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So it begins, the great console battle of our time (moderation policy annex)

Bill O'Rights

Seldom posts. Always delivers.
Staff Member

Hey Gaffers (old and new),

It can't have escaped anyone's attention, that there have been some recent updates on console power, technology and approaches. Some threads have derailed into infighting pretty quickly but a larger number are consistently at the edge of being completely unreadable at the moment - which leads to more threads (for similar topics) being created as people can't follow/abandon existing ones. Most of the reports we are handling are falling into two main categories at the moment.

New members signing up who have obviously read something from the sidelines, got raged up and let their inner console monster run wild once approved
Members, who persistently derail threads around loose tangential points which means pages are lost (e.g. It doesn't matter about XsX because MS has no games, or Sony don't need faster streaming because their characters walk so slow)

What we're trying to do here is make GAF as inviting and pleasant as possible, while still retaining the 'edge' and biting observations you folks are know for, We've had a lot of people reach out, and we've read a lot of threads where people are getting frustrated at this behaviour. When we're reading through threads ourselves we'll have to stop and examine histories and other comments, or wait until reports come in and assess the situation there. All of this takes time as we want to be as fair as we can to all members of the forum. Sometimes a difficult decision will take time and need a mod consensus before we take actions. That's just our general policy with giving people the benefit of the doubt as much as possible.

Moving forward
So what does this mean? It means going forward that threads that have a lot of effort put into them, or are to discuss specific technologies or have a more theoretical question/topic will have a little more protection. For these select topics we're going to take a different approach. We do use reply bans sparingly and bans even more sparingly, however there does seem to be bit too much 'noise' in some of the threads and derailing. In these select topics, moderation policy will be a bit more focused on removing members who are not on topic and instead derailing or trying to cause a fight.

How do I know which threads will be held to a higher standard?
We may create a tag but for the time being we want to be as minimally intrusive as possible. So for now, we will simply stick an asterisk in the thread title so it is clearly denoted on the main topic page. This is just a simple flag that lets you know the topic will be getting moderated more 'actively'. And if you go there with the intent of causing drama you will find yourself quickly removed from participation (in that thread alone).

I still want to shitpost!
God bless you folks. We love the memes and some of the stuff you come out with. Some of it is genuinely funny. New console cycles will always have a level of one liners, shitposting and meme drops. The rest of the board remains the same. While things are wild, we want to give those other threads with real insight a chance to get some momentum and be a little more free of the side drama. We want to be definite and transparent on the policy side so feel a clear guideline will benefit everyone rather than risk perceived inconsistency.

As always feel free to drop any comments or feedback in here. We might not tag every reply but we do read the posts and your input and it does influence certain decisions we make for th good of the board and everyone using it. Even if you just want to drop some suggestions or a general point please do so below.
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Good idea.

You guys know I like to have a laugh but the amount of shit posting and FUD entering the discussion on next gen consoles has got out of control. Specifically the hyperbole over the tiny, on paper, and generally misleading 'teraflops' figures of each new console and power difference.

It's got so out of control it has got to me. I was stewing over it all in my bed last night. I couldnt sleep and woke up in a rage and let my inner warrior demon out this morn, much to the chagrin of my targets (I'm only joking).

No good work Gaf staff.


Sounds like a good plan. It's borderline impossible to have any reasonable discussion, since the threads are full of shitposts and angry fanboys.

We’ll see how this is going to work because I believe its still going to be the same. I have yet to see ONE playstation fanboy in the ban page among the people that stirred shit up. Thank you Bill O'Rights Bill O'Rights

To be fair, most of the well-known "rabid" fans have actually turned it down a notch. But you're right, others have picked up the mantle.


I think it goes to show how popular this forum is. All sides of the fence will appear. It's good for discussion. Must take the bad with the good. I think everyone should deserve a place to speak. As bad or good as it may be. It's there and it's evident. Let people be. We are in some interesting times. I for one appreciate everyone's input. It's valuable, even if it presents as trolling. Let it be is my thought. But I'm not a mod. Appreciate the work that goes into moderating. It takes alot of work. Keep up the good work mods. I love this place. I was not here before the exodus but I'm glad I'm here now.


There should be a Console War section in this forum. Just like from Off-Topic a Politics section was born, there should be a battleground where everyone can defend their favorite consoles and attack others favorites with no repercussions. If a war was about to start in Gaming section, the discussion would be thrown in the battleground where they would argue till death (or until they get bored).
Bill O'Rights Bill O'Rights i think it's an unnecessary additional work, it will settle down when the news ain't hot anymore + you can't control everything & everybody.
I did notice that NeoGaf do favorite Sony Playstation fanboys which is sad, they always get a pass and most of the time the opposite side get banned when they get reported by them, i saw worst comment coming from Sony fanboys and nothing happens to them, you have to be objective on the matter, i hope that it will change in the future, they always get a pass.
(some people might bring Resetera, just for clarification, i never been there)
We’ll see how this is going to work because I believe its still going to be the same. I have yet to see ONE playstation fanboy in the ban page among the people that stirred shit up. Thank you Bill O'Rights Bill O'Rights
100% agree.


I love memes and jokes, but clearly what we have here in Gaf are members way to obssessive, invested and personnal about those "spec wars".

When is not that, is the classic "sonyfans are this" or "xbonefans are that".
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Gold Member
That's an interesting approach, to asterisk threads and give them a sort of special level of protection. I can see how it could potentially work to both foster good discussions and preserve the freedom to talk shit.

Perhaps it won't be necessary long-term. I think the fanboy lunacy you've seen in the past couple days has mostly been an emotional reaction to the Cerny presentation. On the one hand, you've had Sony fans waiting a long time, some with inflated expectations based on TF rumors, and on the other, you have Xbox fans who've been taking their lumps this entire generation and are eager for a win next.

Maybe the current health and economic crisis in the world is part of it, too? Things seem a little unreal at the moment. Or maybe when people self-isolate, they lose perspective.

Anyway, I think it'll blow over in time, and cooler heads will prevail. Of course, you'll always have the fanboys, god bless them. But hopefully this is just a temporary issue.


Interesting. I have mentioned numerous times on here about having the main forum, but then having sub Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo forums where people can discuss stuff and fanboy shit is not allowed. I was always shot down though, even by some mods.
This is kind of the same thing so its all good i guess. Just a shame there wasnt a hint of this over the last 7 years, and it took XSX becoming king for it to happen.

Kagey K

Interesting. I have mentioned numerous times on here about having the main forum, but then having sub Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo forums where people can discuss stuff and fanboy shit is not allowed. I was always shot down though, even by some mods.
This is kind of the same thing so its all good i guess. Just a shame there wasnt a hint of this over the last 7 years, and it took XSX becoming king for it to happen.
Communities were supposed to be a thing back when Gaf 2.0 was bandied about, seems the idea has since been dropped. I was excited for it when it was being discussed though.

Bill O'Rights

Seldom posts. Always delivers.
Staff Member
sonomamashine sonomamashine yeah we're not making it a massive overhead. It's just to allow members creating these in-depth or insightful topics room to breathe and have more technical exchanges without people throwing food at one another at the same table!

To be fair to most people, I think the fires after the initial reveals have had their oxygen and people have vented. If you try to put a lid on it all, then something will inevitably explode further down the line. We're noticing a shift to normality and discussion in a lot of topics naturally and organically after the reactions, so we're hoping it's just something we need to float, then natural respect from you guys will take over. It's more about saying "C'mon folks, let's not shitpost in every thread. Have a bit of respect for each other!" :messenger_heart:


To the mods and EviLore

If you really want to avoid astroturfers,manchildren,12 year olds fanboys,and butthurt console warriors to stop shitposting you should bring back the email membership restrictions that applied to old GAF. I'm pretty sure we will see a shitload of new fake member accounts in the coming months who will try to keep afloat troll/joke threads and bury anything that provokes intelligent discussion.

If that doesn't happen then the only solution for those who can't tolerate stupidity is the ignore button.
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Bill O'Rights Bill O'Rights weren't those "xboxfans" banned the same person?

I think its silly that we came to a point where people are counting. Like, if a member is a troll or brain dead, he should be punished no matter the side, no?

Now If people are really find discrepancies(like some members not being punished for doing the same exact thing), would be better to clear up. Like explaining that some cases are not the same.
Bill O Rights,

The answer is simple. Have one side of NeoGaf that's totally communist with strict guidelines for speech and another side that allows free speech within the rules of what's legal (no threats, mentions of violence, etc). The simple truth is that due to the dominant console maker abandoning the idea of generational leaps and putting out a weaker console, there's going to be a lot of pain and anger. People are going to make bold truthful statements that offend people. Some statements might even infuriate people. But there's a simple solution on the "free speech" side of NeoGaf - the ignore button. I don't give a hoot, for example, if a million people "ignore" me. We all need to learn that if someone else is making statements we totally disagree with that it's still their right to speak their minds and as often as they desire. Did the 1st amendment come with a rule about how many times you could give your opinion? No. Instead, if people don't like you they don't have to listen - they can either be an ADULT and "ignore" the post in their mind or use the ignore button which isn't available in real life. Actually, an online forum like this one is even better for those who can't tolerate bold loudmouths because such a button is around to be used. If people on the "free speech" side of NeoGaf still can't tolerate other users with bold, arrogant, and vastly different opinions, then it's THEIR FAULT for being unable to control their emotions. They shouldn't go around "reporting" other people (unless these people are resorting to personal attacks) but instead work on gaining the mental composure to simply not pay attention to those who are making posts that infuriate them OR just use the ignore button.

For example, I'm outraged at Sony. I think that they have screwed the entire gaming community by abandoning the concept of generational leaps. Moreover, I believed whole heartedly that they would release a true next gen system with at least seven times the TF of the ordinary PS4. Since they didn't, I'm going to be vocal about how they have abandoned the central tenant that governed previous consoles. Many people aren't going to like me. But I'm not going to shut my mouth. I will mention at every opportunity how the SSD can't make up for the missing teraflops, how the system isn't really 10.2TF (it's really lower but can go into boost mode), etc. If people don't like this, I urge everyone to start ignoring me RIGHT NOW. Because I ain't going no where. And if you or any of the other moderators ban me, I'll be happy to leave and forget this place.


Bill O Rights,

The answer is simple. Have one side of NeoGaf that's totally communist with strict guidelines for speech and another side that allows free speech within the rules of what's legal (no threats, mentions of violence, etc). The simple truth is that due to the dominant console maker abandoning the idea of generational leaps and putting out a weaker console, there's going to be a lot of pain and anger. People are going to make bold truthful statements that offend people. Some statements might even infuriate people. But there's a simple solution on the "free speech" side of NeoGaf - the ignore button. I don't give a hoot, for example, if a million people "ignore" me. We all need to learn that if someone else is making statements we totally disagree with that it's still their right to speak their minds and as often as they desire. Did the 1st amendment come with a rule about how many times you could give your opinion? No. Instead, if people don't like you they don't have to listen - they can either be an ADULT and "ignore" the post in their mind or use the ignore button which isn't available in real life. Actually, an online forum like this one is even better for those who can't tolerate bold loudmouths because such a button is around to be used. If people on the "free speech" side of NeoGaf still can't tolerate other users with bold, arrogant, and vastly different opinions, then it's THEIR FAULT for being unable to control their emotions. They shouldn't go around "reporting" other people (unless these people are resorting to personal attacks) but instead work on gaining the mental composure to simply not pay attention to those who are making posts that infuriate them OR just use the ignore button.

For example, I'm outraged at Sony. I think that they have screwed the entire gaming community by abandoning the concept of generational leaps. Moreover, I believed whole heartedly that they would release a true next gen system with at least seven times the TF of the ordinary PS4. Since they didn't, I'm going to be vocal about how they have abandoned the central tenant that governed previous consoles. Many people aren't going to like me. But I'm not going to shut my mouth. I will mention at every opportunity how the SSD can't make up for the missing teraflops, how the system isn't really 10.2TF (it's really lower but can go into boost mode), etc. If people don't like this, I urge everyone to start ignoring me RIGHT NOW. Because I ain't going no where. And if you or any of the other moderators ban me, I'll be happy to leave and forget this place.
All of that is unnecessary. People just need to start discussing pros and cons as adults without anyone feeling offended like if its a matter of pride or dignity. Too much heat because people wants to piss each other off instead of having a proper discussion

It isn’t hard to talk like grown people while agreeing and disagreeing without people feeling offended or want to feel offended because it’ll never end


We’ll see how this is going to work because I believe its still going to be the same. I have yet to see ONE playstation fanboy in the ban page among the people that stirred shit up. Thank you Bill O'Rights Bill O'Rights
This Playstation bias conspiracy is old and honestly its getting fucking annoying.

Also, the idea that you scan the ban pages hoping u o see people you argue with get banned is a little pathetic.


This Playstation bias conspiracy is old and honestly its getting fucking annoying.

Also, the idea that you scan the ban pages hoping u o see people you argue with get banned is a little pathetic.
Who said I do that to begin with? Lol. I’m saying facts here. Just like theres pathetic xbox fanboys, theres also pathetic ps fanboys. Its only fair to treat both the same and thats my point. Don’t pull the victim card now


Gold Member
I'm good with this.

Both sides have their fun at various times of console gaming.

As long as the recent Meme thread and Console War Thunderdome thread are left open so gamers can have ultra fun there, I think that's a fair compromise. I have no problem funneling all of our witty jabs there.

Those threads can't be that bad anyway since they've always been left open.
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Dr. Claus

Who said I do that to begin with? Lol. I’m saying facts here. Just like theres pathetic xbox fanboys, theres also pathetic ps fanboys. Its only fair to treat both the same and thats my point. Don’t pull the victim card now

Then report them. I report all sides and almost always get a reply back stating that they were reply banned, warned, or had their post deleted. Just so happens that the Xbox Fanboys tend to cross the line more often, ending up banned from the site.

As an example, let's look at TLW versus the TurkishFlavour Alt Armada. Both are blatant console warriors, but the former doesn't tend to directly insult and throw hissy fits like the latter did constantly (to the point where most of his alts had titles in quick order calling him out for his limp-dicked console warring). Why is this? My bet is that the PS4 has been the more popular and more successful platform compared to Xbox One, so the fanboys are typically less aggressive/defensive compared to the Xbox fanboys.

This whole concept of "SonyGAF" is fucking retarded and has been disproven continuously over the past few months.

Crap. Didn't see that. What happened?

Apparently the guy was a super stalker and was banned for it. Evilore stated as such. Personally I don't care that much, guy was a massively blatant console warrior.
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Lol. Eh...

I would much prefer the community self-correct and self-police than rules needing to be applied. But this, skimming over it, seems like a pretty fair way to do things.
How does a community self-police when the community members have no actual authority? Whack-a-doodle shitposters will just keep going on and on.


Bill O'Rights Bill O'Rights I guess you could disable the option of 'like/reaction' of a member post who get banned or kicked from the thread.

Just the particular post who give the poster a reason to be punish, not necessary the all right of him get likes for others 'no harm' posts.


No come on Mr. You and I personally have locked horns a few times these past days, and I've come out on top every time. Doesn't mean I should be banned for it
🎶🎶🎶Misstaa is a bottooomm bottomm 🎶🎶🎶

Nah you guys are cool.

I would maybe suggest no quote reply in certain threads.
Just tell us what you want but cant reply to others as that always starts some shit.
I know we don’t want to create giant mega threads full of echo chambers, but it’s quite annoying when someone posts a genuine thread and the first post is “LOL SONY FANBOYS ARE JUST BUTTHURT”. Maybe we need to consider separating threads for talk and only allow new news to be posted of that makes sense?
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