
So apparently, NISJ is having financial problems of late. If you're unaware, Nippon Ichi Software Japan is the developer of the Disgaea and Marl Kingdom series. The American branch, NISA, has localized and published games from various devs like SEGA, Arc System Works, Acquire, Spike Chunsoft, Nihon Falcom and others.
While NIS has a very long history with Sony systems (mainly their portables), their history with Nintendo is almost as lengthy and, more importantly, Nintendo platforms have been their priority for the past several years now. What I mean by that is, while their games have still been getting PlayStation 4 & 5 versions, the Switch versions have been the big sellers in Japan, NIS's primary market.
Unfortunately, it seems like they have been falling on hard times of late, but in spite of that, they have a dedicated fanbase and they seem to be a quite talented development house. Their style could complement quite a few Nintendo IPs; for example they could do well with a Metroid or F-Zero-based JRPG game. Or even beyond that, something like a Mario SRPG, playing off the partnership Nintendo & Squaresoft had way back when they made Super Mario RPG for the SFC/SNES.

I think either an acquisition or multi-game development partnership between Nintendo & NIS (and knowing Nintendo, likely the latter would be more realistic) is a great scenario for both parties. Nintendo recently hired a former SIE employee for 2P/3P relations & partnerships; this particular person was mainly in charge for such with Sony's handheld device line, and knowing that NIS have been heavily focused on handhelds (specifically the Switch, a hybrid) the past several years could be a connective element here. Nintendo could get some neat spinoffs of established IP in genres they don't normally pursue in-house, and NIS can get a much-needed boost in public profile and funding. It'd also mean more new content for Switch 2, a system that will benefit from as many exclusives as it can get.
Barring anything with Nintendo, I guess NIS's next-best option would be merging with another dev/pub in a somewhat similar market space, or establishing a developer partnership network with other relatively sized & smaller developer studios. Aside from Nintendo I'm not sure if NIS benefits from being absorbed into any other significantly larger publishing arm, be they a platform holder or not, and even in the Nintendo case I think the aforementioned multi-game partnership (leveraging Nintendo IPs and NIS's development talents) would be a better option.
Would imagine there aren't a ton of NIS fans here; I wouldn't even say I'm a "fan" per se of their work but I have played some of their games and respect the talent in stuff like Disgaea (including how hardcore difficult those games can get). More importantly I can see their potential in working with a company like Nintendo, and the benefits both could bring to each other in a partnership. And well, it's never great to hear of a dev in a rarely-served niche struggling from a business perspective. Curious what others would think of this...