Scientists discover that Giraffes are actually four distinct species.

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Would you look at that!

So many discoveries still to be found in the natural world.


Yet, for centuries scientists may have missed a fundamental fact about these long-necked creatures: They aren’t one species, but rather four distinct ones.

“The genetic differences between giraffes is so large that we have to in fact describe four new species,” said Axel Janke, a geneticist from the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center in Frankfurt. “Some of the differences were as large or larger than the differences between brown bears and polar bears.”

Dr. Janke, along with Julian Fennessy from the Giraffe Conservation Foundation in Namibia and their colleagues, tested the DNA of nearly 200 giraffes from across Africa. They found genetic mutations that were present in certain groups and absent in others. The differences in mutation patterns, they said, were strong enough to classify the groups as distinct species. In some cases subspecies of giraffe were upgraded to being full-blown species. The team published its results Thursday in the journal Current Biology.

Until this point the African mammals were classified on the species level as Giraffa camelopardalis, or simply the giraffe. Now they will belong to one of four species: the southern giraffe, the Masai giraffe, the reticulated giraffe and the northern giraffe.

Also this new classification means Giraffes are severely threatened, with only 90,000 across 4 species in the wild.


good credit (by proxy)
Do you think a giraffe could beat my ass using only its huge neck? I bet I could fuck up a giraffe one on one, bro. Fuck giraffes.


What a bunch of boring names.
The Age of Discovery -scientist were so much better when naming things than us boring modern people.
Do you think a giraffe could beat my ass using only its huge neck? I bet I could fuck up a giraffe one on one, bro. Fuck giraffes.

they weigh about a ton and can swing their necks really fast. yeah, you'd get fucked up and then they'd kick you for good measure. I suggest using a rope.
Do you think a giraffe could beat my ass using only its huge neck? I bet I could fuck up a giraffe one on one, bro. Fuck giraffes.
Have you seen giraffes fight? Depending on where it hits you, one good connect will put you in a grave bruh..or it'll kick the soul out of you lol.


The definition of species seems so vague. These 4 groups that look so similar are different species and yet all dogs belong to the same one.

So are the giraffes.

Dogs are kinda weird since we've selected bred them for thousands of years. We basically co-evolved with them.

Not so with giraffes.


Do you think a giraffe could beat my ass using only its huge neck? I bet I could fuck up a giraffe one on one, bro. Fuck giraffes.

they run like 35 mph
fight off packs of hyenas and lions regularly
five horns on the head

it would be close


good credit (by proxy)
Have you seen giraffes fight? Depending on where it hits you, one good connect will put you in a grave bruh..or it'll kick the soul out of you lol.
Giraffes battle aura is strong but it does not shimmer, indicating it's presence as ordinary rank. My battle aura shimmers diamond meaning my physical size has lost linear binding with my attribute base. My attributes are beyond immense and my total attribute pool is made up of many pools in different relative phase with each other. I can phase shift these pools in real-time, mid-battle, to adjust my battle topology to favor me in ANY situation, bro.


Giraffes battle aura is strong but it does not shimmer, indicating it's presence as ordinary rank. My battle aura shimmers diamond meaning my physical size has lost linear binding with my attribute base. My attributes are beyond immense and my total attribute pool is made up of many pools in different relative phase with each other. I can phase shift these pools in real-time, mid-battle, to adjust my battle topology to favor me in ANY situation, bro.

but how tall are you


So you're telling me that all dogs are the same species, but those giraffes wich looks almost the same are different? Genetics are weird.
How about those Okapi? You can't tell me this isn't the love child of a Zebra and Giraffe


It's up there. Many African animals are weird like the rhino, elephant or hyena. Then there's Australia with the kangaroo and platypus but isolated islands tend to have weird animals.

"The unusual appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European naturalists when they first encountered it, with some considering it an elaborate hoax "
A Giraffe should be NeoGAF's mascot, a NeoGiraffe if you will. If my photo manip skills weren't shit I would've made it a long time ago.
Is this how these things work? One paper with a few authors come out and unilaterally (peer review by a few people aside) decide that we are going to redefine species' classification? I would expect there to be some sort of scientific consensus or debate at the very least.

Also, is there "standards committee" for this? Who maintains the "official" classification lists?


so does this imply that inter-species sex is possible and also able to bear fruits?
(not talking about Ligers and such as they are born infertile)
So... have they tested Pandas to make sure the ones they keep trying to breed aren't different species that won't mate with each other?


so does this imply that inter-species sex is possible and also able to bear fruits?
(not talking about Ligers and such as they are born infertile)
Biology is wacky.

There are separate species that do produce fertile offspring too.

Heck many of us have Neantherthal DNA, a separate hominid species from Homo sapiens.
Not exactly the best photographic side-by-side examples to communicate that they're different when 3/4 pictures are the exact same wide-shot and pose from the giraffe.
Here's something else for you. Pronghorn often called the American antelope, is not an antelope. They along with Okapi and the Giraffe are members of the Giraffoidea.

As for the 4 different species of Giraffe, here's what you need to know about the definition of the word is indeed really fuzzy because species themselves are fuzzy. Mostly it just refers to a discrete breeding population and if the genetic make up of these giraffes are significantly different from each other, then it indicates they don't really cross breed. You can have two different species be nigh genetically identical and look exactly the same, but if they don't regularly breed with each other, they are classified as different species.
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