I just finished this game. Can someone link me to some article/post which properly explains the plot to fill in the blanks in my understanding?
Loved the game, btw.
So Mikami just tweeted for the first time in nearly 2 years
Between chrome and google translate (lol) I believe it says
chapter 6 took me several days to beat and died hundreds of times and today I completed chapters 7,8,9 in one sitting...
what the fuck was mikami/tango thinking there, the difficulty in that one chapter is gigantic.
so far everything else has been doable, the only part that presented a challenge was the cabin at the end of chapter 9, there I also died lots of times but at the end I also beat them.
tomorrow I'll do chapter 10 and if it goes smooth then chapter 11 too.
I upgraded the critical on the handgun. let's see how that turns out. I am leaving some gel for later too.
including the bullets we get from one locker?
do you know perhaps by heart the location of that ammo? I wouldn't want to miss it and so far I only remember one on a ledge in chapter 11 (12?) I know where it is.
off the top of my head in the game (not lockers, there is more in there) 6 in the gun when you first get it.
Another 5/6 Rounds in the baby carriage before the double fake ruvik fight.
An additional 2 in a brief case you need to jump across a gap to get to right after the gate and trolley section.
Another 3 rounds outiside the first save room in chapter 13
6+5+2+3=16 bullets total plus whatever you find in the lockers which i think is a full 6.
i want to pick this up, but im unsure, is it frustrating?
could it be compared to TLOU?
i love TLOU and would like to play something similar, i understand TEW is survival horror but from what ive seen i could compare it to TLOU...
Chapter 10 wasn't necessarily hard but tricky. for some reason I died way too many times in the first part with the giant blades.
after that, the part with the too big guys that carry pieces of wood on their arms, those I obliterated them with 4 explosive bolts, the idea was to freeze them and open the gate but I haven't upgraded the ice bolts so they wouldn't stay frozen long enough.
Laura is together with the fucking dog in chapter 6 the most annoying boss ever. She is right in front of me, I shoot the fire harpoon... and it misses, what the fuck is that. I avoided her, I already found the two extra keys in the lockers so I don't need it to open all of them.
the last boss was hard but very manageable, I shot its 4 heads right at the very start with the rifle, then a grenade and it turned pruple, woot, after that it was easy.
thank a lot. I started chapter 11 and missed the magnum alreadybut I am at the very start so I'll restart the chapter.
i want to pick this up, but im unsure, is it frustrating?
could it be compared to TLOU?
i love TLOU and would like to play something similar, i understand TEW is survival horror but from what ive seen i could compare it to TLOU...
So Mikami just tweeted for the first time in nearly 2 years
Between chrome and google translate (lol) I believe it says
Even worse news would be that future titles are going to be stealth games now. Since the DLC's reception was positive.
quite frankly I can't decide what parts of the game I like more.
BUT of all my playthroughs in all difficulties (working on akumu now but nearing the end now), the must exciting and thrilling moment came while doing Chapter 2 in akumu difficulty.
easily the most joy I've gotten out of this game.
pure unadultered no-call-of-duty-bullshit survival horror.
Sneaking in the dark behind the houses planning my strategy to kill everyone off felt epic and very rewarding.
going to the optional house to get a key and escaping from death had my heart pumping fast.
more of that is welcome.
Ah chapter 2, I guess I also felt a sense of accomplishment after I got through it in Nightmare, or maybe I was just was glad it was over lol.
I felt that the best of the game was chapter 7, where you are racing against time and a quick boss that never stops spawning. Fast pace, but also high stakes.
Overall, I felt that the bosses were the best thing about the game, they offer a great balance between survival horror and action.
Chapter 4 of AKUMU down. Is it safe to say that chapter 6 is going to be the worst in the game? Can't say I'm looking forward to that gauntlet of enemies followed by fuckface chainsaw dude.
Yeah chapter 6 is the worst. That section of chapter 6 actually isn't that bad, it's the burning building that's bad.
Pretty much smooth sailing after that, up until that bastard door in chapter 11.
Today I finished my Akumu Playthrough.
I am happy it's finally over, but I should have left it for last. I still have ONE trophy I have to get, the "no upgrade" trophy. It would have felt more rewarding and would have been the perfect moment to put the game on the shelf for good. It hasn't left my PS4 since January :O (I don't play a lot haha)
on the other hand, I will play this game from the beginning once again one last time, on casual and run through the chapters with a nostalgic feeling. I know I am not playing it ever again after this last time.
so, my final akumu thoughts:
it did become easier as I progressed, I unlocked all lockers and got good gel for it. The last boss encounters, (and I think the complete chapters 14 and 15) felt actually very easy, I wasn't dying every minute like in chapter 4 and 6.
my top hardest moments in my runthrough,
.- Chapter 4, Kidman in the water Container
.- Chapter 6, Houses in fire
.- Chapter 6, the Maze thereafter
.- Chapter 11, The Metal door
.- Chapter 11, riding the Tram thereafter
.- Chpater 12, in the middle part, being ambushed from above
Worst, cheapest most bullshit boss: The Dog in chapter 6. and I may have died more times on another boss, but the dog is pure bullshit. It hides, then runs erratically towards you AND runs into your curve if you try to evade. fuck you Mikami.
I am ashamed though.
I died a whooping 1006 times....and I needed 35 hours to beat it... I suck GAF, I know, I just wanted the trophy, Didn't play nightmare mode before.
One last Question regarding story (don't read if you haven't finihed it):
did Kidman really kill Joseph? I mean, is it canon/official that Joseph dies in the game? If yes, fucking bitch, I liked him as my sidekick.
Congrats. Holy hell 1006 times though, insane.
come on man, don't make me feel worse than I do lol
come on man, don't make me feel worse than I do lol
Rofl, sorry. Should be proud you got through it, I'm sure majority of players gave up or never even attempted it.
Don't worry my man, I'll most likely be right there with you if not more by the time I'm done.
Amazing. Apparently you have to hit the vending machine 15 times and then walk over to the picture for it to fall down, I'm not surprised I missed that one.
Edit: Didn't see this one either https://youtu.be/r5IlRnN_gks?t=17s
Oh my, I wouldn't of thought of what you posted by myself. XD; I wonder if there's any super obtuse weird easter eggs in the main game or the DLC that no one has discovered yet, some of the stuff is pretty cryptic and hidden but been uncovered.
In other Evil Within news, one of the developers of the game (the one who tested Akumu difficulty) posts a video of him taking on the Chapter 10 boss on Akumu difficulty with only his fists.
Evil Within: The Executioner (final DLC) teaser trailer released.
Not what I expected at all. Slated for May 26th.
Oh my, I wouldn't of thought of what you posted by myself. XD; I wonder if there's any super obtuse weird easter eggs in the main game or the DLC that no one has discovered yet, some of the stuff is pretty cryptic and hidden but been uncovered.
In other Evil Within news, one of the developers of the game (the one who tested Akumu difficulty) posts a video of him taking on the Chapter 10 boss on Akumu difficulty with only his fists.
Evil Within: The Executioner (final DLC) teaser trailer released.
Not what I expected at all. Slated for May 26th.
Evil Within: The Executioner (final DLC) teaser trailer released.
Not what I expected at all. Slated for May 26th.
Evil Within: The Executioner (final DLC) teaser trailer released.
Not what I expected at all. Slated for May 26th.
Jimenez and Leslie DLC? The fuck? lololol
That sounds 50 times worse than the Keeper, and Joseph wouldn't be that interesting either since he's a complete side character.
Keeper DLC looks interesting, some dumb fun. Wonder if there's any story though. Probably just challenge maps.
Jimenez and Leslie DLC? The fuck? lololol
That sounds 50 times worse than the Keeper, and Joseph wouldn't be that interesting either since he's a complete side character.
Keeper DLC looks interesting, some dumb fun. Wonder if there's any story though. Probably just challenge maps.
At this point I can't get excited for the new dlc.
I must admit the first two were disappointments.
At this point I can't get excited for the new dlc.
I must admit the first two were disappointments.
Full gameplay trailer for the last Evil Within DLC, The Executioner, released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVRXh--9mME