obviously, when there's a fire there will be a lot of smoke so you should be crawling on the floor to avoid said smoke. thus it is easier to pull the fire alarm if it is closer to the floor.
Finally got the game today. I'm on Chapter 6 now and been loving the game. Chapter 5 sure was long!
Question for everyone playing on a PS4: Is it just my machine or the game makes the fan go like crazy? The only other game I have is Destiny and the console is quiet when I play it but not with TEW and it's seems that is only on some chapters.
Question for everyone playing on a PS4: Is it just my machine or the game makes the fan go like crazy? The only other game I have is Destiny and the console is quiet when I play it but not with TEW and it's seems that is only on some chapters.
I, too, noticed during some parts of the game that would make my PS4 fan start up. Disc based.
Beat the game, I enjoyed it overall, a solid B. It did become somewhat of a chore near the end. Chapter 4 was probably my fav. The story is so convoluted to me, but I was able to appreciate after reading the spoiler thread here on gaf.
I don't even know how you're supposed to use the stealth in this game.. Every time I go around a corner in stealth mode they already spotted me from a mile away and start coming at me.
Don't really care though the game play is so solid I've basically turned into a boxing champion. just finished the safe headed axe dudes boss fight with mostly melee on survival.. I don't give a fck
I don't even know how you're supposed to use the stealth in this game.. Every time I go around a corner in stealth mode they already spotted me from a mile away and start coming at me.
Don't really care though the game play is so solid I've basically turned into a boxing champion. just finished the safe headed axe dudes boss fight with mostly melee on survival.. I don't give a fck
Not sure how. Are you sure you're not just somehow being spotted by an enemy that's closer that you don't see and they're alerting ones that are further away? Because I'm even playing on AKUMU now and they don't seem to just spot me before they see me or anything. Really weird.
Also I would love to see you box those guys. lol
EDIT: Just completed chapter 4 on Akumu. Man that was a cake walk compared to the previous 3 chapters. Also, I'm realizing how badly I was looking for those map fragments on this playthrough. I don't think I ever found one until chapter 6 and now I'm finding them everywhere. And they were places I had been. Definitely gotta look down a lot.
Eh, it's only hard if you don't play strategically enough and increase stock early on. I beat it on survival and had a ton of ammo left. Sometimes I died on purpose to redo some parts if I felt I used too much ammo but that was my choice.
Playing through on Akumu now where you're not allowed to get hit. There's a guy playing through Akumu and not upgrading his stuff at all. So the game isn't REALLY hard. You might just not be used to games like this.
See there is the design flaw. Because I can't go back and collect all the stuff I missed.
In chapter 15 there isn't enough laying around (I restarted already).
I always had enough ammo in chapter 1-14 to get by so why screw me over now in chapter 15?
Finished the game last night, and loved pretty much every chapter except the final one. Chapter 9 is the obvious highlight. Do you get anything different for completing the game on Nightmare?
Ran into something odd in the beginning of Chapter 9.
On my first playthrough when I looked at the Victoriano family portrait the walls became transparent. I could see into the locker room from where Tatiana sits, and I could see clouds through the ceiling. I thought it was normal until my second playthrough, and now I'm seeing the framed paintings, and the sunflower one. Has that area glitched for anyone else?
Also, this guy. Saw the same thing on both playthroughs. This can't be on purpose... right? http://i.imgur.com/qYOctKp.jpg
Yes, and at least 200 of them would be from chapter 6. I think chapter 6, one part of 10, most of 11 and much of 12 all suck for various reasons. You can be doing so well and then there's a single bullshit event that just feels like a wall to get lucky enough to bypass. Currently on chapter 14, about to hit another huge wall I think.
I know what you mean. There are certain encounters that even when you play on survival, you know they're gonna be problematic on the higher difficulties.
It's nice to see you're making good progress though. Almost there.
Chapter 10 was the first time I felt like the game was aware I had a ton of ammo, as suddenly there were just random enemies appearing that took way more bullets than usual to kill. Headshots being ignored and a few back from the dead moments too.
It was probably just a coincidence, but each time my ammo was depleted the enemies seemed to ease off again or die from critical procs.
This is barf inducing. He basically trashes the game, then admits to using God Mode to make it fun (then links his lame article about how god mode should be in every game or w/e).
EDIT: Also chapter 9
is a bitch lol. At least it got me using hiding places.
The Evil Within did two things right for me. I played it on PC, so not only I had a nice and steady 60 fps, but, more importantly, I could use the official cheats like godmode and unlimited ammo. I could still die in the game (the cheats dont protect you from quite a few dangers), but I could also avoid a lot of the games design clunkiness. The cheats turned the game to more of an experience than tiring, mechanical grind through frustrating mostly due to the faulty execution set of challenges.
Was actually on the next to last fight in chapter 15 not long after the post you replied to, but I ended up having to do other things for a few hours. Going to see if I can beat it now and then kill the easy-mode boss.
What's funny is that I had no idea you did not have to fight
the keeper
in chapter 14. This time I just crept in from the back and watched to see what would happen.
he walked away through the acid gate and no more spawned.
Thought I would need to use up a lot of ammo for that fight, and at one point in chapter 13 I was down to 6 trap parts. At the start of chapter 15 I was back up to 30.
See there is the design flaw. Because I can't go back and collect all the stuff I missed.
In chapter 15 there isn't enough laying around (I restarted already).
I always had enough ammo in chapter 1-14 to get by so why screw me over now in chapter 15?
I dunno. I had pretty much max ammo in everything but my bow (because it's just a pain to list off what you have for that. But I maxed out stock on my revolver, shotgun, and sniper rifle. So I had like 50 extra bullets for revolver, 20 for shotgun, and 15 for sniper, plus grenades and my bow. And the magnum I think I had about 8 rounds besides the 6 in the chamber. And I didn't really use all that much at the part you're having trouble with. I just grouped them together and tried to kill a bunch with explosives and stuff.
Then sniped the chainsaw guy a few times to get him to drop the rocket launcher and probably hit him with the harpoon/shotgun to stop him from getting me.
EDIT: Pretty sure you can restart the chapter at the very least. There seemed like there was a lot of ammo and stuff in that
Just finished Akumu. 32 hours and holy shit, 622 deaths. I know that an extremely large portion of that is from chapter 6 and the next to last fight on chapter 10. A lot of those from other chapters were from the extremely "cheap" scenarios, especially those with bosses that have unavoidable instant kill moves or with snipers from nowhere. Then there's the random scattering of bear traps everywhere that you can't see very well unless panning the screen down all of the time once you know there are some in the area. If I had to redo this (which I doubt I will on Akumu since it's just not fun), I could probably make it through with under 100 deaths.
But man, that goddamn chapter 6 boss fight as well as the chapter 10 version of
are ultra hardcore.
For some reason Steam is no longer updating achivements for this game for me. It's been stuck at 17/41 since the first time I finished it.
I dunno. I had pretty much max ammo in everything but my bow (because it's just a pain to list off what you have for that. But I maxed out stock on my revolver, shotgun, and sniper rifle. So I had like 50 extra bullets for revolver, 20 for shotgun, and 15 for sniper, plus grenades and my bow. And the magnum I think I had about 8 rounds besides the 6 in the chamber. And I didn't really use all that much at the part you're having trouble with. I just grouped them together and tried to kill a bunch with explosives and stuff.
Then sniped the chainsaw guy a few times to get him to drop the rocket launcher and probably hit him with the harpoon/shotgun to stop him from getting me.
EDIT: Pretty sure you can restart the chapter at the very least. There seemed like there was a lot of ammo and stuff in that
that ring girl type boss with the hair and the comig out of dead bodies.I thought you could only kill her by setting her on fire numerous times AND you had to burn all the bodies. Well I couldn't burn 2 bodies and I was running around frantic when I lit her on fire with a barrel or something and started shooting and one shot killed her. PHEW.
Man, Chapter 10. I see where the hate comes from. The actual chapter itself was fine, but the 2 bosses
thing, can suck a fleet of cocks.
If it hadnt been so reliant on one hit kills, both bosses wouldve been far more enjoyble. The only thing i can say in its favour was when i beat the last boss, i did feel like i had just 'got gud'.
So if we've been told that the story does not go in sequential order, has anyone figured out what the true order of the chapters should be? Ive been told that the second time you face Laura really was the first time you saw her even though it was at the end of the game.
So while I spent way too much time on the rest of it, the end of chapter 10 was actually pretty easy for me.
A tip I haven't seen written yet -
If the chapter 10 end-boss is chasing you, and you want a quick advantage, hide under a car and wait til he's on top of it and the car is shaking, then crawl out and shoot him while he's still on the car. You should get in a few easy shots. He doesn't really do anything for a little while on the car. Then when he finally gets off the car, do it again.
So if we've been told that the story does not go in sequential order, has anyone figured out what the true order of the chapters should be? Ive been told that the second time you face Laura really was the first time you saw her even though it was at the end of the game.
Yeah you can feel the RE4 on this game a mile away (that's a good thing).
Only annoying thing is how you are sprinting away from a boss or whatever into a doorway and you use too much stamina and of course decide to stop for a nice break, getting you killed. Yeah, I think the adrenaline would carry you another 2 feet dude.
Saw that too. It looks like the alpha for the hair and beard texture isn't working. So the white area should be invisible. What a weird and glaring mistake. It's right in your face.
By the way, can anyone tell me the differences with AKUMU MODE? I know enemies are one-hit kill and that their awareness is bumped up a bit but is that all?
Man... I really hate that judo kick some of the enemies do. They always manage to interrupt me lighting a match right at the last moment with that kick
I've been playing the PS3 version after PS4. The graphics are def now where near as good, but since the game relies on the art style a lot, still def suitable. Sound is identical. Gameplay identical. Framerate is a little iffy here and there but honestly surprised how well it runs. The biggest thing is more texture pop up then in ps4, xbox one, and the loading is a tad longer, thought not by much. I just got to chapter 15 on ps3 last night so yeah....
I loved that part of the game. It was thrilling. It was my favorite part of the game actually.
But I never got caught. If he was right in front of me, even in a tight space, I could just juke and jive him. Also I ran as fast as I could to no issue.
I liked it when I cleared the one room with the closet (or was it empty to begin with), then ran there while being chased by Ruvik. Suddenly and there was an enemy in there again. it frightened me.
Also when I ran from Ruvik one of the first times, or after the first time, and that one guy kicks in the door towards me as I'm backtracking.
Great stuff. Like I said, best part of the game easily.
So, uh, I don't get this guy. He obviously disliked the game, he thought it incompetent, so he used godmode and infinite ammo (in a game where feeling fragile and limited is kind of the point) and enjoyed the shootbang, against everything the game is designed around?
I can't think of any "experience" worth giving a damn that TEW can provide when you take Seb's fragility out of the equation. And it rubs me the wrong way when a game with oldschool design is called "outdated" and it's considered a bad thing just because.
Yeah that blog is so hilarious. He basically bashes the game to no end but justifies it by saying with cheats it's a great experience. His justification for using cheats is also trash. Basically I want that blog to get widespread attention and for people to call him out on it.
I think his critiques of the game are incredibly bang-on, but I also feel his idea of using cheats to advocate that the game is worth playing is fairly poor. I have no interest in bypassing game design, although I do appreciate the sentiment of fun being the very most important thing.
Yeah that blog is so hilarious. He basically bashes the game to no end but justifies it by saying with cheats it's a great experience. His justification for using cheats is also trash. Basically I want that blog to get widespread attention and for people to call him out on it.