A comment, a comment, my kingdom for a comment...
Forgive the convoluted title, I don't want to include games like Lost Vikings, or you know whatever Blackthorn was, you all know what games I really want to guage appeal on. If you would like to post "I've another, more hipster title to tout" go ahead and take that poll option <3. I'm really sorry but unless someone asks me to I'll keep Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm out of the poll. If you want me to believe you actually prefer WC1 to WC2 or 3 I'll add the poll option, but really.

I've done this for Assassin's Creed and Supergiant Games, I'm going to try and do the same for Blizzard. I think I'll make a series of these things exploring the body of work of various developers. For the sake of poll brevity I'll use collective titles for games with a lot of expansions - war3, Diablo 3, SC2, so on - and invite y'all to specify which expansions you might like most should you wish to.
One exception being WoW, I was tempted to say Vanilla; TBC; WotLK; then Post-Cata for the rest but I guess people who actually played that dross (jk ;P) might take umbrage with that.
This should be an interesting poll, I'm thinking Starcraft and Warcraft 3 might dominate, maybe WoW in a collective sense... Diablo 2 should be close but somehow I'm not so sure.
ps. If you hate Blizz now and want to leave a message to that effect, feel free, but let's try not to flame each other, eh?
pps. I'm not going to split hairs about Activision, do so yourself if you want in the comments. In my opinion Blizzard has fallen, D4 might redeem them but I'm not optimistic. That's besides the point of this thread.
If you vote, go ahead and tell us why
Blind votes, locked votes, public votes, muhaha.
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