from Tremors.
That's the joke lol
Or seeing the brute force approach as leading to failure it decided to change its tactics for the 2nd group of people.
OK then lol.
That almost certainly wasn't the movie's intention though, since it tries its darndest to make us think that The Thing is just as clever as it was in the original, despite it making three colossaly stupid screwups:
- Morphing while on a helicopter bound for civilization and ruining its best chance for escape
- Not just detatching its limb like it did earlier in the movie to catch Kate while she's cowering just out of reach of its (completely extendable, mind you) tentacles while on the alien ship
- Reaching for the wrong ear while disguised as Carter when it's mentioned that it's missing the deceased man's earring, even though it should know which ear he wore it on after assimilating his friggin' memories. Also, not immediately torching Kate when it was clear that the jig was up
Mind you, it does do some smart stuff like destroying the blood samples and the aforementioned detaching limbs bit, but it was on the whole a really dumb beast, despite the script's best effort to make you think otherwise.