My unlock time on PSN is for 12 est. 9pacific.
West coast = best coast.
My unlock time on PSN is for 12 est. 9pacific.
My unlock time on PSN is for 12 est. 9pacific.
PS4 digital validates 10/13/2014 11:00 PM CNT
My unlock time on PSN is for 12 est. 9pacific.
Tricky I Shadow said he wanted to do it earlier in this thread, or in another Evil Within thread.
Well this is some bullshit, PSN unlocks 3-5 hours before steam?
Well this is some bullshit, PSN unlocks 3-5 hours before steam?
Well this is some bullshit, PSN unlocks 3-5 hours before steam?
I wouldn't worry about it too much, steam counters are often inaccurate and unlock much earlier than normal. For example Ryse was supposed to come out at noon and ended up randomly unlocking at 2 AM. If it unlocks at midnight est on PSN, it will on steam as well.Well this is some bullshit, PSN unlocks 3-5 hours before steam?
80 bucks? What the fuck...
Guess so. 12am est. Gonna play tomorrow at midnight. =D PS4 ftw!
I hope your frame rate dips into single digits and your console explodes.
Go out to Walmart and buy a copy.
I hope Walmarts across the country explode at midnight.
I hope your frame rate dips into single digits and your console explodes.
It's an encounter that's already been previewed, there's no story stuff, and the encounter isn't even completed over the course of the video. If anything, it'll really get your juices flowing for strategy in the game. I found myself constantly thinking "well, they could have done this here, and that there, etc". This game is going to offer a ton of ways to be creative and save ammo.(the village)
I'm just waiting for that arena to catch on fire.
I was wondering if you might recognize the girl in this photograph.
¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate, cabrón! (What the fuck are you doing here? Get out, bastard!)
I've never really played much survival horror but the more I look into this the more I'm tempted to pick it up.
Does anyone know how the fighting chance preorder bonus is going to be accessed? I preloaded the game on steam via gmg and used both codes not knowing that one was for the fighting chance bonus... I don't want to use it though, so I want to know how to avoid it once I start playing.
Does anyone know how the fighting chance preorder bonus is going to be accessed? I preloaded the game on steam via gmg and used both codes not knowing that one was for the fighting chance bonus... I don't want to use it though, so I want to know how to avoid it once I start playing.
I believe once the game unlocks you can right click it in your library > properties and uncheck the dlc box?
Something like that.
Buy this and REmake in january.
I've never really played much survival horror but the more I look into this the more I'm tempted to pick it up.
Does anyone know how the fighting chance preorder bonus is going to be accessed? I preloaded the game on steam via gmg and used both codes not knowing that one was for the fighting chance bonus... I don't want to use it though, so I want to know how to avoid it once I start playing.
I guess what I wanna know the most from those here that have played it, is does the game have that same dread-soaked atmosphere that RE4 had? Soundtrack is usually a big part of that for me, those low bass drone pieces that played throughout the Village segment really upped the tension for me and thought I was in some nightmare world with no hope. Sooo does this manage to channel that feeling well throughout?
I hope your frame rate dips into single digits and your console explodes.
I hope Walmarts across the country explode at midnight.
It's January? D=
You may be able to prolong your life, but it's not like you can escape your inevitable death, is it?
I hope your G1 coil whines so much while playing the game your monitor burns and your ears bleed
Sorry to have bothered.
I guess what I wanna know the most from those here that have played it, is does the game have that same dread-soaked atmosphere that RE4 had? Soundtrack is usually a big part of that for me, those low bass drone pieces that played throughout the Village segment really upped the tension for me and thought I was in some nightmare world with no hope. Sooo does this manage to channel that feeling well throughout?
LOL. RE4 is sunshine and rainbows compared to TEW. TEW is a like a much darker, grittier, gorier game than RE4. Here is a non spoilerific pic that hopefully helps you get a feel of the atmosphere and all. Yes, I also am playing in the dark of course.
LOL. RE4 is sunshine and rainbows compared to TEW. TEW is a like a much darker, grittier, gorier game than RE4. Here is a non spoilerific pic that hopefully helps you get a feel of the atmosphere and all. Yes, I also am playing in the dark of course.
I play all my games in the dark. It's the only way to play(literally, because I'm on a plasma).
LOL. RE4 is sunshine and rainbows compared to TEW. TEW is a like a much darker, grittier, gorier game than RE4. .
LOL. RE4 is sunshine and rainbows compared to TEW. TEW is a like a much darker, grittier, gorier game than RE4. Here is a non spoilerific pic that hopefully helps you get a feel of the atmosphere and all. Yes, I also am playing in the dark of course.
LOL. RE4 is sunshine and rainbows compared to TEW. TEW is a like a much darker, grittier, gorier game than RE4. Here is a non spoilerific pic that hopefully helps you get a feel of the atmosphere and all. Yes, I also am playing in the dark of course.
LOL. RE4 is sunshine and rainbows compared to TEW. TEW is a like a much darker, grittier, gorier game than RE4. Here is a non spoilerific pic that hopefully helps you get a feel of the atmosphere and all. Yes, I also am playing in the dark of course.
I have a Panasonic Viera X Series 42".
There's really no reason to explain myself in detail other than the simple fact that, uh...I like the way it looks, ha.
None of my roommates have complained, in fact, they've noticed the difference as well.
actually, here are my exact settings, I was wrong, I have the brightness up slightly.
viewing mode- dynamic
contrast - 100
brightness - +7
colour - 100
sharpness - 100
tint - 0
colour balance - warm
vivid colour - on
My shit looks awesome, also have 5.1 for the added depth.
Don't knock it till you've seen it, lol.
We're so close! I'm so glad we're getting another Mikami game, it's been way too long!