The environments look really good and are well designed, but I don't think they're very memorable. Like, I know the layout of the Spencer Mansion by heart, I can recite the year it was built, by whom, who funded it, for what purpose. It's such a well realized location because the game is centered around that. And I'm not alone in that feeling. Shadow Moses in Metal Gear Solid is a place that evokes similar feelings from people. Or Brookhaven hospital in Silent Hill.
But is anybody ever gonna remember or care about the whatever it's called asylum in Evil Within? I really doubt it.
I won't remember it for the locations names persay. I'll remember it for the reason you are going to said locations and the beautiful art, and the varied look and feel, + the combat and headshots, and traps. There is a reason your at all these locations to and you can sorta peice it all together via the notes and tapes to get a broader idea. Though I can't say anymore on that.