Well, you can sure try and tell me who exactly asked for this drastic change.
Well, good for you.
75% of it, for me at least.
I think you got your quotes mixed, as I did not say that (the first quote of me), lol.
Well, you can sure try and tell me who exactly asked for this drastic change.
Well, good for you.
75% of it, for me at least.
Then go play something else. We knew about this new direction for months. It's really a shame people like you can't enjoy old school and modern shooters alike, but keep bitching.Shame about the Borderlands/Diablow influences with this one. Not exactly what I'm looking for in a supposed OLD SCHOOL shooter.
Did they ever actually say this game in particular was going to be "old school"?
Idk, haven't followed this one before it came out, so maybe not, but I know they did with the last one. Thought they would just build on that, instead of adding that other stuff.
Finding around with menus isn't such a good idea for a fast paced shooter though.
Yes, they were. There's at least two of us here, counting myself, that has access to review copy. Have zero fear, this game is quality! Up there with DOOM in regards to sleeper hits of 2016
Very good to hear. I really enjoyed first one as well so in pretty sure I'll like this one. They have shown allot of footage which is usually a good thing. Is this getting a ps4 pro patch?
I mean, this is the very definition of "building off" of the previous game.
I guess if you like that kind of stuff. I was never into the lewt whoring games much, as it's so unsatisfying getting new weapons/items when upgrades are so constant, dull and minor.
Is this any different in regards to this aspect ?
I guess if you like that kind of stuff. I was never into the lewt whoring games much, as it's so unsatisfying getting new weapons/items when upgrades are so constant, dull and minor.
Is this any different in regards to this aspect ?
After finishing the second game then playing some of the first I definitely miss a lot of the features and QoL changes they made, I'm not sure why they would garner any hate, improvements all around IMO.
I guess if you like that kind of stuff. I was never into the lewt whoring games much, as it's so unsatisfying getting new weapons/items when upgrades are so constant, dull and minor.
Is this any different in regards to this aspect ?
Each weapon has some thought put into their aesthetic and function. It's more like Dark Souls loot rather than Borderland's mountain of randomly generated guns that mostly look the same.
Pretty much, they did consciously advertise 70+ guns, rather than "INFINITE".
I kind of prefer it that way, where the guns have more of an identity, don't become dramatically outdated, and you just slot in stuff to keep them improving. I've been more encouraged to use new weapons, but also go back to old ones more than most loot-based games.
Pretty much, they did consciously advertise 70+ guns, rather than "INFINITE".
I kind of prefer it that way, where the guns have more of an identity, don't become dramatically outdated, and you just slot in stuff to keep them improving. I've been more encouraged to use new weapons, but also go back to old ones more than most loot-based games.
“The first piece is the introduction of the first game’s ultimate katana and fan favorite, the Nobitsura Kage, into Shadow Warrior 2. Coming updates to Shadow Warrior 2 will include new missions and an ultra-hard challenge mode alongside new weapons, items, and co-op ninja characters.”
Also coming up with new things (and possibly due out any second now) is update Shadow Warrior 2 game director Michal Szustak explains:
“We’re adding some new features like insane difficulty tiers, rebalance of some skills and drop system, better crafting and a lot of bug fixes, so it needs to be tested properly.”
Free post-release content incoming.
Balance and gameplay changes:
- "Serene Mind" skill nerfed
- "Auto-Reload" skill nerfed
- "Like the Wind skill" nerfed, 5th stage added
- "Second Chance" skill 4th stage added
- "Arm of Orochi" weapon significantly nerfed
- More auras on single enemy for Hard and Insane difficulties
- More enemies attacking at the same time for Hard and Insane difficulties
- Enemies speed increased for Insane difficulty
- Added 3 new ultra-difficult tiers for Insane difficulty with much better loot to find
- Upgrade drops quality now better reflects game difficulty - on higher difficulties better drops start occuring right from the beginning of the playthrough
- Added cap for gaining experience speed for every difficulty: after reaching certain character level player gets experience much slower, appropriate information added to difficulty description
- Fixed bug when player could get quest reward Skill Points more than once per quest per character. If character earned more than maximum number of Skill Points (level + all quests reward) - Skill Points will be capped
- Due to skills rebalance player will have all skill reset after map loaded - inventory will be automatically opened and message box will be shown
- Crafting result upgrade quality depends on source upgrades quality now, crafting price depends on expected result quality
- Final boss drop ("Ryuken" weapon) now available as final quest reward
- More special enemies, more respawns and better loot on Free Roam missions
- Elite and Superior enemy "Hellhound" won't fetch grenades now
General fixes:
- Fixed bug when player could pickup "King Skelletor" weapon before designed mission
- Gauss rifle shot tuned down and smoothed, added alternative reload animation
- Fixed bug when dual melee secondary weapon didn't inherit primary weapon stats (elemental, damage etc)
- Fixed weapon being removed from inventory when spawned as turret on map change
- Fixed "Destroyer of Realms" weapon turret throw animation
- "Damage resist" player stat now works properly
- Fixed "Second Chance" skill bug when player couldn't die even if none enemy was killed
- Fixed bug when player frezees or looses weapon when damaged or killed during teleporting
- Enemies with "Swift" aura now return to correct speed after unfreezing
- Fixed "Belly" enemy animation when reacting to Grip of Darkness
- Fixed entering T-pose for enemies with uzi.
- Some cutscene fixes
- Some walkmesh fixes
- Some missions fixes
UI changes and fixes:
- Fixed crash when replacing gems in weapons
- Fixed bug when player couldn't replace gem when all slots were occupied
- Hint area on loading screen now resizes correctly
- Added option to sell all junks with mouse, added confirmation dialog
- Corrected various translation and textual errors, added missing strings
- Fixed enemy "Tumor" mesh in Wanglopedia.
Multiplayer fixes:
- Performance issue for co-op partners fixed
- Fixed bug when "Bunny Lord" didn't drop loot for clients
- Co-op network bandwidth usage optimizations
- Fixed bug when using "Emperor's Touch" weapon produced excessive lags
- Fixed issue when client was not able to open Inventory or change weapons when using teleport during (or directly before) cutscene
Engine fixes:
- Fixed bug when game freezes on loading on 2-core CPUs
- AlienFX is now by default disabled due to crashes on some configs (add -alienfx to properties->general->set launch options in order to enable it)
- Added -nochroma switch (add -nochroma to properties->general->set launch options in order to disable Razer Chroma)
- Fixed shadow and geometry flickering
- Fixed recovering from GPU driver crash
- Non persistent console commands (e.g. r_weapon_fov) can now be loaded from autoexec.cfg
- Fixed crash when mfplat.dll is not present in system
- Optimized weapon switching CPU performance
- Fixed "DX11 Device not found" error on some notebooks
- HDR Display options are now only available when Full-Screen mode is selected (as only in this mode HDR Display works)
- Reduced audio stuttering (VO and music)
- Optimized shadow rendering performance
- On first game start dedicated GPU will be enabled instead of an integrated one
Photomode fixes:
- Increased exposure slider range
- Fixed slowmo after exiting photomode bug
- Fixed screenshot rendering (tile mode and anti-aliasing)
- Fixed FOV when entering photomode with weapon zoom enabled
- Fixed tiled screenshot mode artifacts (screenshot resolution multiplier > 1 screenshots)
I'm not really liking these balance changes.
They double dipped on nerfing Arm of Orochi on a knee-jerk reaction to the casual crowd by both decreasing the base DPS significantly (It does only 33% damage per Force Slash instead of the 100%) as well as significantly increasing health on monsters in the new difficulty tiers AS WELL AS giving a majority of those same monsters physical resist/immune, meaning you do shit all with the sword now.
There's also the case where I'm level 69, yet I can only have a handful of skills to put points into, and by the time I reach the "max" level (96, because exp caps out at 999999 or whatever) I still won't have enough to max out all the skills.
Enemies are now more resistant than ever in difficulties above Hard, fulfilling the wrongful complaints that enemies were bullet-sponges by making them actually bullet-sponges now.
They also haven't fixed the bug where if you dash into a ledge you can get sucked into the rock and get stuck there, nor have they fixed the bug with the cutscene where you obtain the Blade of Exile, where if you're holding a button when the cutscene triggers, you won't be able to skip it.
Free post-release content incoming.
Patch Notes: http://steamcommunity.com/app/324800/discussions/0/333656722971757395/
Welp my whole build just got wrecked.
- Due to skills rebalance player will have all skill reset after map loaded - inventory will be automatically opened and message box will be shown
Mate, either I read it wrong or you are but auras are not immunities but rather elemental effects like fire and such, right? Also, the thing about fixing the "walkmesh", doesn't that solve the issues with being stuck in geometry?
There certainly are monsters immune to physical and/or elemental damage. This was also true pre-patch.
Is it me or are the weather and time of day effects being applied to the missions now instead of just Dragon Mountain? Playing through a second time and I'm getting sweet moonlit storms that I don't remember happening during my first go.
The game warns you whenever you're about to start a main mission that will lock you out of side missions...
After this patch on harder difficulty levels the game became somewhat harder than before, but after just 1 mission it's cakewalk for me now on Hard. I mean there's still damage sponge mops (the ones with the shield icon) here and there, but other than that... very it's easy.
After this patch on harder difficulty levels the game became somewhat harder than before, but after just 1 mission it's cakewalk for me now on Hard. I mean there's still damage sponge mops (the ones with the shield icon) here and there, but other than that... very it's easy.
Blade of Exile is a fucking beast. I've added ice damage to it with huge freeze effect, vulnerability to chill and this sword destroys absolutely everything that doesn't have ice immunity or huge resistance to ice. This and Saw Blade is the best swords in the game so far and I've almost completed my first playthrough.
The levels now is extremely similar to one another and I'm starting to think that there's 4 or 5 unique levels in this game at best, which is a shame cuz... well, it's still a lot of fun to rip and tear, but not fun at all to do this on the same levels over and over again.
I've zero complaints about DOOM's levels - DOOM has 100% unique levels even though they look similar but only in terms of art-direction and overall architecture and you can't build anything and make absolutely every aspect look unique in terms of art-direction and architecture, but you can make levels unique in terms of design, object placement, paths and little things here and there to make every levels look distinct from others - hangar, foundry, plant, lab, living quarters, administrative building etc. and DOOM has exactly that, every level has appropriate look based on structure's practical purpose. In Shadow Warrior 2 on the other hand I'm seeing the same levels over and over again with the exact same design, object placement, starting points, paths etc. DOOM is perfect to me with the exception of Rune challenges and some of the challenges related to weapon upgrades cuz they distract you from playing the game and wasting your time on something much less interesting.You reference DOOM, but half of that game's levels were practically interchangeable and looked nearly identical.