Silicon Valley - Season 3 of the hilarious Mike Judge comedy series - HBO Sundays

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Jared saved that episode for me. His past keeps getting odder and odder.

I knew as soon as he walked in that it was the reporter. And the cringe was way too much for me.

Also Big Head is great. I keep hoping he stumbles into more and more success.


I fucking hate Richard. He doesn't act anywhere near like a normal human being (my issue with all the characters of Lost, for example). The writers have also resorted to giving him dumb slapstick in every episode. A little idiocy is endearing but he's a total failure as a human.

Thankfully the rest of the show is still pretty great.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Jared mentioning that CPS couldn't verify his date of birth.... oh man.

Isn't big head blabbing to the reporter in violation of the NDA he has with hoolie?
That's what I was going to say. Surely that comes back on him.
I'll be honest this episode was pretty weak, worst of the season so far.

Yeeeeap, still had some laughs though. Thank god for Jared

And am I the only one a bit bothered by the Gilfoyle geek squad scene? He is one of the most important employees at Pied Piper and will surely get some publicity, you'd think he would have opted for a method that didn't involve him blatantly showing his face


How is it no one is talking about the amazing exchange between Dinesh and Gilfoyle over the fire sale of the office products...

Gilfoyle: "I thought you love markets, trying to sell your little monkey paws, while looking for Indiana Jones" (or something along those lines)

Come on, that alone made tonight's episode amazing!


halfway through I was expecting that Richard would be ruined so they'd be forced to hire someone else for ceo and they'd go with bighead and just use him as a figurehead while Richard was more of the actual ceo

would have made an amusing scenario where bighead would have to do all pr stuff and any hiring and firing without really knowing too much


Weakest episode of the season, unfortunately, seemed to be an "undo" episode and got us right back to 2 minutes before the season finale ended.

My money is on Bighead investing in Pied Piper when they won't get anymore money from Reviva.

Reporter had to have said it came from an anonymous source though?
Nah, it's a plot hole, let's call it out for what it is. I'm sure the next episode resolves it, but still, weak writing for this episode.
I fucking hate Richard. He doesn't act anywhere near like a normal human being (my issue with all the characters of Lost, for example). The writers have also resorted to giving him dumb slapstick in every episode. A little idiocy is endearing but he's a total failure as a human.

Thankfully the rest of the show is still pretty great.

It's really hard to root for him. Everyone else is hilarious he on the other hand is just annoying.


Richard completely shitting on Big Head was the biggest laugh, anything at his expense is hilarious. Jared as well killing every scene he is in.


I don't know. Seems pretty obvious they're setting up Richard to transform into the same weird and ruthless CEO type that plagues the world of Silicon Vally currently. To save face as the protagonist, they may walk him back from the edge eventually, but the more he tries to maintain control of his company, the more unhinged he becomes.


Rodent Whores
Agreed that it was a bit of a weak episode, but it's understandable, considering the point they are at, in the plot progression.
So, if word gets out it's Big Head that leaked this info and violates his NDA what could happen with Erlich and this company? Is there recourse for Hooli to go after the company maybe? Which eventually screws Pied Piper? You just know something major is going happen to fuck it all up again.

I'm still expecting Richard to snap and eventually something like this to happen.

I didn't see this back when I first thought of it but then there it was.

EDIT: I should've refreshed, had this open for awhile back what wetwired said is what I'm expecting too.

Gray Matter

Calling Season 3 finale now: Bighead gets sued by Hooli for breach of NDA, they take Elrichs stock in Pied Piper and are now on the board

If this wasn't the show it was I would laugh at this, but considering it is the show it is, it's totally plausible.


Why didn't Gilfoyle just take the HDD back and put a brand new one in its place?

Just because he likes fucking with Dinesh?
I really thought this episode was going to end in a lot of misery. Either the original article was getting published or somehow Hooli would end up with the harddrive. I'm glad I was wrong.


Why didn't Gilfoyle just take the HDD back and put a brand new one in its place?

Just because he likes fucking with Dinesh?

I thought for sure there was going to be something other than the work material on there since Dinesh was so desperate, but I guess not


I could still see the HDD falling into the wrong hands if the Geek Squad guy knows forensic techniques or something and gets just the wrong part of the data out.


As soon as Richard walked into that conference room, I thought that the room looked way too big to be called the "small conference room."
Calling Season 3 finale now: Bighead gets sued by Hooli for breach of NDA, they take Elrichs stock in Pied Piper and are now on the board

Didn't Erlich say that everything BUT Pied Piper in this deal he was making with Big Head because they were a company and not in the incubator anymore?


I am surprised no one is talking about BigHead's signature being so different on each page of the document that he is signing with Erlich....

BigHead saving the day once again... LOL
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