Your Half-Life 3 promotion is years in the making.Now this is true. I wish I got paid moneyhats to promote a game for months ;_;
I think it'll be a hit!
Your Half-Life 3 promotion is years in the making.Now this is true. I wish I got paid moneyhats to promote a game for months ;_;
ViewtifulJC, setting the bar high.Now this is true. I wish I got paid moneyhats to promote a game for months ;_;
Platinum games, get at me. I'll make sure Bayonetta 2 sells over 10k by the end of the year
I actually don't worship Watch_Dogs at any point. All I'm saying is that if they don't play the game right, they won't get the full experience. If they don't get the full experience, how can I trust their review as trustworthy?
Why do you people care so much about scores?
What do you mean by "I don't trust"? It's their OPINION. You don't have to agree with it of course, but you don't trust them because they don't praise a game you worship????
Maybe you need to check yourself if at this point in the gen you still can't think of a single reason why a pc gamer who doesn't primarily game for rralistic graphics or particles would want to skip out on the joy that is the pc version of a game in favor of the copy couch version of the console he owns.
Now this is true. I wish I got paid moneyhats to promote a game for months ;_;
Well we all know you love the game, that was set in stone months ago.
Now this is true. I wish I got paid moneyhats to promote a game for months ;_;
Seems like the PS3 version has a lot of screen-tearing on cutscenes, a lot of pop-ins, poor textures and loading is 20-30 secs....
Intentions are completely relevant. You giving an extreme and ridiculous example doesn't change that.
Now this is true. I wish I got paid moneyhats to promote a game for months ;_;
Platinum games, get at me. I'll make sure Bayonetta 2 sells over 10k by the end of the year
I'm sure this and that "HD" REmake will bring the janky idiosyncratic Japanese game back in style
The Evil Within - Gore Mode Gameplay Screens (DLC)
So, "Normal Mode" is the German edition and the "Gore DLC Mode" is the Rest of the World?
So, "Normal Mode" is the German edition and the "Gore DLC Mode" is the Rest of the World?
I seriously can't defeat the chapter 10 boss
Has anyone else who has the game gotten this far yet/beaten it? I can't figure out a tactic at all. It's ok til you get the first hit in and then it's just utterly relentless no matter what I try to do.
I go to sleep and come back in this thread to see chaos. Lol. It's interesting to see all this speculation and worry from folks when I'm playing this and have thoughts but can't talk about said thoughts. Tuesday needs to get here ASAP!
Now this is true. I wish I got paid moneyhats to promote a game for months ;_;
What the hell? This is out already?
Seems some retailers here in the UK are selling it.
In the meantime, I'm just looking fondly at my preload and dying inside.
IF you can get it to start I'm sure you can champ, but you assume much, not everyone will go through the effort how ever small you may feel it is when an easier solution is available.Huh? You mean I can't play the PC version, sitting on my couch using either a 360, PS3 or PS4 controller with my PC hooked up to my television? Goddamnit, I must be doing it wrong.
What the hell? This is out already?
Perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence just because you killed my small-time subordinate?
Perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence just because you killed my small-time subordinate?
Please keep em coming, these always make me laugh.
I go to sleep and come back in this thread to see chaos. Lol. It's interesting to see all this speculation and worry from folks when I'm playing this and have thoughts but can't talk about said thoughts. Tuesday needs to get here ASAP!
"I know something you don't know but I can't talk about it yet" is obnoxious when it comes from games journalists and it's a little obnoxious in this context, too. Your posts since getting the game almost sound like self-promotion for your coming review. As if we are on the edge of our seats wondering whether you think it's good. Can't wait to find out whether it's GOAT or merely GOTY material.
IF you can get it to start I'm sure you can champ, but you assume much, not everyone will go through the effort how ever small you may feel it is when an easier solution is available.
Disappointed that the thread is heading in this direction instead of discussing the game and impressions of people who played the game which are quite a few now.
Slasher is a genuine dude. He makes fantastic videos that are full of personality and extremely fair positives and negatives
Up to chapter 10 and completely stuck on a boss. No clue what to do here.
By the way, the last few chapters have solidified the fact that this is Resident Evil 4.5 or whatever you want to call it. The first three chapters or so, where there's a heavy focus on stealth and limited ammo are a bit misleading really. Once you got past those it's pretty much action all the way apart from a few excursions into surrealism.
If any of you are going into this expecting anything other than Resi 4 with a couple of hours of stealth sections at the beginning, wind back those expectations or you're going to be disappointed. The only real difference is that this is far more consistently horror themed than Resi 4 was.
Sometime today.
Disappointed that the thread is heading in this direction instead of discussing the game and impressions of people who played the game which are quite a few now.
The problem with all that is most people are talking here without even having played the game lol.
Kojima got yo back.I will be winding back my expectations immediately. I guess more RE4 is always good, but it's not survival horror. So much for the "comeback" of the genre everyone keeps touting about.
Quiet, person who actually CAN play the game!
Quick, find me a bunch of websites or evidence that Slasher's videos have had any measure of impact on this games' potential sales.
"I know something you don't know but I can't talk about it yet" is obnoxious when it comes from games journalists and it's a little obnoxious in this context, too. Your posts since getting the game almost sound like self-promotion for your coming review. As if we are on the edge of our seats wondering whether you think it's good. Can't wait to find out whether it's GOAT or merely GOTY material.
Yes, that's kinda how every single prerelease OT works. Come back in a few days where more people can actually discuss the game.
But..but, I am posting impressions and uh, uhm well you can ask me anything you want to know about the game. Just now going through CH5.
How connected do the levels feel? Is it like RE4, in that it feels like a cohesive environment, and something of a major journey, or is it more isolated and traditionally 'levels'?But..but, I am posting impressions and uh, uhm well you can ask me anything you want to know about the game. Just now going through CH5.
The Evil Within's official twitter account retweeted his video a few weeks back.
In bed with Bethesda confirmed.