So I came across an article from Kotaku:
This is the part that made me do a double take:
Just so that I make it clear for you: the girl is an amateur porn actress, her Pornhub is full of sex scenes with her 0-muscle thin boyfriend.
Yet the 'porn actress' is missing from the article. Is it just me that finds this strange? No other content creators to write an article about, you had to pick one that is slurping on a dick for money in addition to making some vintage game content?
Then we have a series of articles fawning about Amouranth, who also decided that to get ahead in life sex is the best solution.
Can anyone explain this or I'm officially 'old man yelling at the cloud'?

This is the part that made me do a double take:
Moon, who did not respond to Kotaku’s request for comment in time for publication, has been posting on OnlyFans and Instagram since 2021 and stuck to what you’d expect for a while: milkmaid blouses, mall dressing room thirst traps, and the occasional PornHub upload.
Just so that I make it clear for you: the girl is an amateur porn actress, her Pornhub is full of sex scenes with her 0-muscle thin boyfriend.
Yet the 'porn actress' is missing from the article. Is it just me that finds this strange? No other content creators to write an article about, you had to pick one that is slurping on a dick for money in addition to making some vintage game content?
Then we have a series of articles fawning about Amouranth, who also decided that to get ahead in life sex is the best solution.
Can anyone explain this or I'm officially 'old man yelling at the cloud'?