Does everyone get a cool slip cover?
My PS4 copy from Amazon US just arrived and mine came with the slip cover
Does everyone get a cool slip cover?
I wouldn't say either game aims shittily. I mean they are not Max Payne or anything but they get he job done. You can tell the aiming is a little off by design.
I talked about this on stream last night lol
Is there any sort of collection mechanic like hidden treasure in RE4? Can you inspect all the shiny shit you get and then sell it for upgrades? That stuff was SO GOOD.
I'm not sure how I feel about adding a stealth-heavy aspect to survival horror. As with all stealth games, I find myself reloading a lot in order to get a "perfect" run where I don't lose any health or ammo. Kills the immersion.
I talked about this on stream last night lol
I'm not sure how I feel about adding a stealth-heavy aspect to survival horror. As with all stealth games, I find myself reloading a lot in order to get a "perfect" run where I don't lose any health or ammo. Kills the immersion.
Has that been actually verified? I've read through the thread and have yet to see anyone provide any real evidence this is the case. Is there a comparison or something?Those with PS4 copies, just how horrible is the framerate? Is this a constant thing or just in certain areas? I'm wondering if I should even start playing yet. I still went with the PS4 version because I can't believe they'd let it run like shit next to the xbone and not patch it.
Is there any sort of collection mechanic like hidden treasure in RE4? Can you inspect all the shiny shit you get and then sell it for upgrades? That stuff was SO GOOD.
You collect green gel that you use as currency hidden all over the place. Map fragements that work toward unlocking something but I don't believe anyone knows what it is yet. Newspapers and notebook entries etc.
I'll be curious to see the Digital Foundry stuff. Getting on PS4 in a few moments but I'm thinking about switching.
Are you trying to DL it off PSN? Sometimes they don't update the stuff until later on Tuesday (that includes dlc).
Stop restarting, you're not being ranked or evaluated.
Those with PS4 copies, just how horrible is the framerate? Is this a constant thing or just in certain areas? I'm wondering if I should even start playing yet. I still went with the PS4 version because I can't believe they'd let it run like shit next to the xbone and not patch it.
That is like the worst way to enhance difficulty ever.
In chapter 2how the hell do I get past the wooden door with the crank. The one that has 2 Haunted revive when you activate the crank.
In chapter 2how the hell do I get past the wooden door with the crank. The one that has 2 Haunted revive when you activate the crank. burn them with matches first! burn them with matches first!
I just waited for them to get up then ran under the bomb wire behind them, though this sounds like a better idea.
No matches.
This was what I was gonna try. Just couldn't help disarming it knowing it's ammo for you know what.
No matches.
Great. I'll have to check mine when I get home as it wasn't workinh this morning for me.I just got it. Took them long enough.
As a gun owner I had to make this
It's less about being ranked and more about "I could totally save those 2 bullets by stealth killing that guy if I tried again." Then, of course, I end up with maxed out bullets. The life of a videogame hoarder.
As a gun owner I had to make this
How does the multiplayer in this game work? I actually somehow missed the fact that it had multiplayer at all.
I recall them saying the player would be able to create their own traps very early on. Did they officially say they axed that at some point and I just missed it?
You're mistaken. The game doesn't have multiplayer.
Create traps? so far no. Use the level's traps to your advantage? Yes
My "Fighting Chance" pre-order code doesn't seem to want to work. Anyone else having this issue?
I wouldn't say either game aims shittily. I mean they are not Max Payne or anything but they get he job done. You can tell the aiming is a little off by design.
I talked about this on stream last night lol
Shotgun blast to the head = falls over but gets right back up
A lit match = insta-kill with splash damage, incinerating anything else touching the downed enemy
Shotgun blast to the head = falls over but gets right back up
A lit match = insta-kill with splash damage, incinerating anything else touching the downed enemy
See my post here
Also i already have installed the 70-something MB update since yesterday. Dunno if there's another update
Also i noticed really poor textures on walls when i was opening some doors but that was very rare and i only noticed that in chapter 5
The colour manual was the biggest surprise for me.Holy shit
A full color multi page instruction manual
and a reversible cover
thank you based mikami
I recall them saying the player would be able to create their own traps very early on. Did they officially say they axed that at some point and I just missed it?
I recall them saying the player would be able to create their own traps very early on. Did they officially say they axed that at some point and I just missed it?
I'm so on the fence. How bad is the framerate? If this were 60fps I'd probably buy it, so tell me GAF how bad is it? Does it hinder enjoyment or are people nitpicking?