Since Google searches didn't work, I scoured all 11 pages of posts here and all I could find was mention that the actress has had a shaved head in the past already. So if you could point out where it was "brought up" she started shaving her head as a response to people criticizing her looks, that'd be great. Wait, nevermind -you already said in advance this "isn't your fight" to deftly evade backing up your bogus claims, which was a good idea.
If nobody was attacking her personally, then there is no reason for her to attack anyone, and people have a right to be offended at her. People gave feedback on the content of a game trailer. It's almost like she had to stir the pot because she wasn't getting enough attention personally from it -with people generally criticizing the developers work. At least, that's what people were really doing from all the factual info I can find. This comes from many gaming websites. But now, she made herself a part of the conversation/criticism practically by force.
Imagine if they used a guys likeness as a basis for a Link model, and everyone ended up hating the in-game model. Nobody even knows his name, but he releases this big stunt to "troll" everyone for hating the now they know his name, probably as some dumb ass. But flip the script around, and it's brave, good for him...I mean, her.
I agree. A 4 minute video should really just be for fun. I don't expect my opinion to be taken seriously unless the video is at least 40 minutes. If it's a very serious topic, 4 hours is really better. That's why I let the same news cycle over and over again all day, they just talk so fast, you don't really get to hear it long enough to have an opinion on it before they stop talking!