Went in with low expectations, still vastly disappointed three or four chapters in. Maybe because the first chapter was much better than I expected, since the ,,cinematic'' sequences worked much better than I thought (although probably not on a second playthrough) and escaping an undestroyable enemy is scary in any horror title. But then... it just regresses into RE4. Anyone suggesting that this is like the REmake doesn't know the latter or is a liar. This game has nothing to do with survival horror, because all it is is RE4. Down right to the animations, including dumb doors closing themselves. Generic cabins and ,,eerie'' noises straight out of RE4 instead of unique art direction and great music like in the REmake, Silent Hill 2, etc. Slightly enhanced corridor shooting gameplay with several new killing techniques over exploration. Meh, what a fucking dick move hyping this up as ,,nostalgic horror''. Fuck off, Mikami. And I think in the third chapter, even though it's basically RE4, the level design is just confusing as hell.
Gonna keep playing for the story for now. Some parts give me small Uzumaki vibes.
Yeah, it has shit to do with old-style RE.
I read people thought you burned enemies so they didn't come back to life like Crimson Head in REmake... yeah, it's not like that AT ALL.