They have absolutely no reason to be disrespectful to each other. For a start they are grown adults in a professional position and secondly, most of them will end up working with each other at some point as people move within the games industry all the time so you don’t want to be toxic to people you may end up working besides.As much as fanboys like to simp and white-knight for multi billion dollar corporations, these guys usually are quite friendly and respectful towards each other.
You don't reach those positions for without being professional, Randy Pitchford notwithstanding.
This is something people don't understand very well.They have absolutely no reason to be disrespectful to each other. For a start they are grown adults in a professional position and secondly, most of them will end up working with each other at some point as people move within the games industry all the time so you don’t want to be toxic to people you may end up working besides.
The fanboy syndrome is purely a customer based thing, an ego boost for deranged people who think the thing they buy makes them better than people that buy the other thing.
There are many of them on here, and they don’t stop and realise just how sad they are.
As much as fanboys like to simp and white-knight for multi billion dollar corporations, these guys usually are quite friendly and respectful towards each other.
You don't reach those positions for without being professional, Randy Pitchford notwithstanding.
LOL! Are you even familiar with Aaron Greenberg? He's a huge troll(when they're doing better than the competition). He participated in the console wars all the time in the 360 days.As much as fanboys like to simp and white-knight for multi billion dollar corporations, these guys usually are quite friendly and respectful towards each other.
You don't reach those positions for without being professional, Randy Pitchford notwithstanding.
I was about to say, all the people talking about console warriors and not knowing who Aaron Greenberg is lol.LOL! Are you even familiar with Aaron Greenberg? He's a huge troll(when they're doing better than the competition). He participated in the console wars all the time in the 360 days.
We get it, only your cynical point of view is valid.Funny how gullible some of you are.
We get it, only your cynical point of view is valid.
If you want another real world example, look at politics. Political opponents who tear each other apart in public are good buddies behind the scenes. Humans generally get along with each other.
That how these people act. Just like how Kojima posted lunch meeting picture from one of the Sony top bras. Normal thing for these people.That's not my point. I'm not saying these people hate each other. Just that sending a bottle of wine, which of course gets shared on social media. That's pure marketing nonsense. He even added his tweeter handle.
What was in the wine though?That's not my point. I'm not saying these people hate each other. Just that sending a bottle of wine, which of course gets shared on social media. That's pure marketing nonsense. He even added his tweeter handle.
That how these people act. Just like how Kojima posted lunch meeting picture from one of the Sony top bras. Normal thing for these people.
Microsoft officially launched Halo Infinite's single-player campaign this week, amidst critical acclaim, with fans regularly keeping the multiplayer servers populated, and developer 343 Industries overcoming significant odds to deliver its latest Master Chief adventure. All of which sounds like a perfect excuse to pop open a little bit of the bubbly and celebrate with a well-deserved drink.
Former SIE Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida certainly thought so as well. Xbox games marketing general manager Aaron Greenberg shared a photo of a bottle of wine that Yoshida sent over to the Xbox team to celebrate Halo Infinite's launch, while they were all frequenting the same restaurant. Both men were also in town for last night’s Game Awards event.
That's a grown ass man.
Perfect for Game Pass.Literally a $15 bottle of wine, lol.
FixedThat's a grown, ass man.
Perfect for Game Pass.![]()
Perfect for Game Pass.![]()
Perfect for Game Pass.![]()