Pretty cool to play the games on a old television. I played most games now, and some are tolerable when it comes to difficulty, but a lot of them are outrageously difficult. Couldn't even make it past Stage 5 (Ship) on
Normal in Streets of Rage 2 (I don't use continues, so). I don't even want to talk about Castle of Illusion. Absolutely disgraceful how bad I am at this game; couldn't even make it past the second world (Toyland). Was this game really targeted at little kids?

Sonic the Hedgehog, Wonder Boy in Monster World, and World of Illusion are probably the easiest games on the system? Sure, I played these games decades ago, but c'mon! Maybe I've gotten too used to Super NES games over the years. "Nintendo Hard"? Don't make me laugh.
Contra III: Alien Wars on Normal is a walk in the park in comparison to Contra: Hard Corps. Same goes for Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts in comparison to the Mega Drive game. The uncensored Vampire Killer (JP version of Castlevania: New Generation) is surprisingly tolerable though, once you know enemy patterns, as with any other Castlevania it becomes enjoyable to master. Tetris is very difficult because the pieces turn way too slowly; a huge problem when the game speeds up. Mega Man: The Wily Wars is as expected, ten times more difficult than the NES original titles due to a slower firing rate amongst other adjustments. Even a incredibly easy boss like Metal Man in Mega Man 2 takes ages, and of lot of depleted energy to beat.