You shouldIf the governor lets even one of these people go to jail, I hope that there is a movement amongst blacks not to vote for him again.
I don't care if a republican replaces him.
Fuck this shit.
You shouldIf the governor lets even one of these people go to jail, I hope that there is a movement amongst blacks not to vote for him again.
I don't care if a republican replaces him.
Fuck this shit.
Yeh, I'm bursting apart with laughter right now.Sure is funny how ooooooooooonly the black woman catches a charge.
Well, you have choices to make, and you'll have to face whatever comes after that.
If the governor lets even one of these people go to jail, I hope that there is a movement amongst blacks not to vote for him again.
I don't care if a republican replaces him.
Fuck this shit.
I don't see how this isn't expected or warranted.
The statues may be repulsive but there are solid grounds for using the tools of the state to remove them. It confers legitimacy and sends a stronger message, albeit a slower one. The institutions of law and order are essential to society and shouldn't be thrown aside because the contents or delivery of law doesn't line up with social expectations. Just change the law and the practice.
I mean, do you remember those original Nazis? I remember. There were some who argued for summary execution, but some bright American successfully argued for process. We got the Nuremburg trials, which led to the United Nations Genocide Convention (1948) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), as well as the Geneva Convention on the Laws and Customs of War (1949).
I don't see how this isn't expected or warranted.
The statues may be repulsive but there are solid grounds for using the tools of the state to remove them. It confers legitimacy and sends a stronger message, albeit a slower one. The institutions of law and order are essential to society and shouldn't be thrown aside because the contents or delivery of law doesn't line up with social expectations. Just change the law and the practice.
I mean, do you remember those original Nazis? I remember. There were some who argued for summary execution, but some bright American successfully argued for process. We got the Nuremburg trials, which led to the United Nations Genocide Convention (1948) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), as well as the Geneva Convention on the Laws and Customs of War (1949).
You can remember that events have happened or that historical figures have existed without having been there.Wow, how old are you?
Then change it. It isn't as if language isn't and order is a racist dog whistle FYI
Probably. But I am okay with that.Martin Luther King and Ghandi would disagree with you.
I don't see how this isn't expected or warranted.
The statues may be repulsive but there are solid grounds for using the tools of the state to remove them. It confers legitimacy and sends a stronger message, albeit a slower one. The institutions of law and order are essential to society and shouldn't be thrown aside because the contents or delivery of law doesn't line up with social expectations. Just change the law and the practice.
You can remember that events have happened or that historical figures have existed without having been there.
Then change it. It isn't as if language isn't fluid.
I don't see how this isn't expected or warranted.
The statues may be repulsive but there are solid grounds for using the tools of the state to remove them. It confers legitimacy and sends a stronger message, albeit a slower one. The institutions of law and order are essential to society and shouldn't be thrown aside because the contents or delivery of law doesn't line up with social expectations. Just change the law and the practice.
I mean, do you remember those original Nazis? I remember. There were some who argued for summary execution, but some bright American successfully argued for process. We got the Nuremburg trials, which led to the United Nations Genocide Convention (1948) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), as well as the Geneva Convention on the Laws and Customs of War (1949).
And how was that? By defending an institution rather than the content? May as well say that I am a fascist because I like the Oxford comma and so do some fascists.the way you used it isn't at all different from how racists used/use it so there goes any attempt at fluidity.
And how was that? By defending an institution rather than the content? May as well say that I am a fascist because I like the Oxford comma and so do some fascists.
Wait, which Nazis? The ones that were put on trial, or the ones that the US secretly scrubbed of ties to the SS, who were distanced from the thousands of prisoners who died working on their projects, and who were transported to the US and given plum jobs at NASA?I don't see how this isn't expected or warranted.
The statues may be repulsive but there are solid grounds for using the tools of the state to remove them. It confers legitimacy and sends a stronger message, albeit a slower one. The institutions of law and order are essential to society and shouldn't be thrown aside because the contents or delivery of law doesn't line up with social expectations. Just change the law and the practice.
I mean, do you remember those original Nazis? I remember. There were some who argued for summary execution, but some bright American successfully argued for process. We got the Nuremburg trials, which led to the United Nations Genocide Convention (1948) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), as well as the Geneva Convention on the Laws and Customs of War (1949).
Martin Luther King and Ghandi would disagree with you.
Again. The war didnt spring up overnight. People had plenty of time to consider their options. Some decided they wouldn't fight against America. Some stuck around deciding that fighting to keep other humans enslaved was more worthwhile. It was an active choice they made.
If they were so fearful of any other consequence what happened to that fear when they were actually enlisted and eligible for desertion charges (DEATH)? 2/3 of thosebrave men without a choicecowards found every excuse to hide and not to fight anymore. What was so terrifying years before the war that made desertion and lying to their commanders so enticing?
I don't see how this isn't expected or warranted.
The statues may be repulsive but there are solid grounds for using the tools of the state to remove them. It confers legitimacy and sends a stronger message, albeit a slower one. The institutions of law and order are essential to society and shouldn't be thrown aside because the contents or delivery of law doesn't line up with social expectations. Just change the law and the practice.
I mean, do you remember those original Nazis? I remember. There were some who argued for summary execution, but some bright American successfully argued for process. We got the Nuremburg trials, which led to the United Nations Genocide Convention (1948) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), as well as the Geneva Convention on the Laws and Customs of War (1949).
I mean does he really have a choice in this? I'm against these statues existing in public non-museum settings but his job is to uphold the law and this is pretty illegal even if you do argue that it's morally correct
Saying that tearing down state sanctioned racist memorializations intended to subjugate and intimidate a specific populace warrants throwing people in jail in order to maintain law and order is very much being defensive of a status quo that benefits only one group.
You're telling people, but black people in particular, to trust the system that erected these statues in order to maintain a civility and order that was not even granted to them in the first place. Instead of advocating for what is indubitably humane and just, you cling to a weak rhetorical argument of thinking we're going to descend into a society of savages for not following the rules.
Extra-judiciously tearing down a statue of some old white guys who wanted to keep negroes enslaved is a helluva lot better than what white america really deserves so you can keep your law and order bullshit
What does white america really deserve?Saying that tearing down state sanctioned racist memorializations intended to subjugate and intimidate a specific populace warrants throwing people in jail in order to maintain law and order is very much being defensive of a status quo that benefits only one group.
You're telling people, but black people in particular, to trust the system that erected these statues in order to maintain a civility and order that was not even granted to them in the first place. Instead of advocating for what is indubitably humane and just, you cling to a weak rhetorical argument of thinking we're going to descend into a society of savages for not following the rules.
Extra-judiciously tearing down a statue of some old white guys who wanted to keep negroes enslaved is a helluva lot better than what white america really deserves so you can keep your law and order bullshit
Nope. I am saying that I think that going through a long and drawn out process is likely going to lead to greater social stability in the long run. The statues needed to come down. Civil disobedience is fast and loud, but I don't think it is as convincing as many make it out to be. That's just my hunch, so i am willing to leave that point by the wayside and say I am likely erong in my hunch.
However, the arrest of these individuals should be expected. Is it right? Yes, from the perspective of institutional order. No, from the moral perspective. And that is exactly what I think civil disobedience is supposed to do. Through the procedural functioning of the justice system, demonstrate the immoral grounding of the laws that justice system is enforcing. Either through the Court's decision or the court of public opinion. So my real problem isn't that law and order isn't being upheld when statues come down, but that people think the cop should be condemned for acting as the instrument of law that he is.
For clarity, it baffles me that statues emblematic of racism are standing in the US and I support taking them down. I prefer a different approach than that taken, but see the merits of civil disobedience. I think abandoning the enforcement of law after the fact of civil disobedience as some seem to be advocating here is absolutely insane. It is up to the judge and jury to decide if breaking that kind of law in this kind of way is worthy of punishment.
I might be wrong and I'm open to argument. My overarching concern with the situation is the rhetoric used by opposing sides. Admittedly, confrontation between the groups is something I'm shy of. I did a fair bit of research on factors and rhetoric that precede and possibly cause intrastate violence. The US isn't looking so hot by those measures.
What does white america really deserve?
Ok, buddy. I wish you all the luck in the world with your quest to deliver an "assbeating" to all of the white people of have this whole damn country snatched back and an assbeating to go along with it
Ok, buddy. I wish you all the luck in the world with your quest to deliver an "assbeating" to all of the white people of America.
I'm wishing you luck, friend-o. Not taking it personally at all. There's about 245 million white people in America, so I hope you've got enough stamina to make it through all of them!don't take it so personal champ.
All white police men are pretty much part of the KKK or some other White Supremacist group at this point.
to have this whole damn country snatched back and an assbeating to go along with it
And that's all I needed. This statement makes it clear that no one who served was actively against slavery.
That's... that's literally it. If no one there was against slavery then there's no one to make a plaque for, yeah?
Sorry for thinking there might have been some not shitty people getting dragged into shit. I'm not a fucking nazi okay?
It's one thing to go "but they could have dodged! Or moved! Or dissented!" but that was heavily at odds with, as I mentioned, I learned about people being forced to fight on opposite sides of their family. Again, who knows, maybe that was fairy tale bullshit.
👏👏👏👏👏I would suggest to all those saying "not all Confederates were bad/evil/racist/slave owners" that you cannot separate being a Confederate soldier from the idea of fighting for the preservation of slavery, and there is essentially no point on pontificating on specific motives from individuals rather than focusing on the whole. Simply due to the fact that, to a slave at that time, there was essentially no difference between the plantation owner fighting to keep him enslaved, and the poor farmer who didn't have a choice but to join the gray coats. Because that slave is gonna be on the opposite end of the barrel of each of their guns regardless of those soldiers' personal motives.
But then again, providing that explanation would assume that these discussions are being had under good faith. But they aren't. It's the ultimate form of an inconvenient truth; you cannot deny the racial component and honor the Confederate soldier at the same time. To do otherwise means you're intentionally ignoring the biggest elephant in the room, simply because it's convenient for you to do so.
So, instead of saying all of that, I'll say this:
Fuck you and everything you come from and stand for. I'm getting real sick and tired of White people ignoring our truths just because it's too hard for you to look in the mirror and acknowledge that the world has a problem with your constant mediocrity and bullshit. You created this situation by murdering people on land you didn't own and weren't entitled to, enslaving people and removing all aspects of their culture, fighting a war to keep that institution in place, creating laws to intimidate and persecute American citizens, creating public policy in order to imprison us, creating prisons to enslave us further, and creating a police state to continue to murder us with impunity, and get away with it, even with video evidence, witnesses and personal confessions. All of this while you continue to benefit from the born privilege you neither acknowledge or even notice.
To all the fence-sitters, the #NotAll____'s, the concern trollers, the "economic anxiety" folks, the so-called liberals who don't want us to talk about this shit, etc: Get out and fuck off. You are not my friend, my ally, or on my side. You are the antithesis of my existence and are therefore an enemy to me and a threat to my prosperity & liberty. You reside in the sunken place, and you want me to pull up a sleeping back to lay down alongside you because you prioritize order over justice.
I refuse and I'm done entertaining you.
"Had I ordered my deputies to engage a hostile crowd, there would have been serious injuries," he said.
I would suggest to all those saying "not all Confederates were bad/evil/racist/slave owners" that you cannot separate being a Confederate soldier from the idea of fighting for the preservation of slavery, and there is essentially no point on pontificating on specific motives from individuals rather than focusing on the whole. Simply due to the fact that, to a slave at that time, there was essentially no difference between the plantation owner fighting to keep him enslaved, and the poor farmer who didn't have a choice but to join the gray coats. Because that slave is gonna be on the opposite end of the barrel of each of their guns regardless of those soldiers' personal motives.
But then again, providing that explanation would assume that these discussions are being had under good faith. But they aren't. It's the ultimate form of an inconvenient truth; you cannot deny the racial component and honor the Confederate soldier at the same time. To do otherwise means you're intentionally ignoring the biggest elephant in the room, simply because it's convenient for you to do so.
So, instead of saying all of that, I'll say this:
Fuck you and everything you come from and stand for. I'm getting real sick and tired of White people ignoring our truths just because it's too hard for you to look in the mirror and acknowledge that the world has a problem with your constant mediocrity and bullshit. You created this situation by murdering people on land you didn't own and weren't entitled to, enslaving people and removing all aspects of their culture, fighting a war to keep that institution in place, creating laws to intimidate and persecute American citizens, creating public policy in order to imprison us, creating prisons to enslave us further, and creating a police state to continue to murder us with impunity, and get away with it, even with video evidence, witnesses and personal confessions. All of this while you continue to benefit from the born privilege you neither acknowledge or even notice.
To all the fence-sitters, the #NotAll____'s, the concern trollers, the "economic anxiety" folks, the so-called liberals who don't want us to talk about this shit, etc: Get out and fuck off. You are not my friend, my ally, or on my side. You are the antithesis of my existence and are therefore an enemy to me and a threat to my prosperity & liberty. You reside in the sunken place, and you want me to pull up a sleeping back to lay down alongside you because you prioritize order over justice.
I refuse and I'm done entertaining you.
If they followed those orders then they agreed.
No, and that's a pretty ridiculous statement implying someone is part of a hate group because of their skin color. I thought people were fighting against this mentality. But for fun, what about all the non-white officers who would do the same thing?
The officers carried out the law. They didn't go in there and make the arrests on the spot, like they should have, during the act. To avoid violence at that. Its the law. They have to uphold the law. Unless you beleive they should allow anarchy, in which that is not going to end well for a lot of people.
They should be applauded how they handled this.
He wants kudos for not beating up protestors?
This seems sensible.200 hours of community service each, to be spent removing the rest of them.
You mean "snatched back" by native americans, right?to have this whole damn country snatched back and an assbeating to go along with it
to have this whole damn country snatched back and an assbeating to go along with it
I would suggest to all those saying "not all Confederates were bad/evil/racist/slave owners" that you cannot separate being a Confederate soldier from the idea of fighting for the preservation of slavery, and there is essentially no point on pontificating on specific motives from individuals rather than focusing on the whole. Simply due to the fact that, to a slave at that time, there was essentially no difference between the plantation owner fighting to keep him enslaved, and the poor farmer who didn't have a choice but to join the gray coats. Because that slave is gonna be on the opposite end of the barrel of each of their guns regardless of those soldiers' personal motives.
But then again, providing that explanation would assume that these discussions are being had under good faith. But they aren't. It's the ultimate form of an inconvenient truth; you cannot deny the racial component and honor the Confederate soldier at the same time. To do otherwise means you're intentionally ignoring the biggest elephant in the room, simply because it's convenient for you to do so.
So, instead of saying all of that, I'll say this:
Fuck you and everything you come from and stand for. I'm getting real sick and tired of White people ignoring our truths just because it's too hard for you to look in the mirror and acknowledge that the world has a problem with your constant mediocrity and bullshit. You created this situation by murdering people on land you didn't own and weren't entitled to, enslaving people and removing all aspects of their culture, fighting a war to keep that institution in place, creating laws to intimidate and persecute American citizens, creating public policy in order to imprison us, creating prisons to enslave us further, and creating a police state to continue to murder us with impunity, and get away with it, even with video evidence, witnesses and personal confessions. All of this while you continue to benefit from the born privilege you neither acknowledge or even notice.
To all the fence-sitters, the #NotAll____'s, the concern trollers, the "economic anxiety" folks, the so-called liberals who don't want us to talk about this shit, etc: Get out and fuck off. You are not my friend, my ally, or on my side. You are the antithesis of my existence and are therefore an enemy to me and a threat to my prosperity & liberty. You reside in the sunken place, and you want me to pull up a sleeping back to lay down alongside you because you prioritize order over justice.
I refuse and I'm done entertaining you.
Don't disagree, but I would rather be mad at people not being prosecuted for shooting a civil rights memorial than be mad at people being prosecuted for pulling down a statue in the middle of the day with TV cameras all over the place.![]()
They been doing it, but funny how the law is never that swift or sure in these cases
Well of course. While I'm glad the statue was torn down it was still a crime and that wasn't going to be ignored just because we like what was done.
You honestly sound mental.
You are reading too much into a verbal beatdown. Given the first part of your post, I'm not that surprised.
Bree Newsome‏Verified account @BreeNewsome
�� Durham Co. Sheriff's office is currently arresting and conducting raids on the homes of people who removed Confederate monument yesterday
Lamont Lilly‏ @LamontLilly 17m17 minutes ago
My crib was one of the places they raided yesterday @BreeNewsome. Every closet, every drawer, ripped my mattress. Totally trashed the place!
Racism doesn't go away if you close your eyes to it.As a fellow black man I can tell you this, stop being so angry at the world, nothing would come of it.