Dammit! I was hoping to play a bit on my Vita tonight, but they're using the rear touchpad!
Stealth kills are fine, since holding R1 to move around and then hitting X is no big deal, but needing to hit this small piece in the middle of the rear touchpad for L2 and holding it down to aim the gun blows. Not to mention then needing to hit R2, also on the back touchpad, to fire is just ludicrous. Maybe remapping the controls would help, but you really need to use all the L1/L2/L3 and R1/R2/R3 buttons in this game... =(
Stealth kills are fine, since holding R1 to move around and then hitting X is no big deal, but needing to hit this small piece in the middle of the rear touchpad for L2 and holding it down to aim the gun blows. Not to mention then needing to hit R2, also on the back touchpad, to fire is just ludicrous. Maybe remapping the controls would help, but you really need to use all the L1/L2/L3 and R1/R2/R3 buttons in this game... =(