Who else is playing on casual?
I am but have only done the first 2 chapters, ill get into the game this weekend. I am not good at these types of games so I hope Casual isnt to hard.
Who else is playing on casual?
Who else is playing on casual?
Even Dead Space 1 I was never super starved for ammo, when I loaded up my TEW save earlier I had 3 pistol rounds, 1 bolt, 2 shotgun shells and a nade (the first 4-5 chapters I had tons of ammo).
I've never completely run out but I love that it gets close enough to worry me at times, very well done.
Its got a lot of varied environments with some wonderful lighting and encourages exploration, its just the game kinda blows through them haphazardly that you never get a great feel for them. There's practically zero backtracking, or looking at a map and remembering how to get back to use this new key for that door and open a new area. Its very much like a more traditional action game in that regard, with "stages" you go through.
slap a shock arrow on the ground right in front of you, use a match, boom
The checkpoints are the same in Akumu, enemies are way more aggressive, faster, spot you more easily and 1 hit kill you. There's also remixed encounters where they add extra enemies that wouldn't be there on other difficulties to spice things up even further.
Up to chapter 6 and it was smooth sailing until this one dreaded checkpoint which took me 3 hours to get through. Felt damn good when I finally did though hah!
It's good times!
I can't get through chapter 1 :/
Chainsaw guy every time. Not having fun.
Oh I try to lure them past debris and doors and such, but headshotting still isnt really an option, which means you're blowing through most of your ammo. Just not a lot of fun.
I can't get through chapter 1 :/
Chainsaw guy every time. Not having fun.
I cannot believe how long after i logged last night you were still playing. I just watched it right now.
told you that basement would suck. And the solution was so cheesy too :3
Just finished the game.
That Final boss fight...
Felt like a combination of RE bosses. Got a turret sequence, rocket launcher, and slow mo. Don't forget the wave of enemies you fight too.
I can't get through chapter 1 :/
Chainsaw guy every time. Not having fun.
Maybe I'm just a season horror genre vet but Survival really wasn't all that hard to me. Did anyone else think it was a suitable challenge or are lots of folks having to move to casual?
I only die to insta kill traps or bosses.
What the hell else is there that can actually kill you?
Great. I only now found out that you canShould have known that earlier.stomp enemies.
Just started chapter 2, any non-spoiler tips people who are further into the game wanna give me? Stuff like the bird's nests outta Re4?
Dunno, people manage though.
Hoping hard's normal enemies put me on my toes a bit more.
It's just pressing Y when they're down right?
Are you going to start your next game as a new game, or are you going with NG+? Because I think the game is quite a bit more fun with NG+, but it's a lot less challenging unless you're playing Akumu.
Yeah. Didn't know this was possible. lol
I'm not far past that TBH but the biggest tip so far for me is not to waste matches on bodies you have "sneak-killed". I wasted a few before realizing they don't get back up.
So if you guys don't mind me asking, what is the general consensus on this game? I am a fan of RE and Silent Hill, but some of the complaints are scaring me away. Is it still worth the $60? I have both the Xbone and the PS4, so I'd likely get it on the PS4.
You love it, it's RE4 but without the cheesy action mixed with Silent HillSo if you guys don't mind me asking, what is the general consensus on this game? I am a fan of RE and Silent Hill, but some of the complaints are scaring me away. Is it still worth the $60? I have both the Xbone and the PS4, so I'd likely get it on the PS4.
I can't get through chapter 1 :/
Chainsaw guy every time. Not having fun.
Will all enemies get back up? Is there a chance they don't?
What the hell are thosein chapter 8.little things coming out of the wallThey have the size of children, damn.
Chapter 3 is already kicking my ass.
I'm pretty bad, aren't I?
Just take your time, like a do. I'm super cautious in this kind of game and not good at it so I'm 4 hours and 20 minutes and still need to start chapter 5 but I died only once in chapter 3 for some aiming issue. Again, try to not rush anything and take all the time you need. Use sounds to detect enemies and throw bottles around to lure them and stab them when they go back to their place.
I was doing that.
Then I found a bomb in a chest and it blew up in my face and killed me. Anything you can do about that? I thought I would get a chance to disarm it.
Those are some ugly fucking pigs.Really digging the game so far. It's seriously super good.
Rough around the edges but very good.
I did spend faaar too long running around chapter 3 with no idea what to do only to discover I just never noticed mr monster man standing in the barn. I just didn't even notice him. Was waay into looking at the pig though.
You just need toopen it slowly (like you do on doors), then when you spot the red light, close it, and you will have a chance to disarm it. The explanation wasn't clear to me but at last this worked.
Ohhh, I didn't know I could stop. Just let go of the button?