some guy leaked FFXV's story six months ago | up: newer 4chan stuff as of Dec 9th


It would be a real shame if they miss the anniversary, but I knew from the beginning this project would be massive, so it's better they take their time.

Man, this remake is going to be more divisive than XV, isn't it?

They can release a big demo for the annverisery bundled with a remaster of Crisis Core maybe?


It would be a real shame if they miss the anniversary, but I knew from the beginning this project would be massive, so it's better they take their time.

Man, this remake is going to be more divisive than XV, isn't it?

Divisiveness makes for interesting, even compelling art. XVs issue is being unfinished garbage.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I really shouldn't have read all that new stuff. MGSV all over again. All the Japanese franchise greats dying to insane management :(
The outline of XV's story isn't bad, its how its told. I'm okay with them using the Brotherhood anime to introduce Gladio, Noctis, Ignis and Prompto, but Kingsglaive shouldn't have been made.

I know they were on a time crunch and couldn't fit the invasion in the game, but having more cutscenes to flesh out Ravus, Luna, Adryn, Aranea, the Emperor and the side cast would've helped the overall plot. These are all interesting characters that should've had more to do with more dialogue to make sense out of.

It's kind of insane how poorly glued the story is. A few more cutscenes, plug them in at the right points and voila, more character development and story development.

It's a shame, because the story being poorly told is literally my main beef with the game. I can forgive the empty open world, the monotone side quests and the horrible chapter 13 if the story was better told with more cutscenes. It's a shame because it has shades of an excellent game bogged down with a lot of missed opportunities and bad decisions.

Best wishes.
You leave Kingdom hearts outta this Tai will deliver(he doesn't get enough credit)
Brah, I don't give a shit about meta score but since people love to throw it around, I have to talk about it :p

I don't expect FFVII or KH3 or get universal praise is all. Which is why I was pleasantly surprised by FFXV.

If you want to know my opinion, I will be getting every single KH and FF game ;)

Divisiveness makes for interesting, even compelling art. XVs issue is being unfinished garbage.
Lol. Hahahaha......



Oooh yeah, garbage that is getting pretty good reviews. Keep with the revisionist history there. :p

XIII's pretty routinely called garbage, and its reviews are about the same. Nier tends to be more praised, and it got about 20 points lower on metacritic than either.
Brah, I don't give a shit about meta score but since people love to throw it around, I have to talk about it :p

I don't expect FFVII or KH3 or get universal praise is all. Which is why I was pleasantly surprised by FFXV.

If you want to know my opinion, I will be getting every single KH and FF game ;)
I will not stand for this kh slander(couldn't care less about 7 remake should've been 8!) 90 or more for kh3 meta bet it now!
I don't have much confidence in SE to deliver another game that is universally praised.

I honestly expect FFVII: Remake to be fairly divisive among critics. Kingdom Hearts 3 won't get the high praise as Kingdom Hearts 2, which is the highest rated game in the series.

I think people need to understand the reality that the old SE is gone and the time when they could release multiple 90+ critically praised games is long done. It doesn't mean I won't buy their games anymore since I love whatever they release, as long as it is not outright terrible like the XIII trilogy.

I'm right there with you, my confidence in them waned over time so it's best to keep your expectations in check.


XIII's pretty routinely called garbage, and its reviews are about the same. Nier tends to be more praised, and it got about 20 points lower on metacritic than either.

Only shows that those people's gaming history is pretty short.

A garbage game is something like Bubsy 3D.

XIII is a great game that deserves the overall score it got. And this comes from someone who not only heavily dislikes the characters, but also the storyline.


Oooh yeah, garbage that is getting pretty good reviews. Keep with the revisionist history there. :p

You think review scores are Law. That's cute.

Except..ahhhhhhhh forget it.

Shoutout to my boy Tabata, shoutout to the boy Nomura big shoutout to Tai. All of them have to deal with squares crap

I agree. It's one thing to hire Tabata. I find that questionable in that he just hasn't really directed a good game, with the debatable exception being Crisis Core.

It's another thing entirely to not give him enough time to do the job he was hired for. SE brass has no one to blame but themselves.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
There's no way Squenix was going to have a MC kill the supposed female love interest at the beginning of the game. They aren't going to make a character unlikable by being revealed to have killed a young woman. I can't see them doing this even if it was some auteur bullshit.

At most they'd have something like Xenogears where Fei (Id) kills Timothy and Alice. That's the extent I'd ever see them go and that was in a non-final fantasy named spinoff that wasn't called Final Fantasy because of the tone.


Toriyama meanwhile is keeping the lights on by recycling the FFXIII assets into a cost-effective and heavily outsourced sequel that evidently was never pre-planned as it begins with a hard-reset on the plot of the original.

Lmao, is this true? Never played it
I will not stand for this kh slander(couldn't care less about 7 remake should've been 8!) 90 or more for kh3 meta bet it now!
I want to believe T_T

I'm right there with you, my confidence in them waned over time so it's best to keep your expectations in check.
I know man. At best, I expect them to deliver an experience that I will thoroughly enjoy, but not everyone with agree with it. So in other words 'divisive' is how I will describe their games going forward.

Only shows that those people's gaming history is pretty short.

A garbage game is something like Bubsy 3D.

XIII is a great game that deserves the overall score it got. And this comes from someone who not only heavily dislikes the characters, but also the storyline.
XIII could have a good game if they didn't push forward with the trilogy type of stuff. This is what made people hate the original retroactively.


Talking about the Leviathan level, I remember the level design being a bit different last year and it had to be sort of redesigned because it didn't run well and the engine was having problems.

Like I said, Luna was featured in more scenes but they got cut. The original Leviathan fight combined interiors and exteriors and many enemies on screen, Luna also appeared.
Like I said earlier, the final form for Ardyn was cut early this year. I haven't heard anything from the strategy guide but it might not have updated information about the story.

Sounds like they really tried to recreate the Leviathan fight shown in the 2013 trailer and they couldn't make it run properly. Also fits the information we had by Tabata that Luna would join us as a party member sometime in the game that was never mentioned again.

The final boss getting cut also fits with the Monster Ardyn bit from the confirmed leak.
What happened to Versus is screamingly obvious in my opinion.

FFXIII and FFXIV were in full production between 2005 and 2009, an elongated process due to the problems they had with the engine. Versus XIII was obviously pencilled in from the start to release some time after XIII because their "edgy alternative" would always need to follow their orthodox mainline entry.

Essentially this means as a project it would have the lowest priority in terms of active production, but tons of time in pre-production/conceping/prototyping... exactly the sort of situation where a single game gets blown out into a putative trilogy because when you don't have the staff to do something, you may as well expand and iterate on what you have in the hopes it will turn into something amazing.

Unfortunately, shit happens. XIII launches late and to a decidedly mixed response, then XIV lays a fucking egg really setting the cat amongst the pigeons. After 18 months of flailing around trying to fix this failed MMO, they eventually decide to throw everything they have into essentially rebuilding the game from the ground up as fast as possible. A hail-mary pass that essentially consigns all their other major projects onto the back burner for the duration.

Especially risky, single-platform products like Versus XIII.

Toriyama meanwhile is keeping the lights on by recycling the FFXIII assets into a cost-effective and heavily outsourced sequel that evidently was never pre-planned as it begins with a hard-reset on the plot of the original.

LR I really wouldn't be shocked to discover if it was built on the bones of the engine variant originally earmarked for V13 given its quasi --open world structure and dynamic TOD/lighting system. Some funding for this would likely seem more logical than V13 given its multi-platform nature and "completing the trilogy" (haha) gimmick.

Long story short, I'd be surprised if a great deal more than what was used for promotional purposes for Versus XIII actually ever existed in code. I'm sure there's stacks of paperwork and concept assets, but beyond some cg and vertical slice proof-of-concepts, it was always vaporware kept alive solely by Nojima's name and corporate standing.

Looking at what was going on elsewhere in the company over the entire duration of its "development", a team of the size neccessary to execute the project would never have been available.

SE screwed up so hard last generation. They should have been focused on keeping the quality up on mainline games (FF13) or even releasing a mainline game at all (KH). If that meant canceling some of the spinoffs of both series to put more people on those projects so be it.

They should never have ended up in this situation.
SE screwed up so hard last generation. They should have been focused on keeping the quality up on mainline games (FF13) or even releasing a mainline game at all (KH). If that meant canceling some of the spinoffs of both series to put more people on those projects so be it.

They should never have ended up in this situation.

hindsight is helpful

square thought at one point that crystal tools was going to be hot shit that they could license out and reap the sweet royalties



Nah, we got a mediocre open-world with a decent-ish gameplay loop in the first half and a clearance isle Uncharted clone for the second half.

But we did get a super baller combat system and one of the best soundtracks to grace the series.

You might of missed out on some of the tracks if you didn't get through the second half.
What happened to Versus is screamingly obvious in my opinion.

FFXIII and FFXIV were in full production between 2005 and 2009, an elongated process due to the problems they had with the engine. Versus XIII was obviously pencilled in from the start to release some time after XIII because their "edgy alternative" would always need to follow their orthodox mainline entry.

Essentially this means as a project it would have the lowest priority in terms of active production, but tons of time in pre-production/conceping/prototyping... exactly the sort of situation where a single game gets blown out into a putative trilogy because when you don't have the staff to do something, you may as well expand and iterate on what you have in the hopes it will turn into something amazing.

Unfortunately, shit happens. XIII launches late and to a decidedly mixed response, then XIV lays a fucking egg really setting the cat amongst the pigeons. After 18 months of flailing around trying to fix this failed MMO, they eventually decide to throw everything they have into essentially rebuilding the game from the ground up as fast as possible. A hail-mary pass that essentially consigns all their other major projects onto the back burner for the duration.

Especially risky, single-platform products like Versus XIII.

Toriyama meanwhile is keeping the lights on by recycling the FFXIII assets into a cost-effective and heavily outsourced sequel that evidently was never pre-planned as it begins with a hard-reset on the plot of the original.

LR I really wouldn't be shocked to discover if it was built on the bones of the engine variant originally earmarked for V13 given its quasi --open world structure and dynamic TOD/lighting system. Some funding for this would likely seem more logical than V13 given its multi-platform nature and "completing the trilogy" (haha) gimmick.

Long story short, I'd be surprised if a great deal more than what was used for promotional purposes for Versus XIII actually ever existed in code. I'm sure there's stacks of paperwork and concept assets, but beyond some cg and vertical slice proof-of-concepts, it was always vaporware kept alive solely by Nojima's name and corporate standing.

Looking at what was going on elsewhere in the company over the entire duration of its "development", a team of the size neccessary to execute the project would never have been available.

I agree with all of this. Last gen was really bad for Square Enix, FF XIV 1.0 must have caused panic at the company, and FF XV (former Versus XIII) is the last project to suffer from that.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
What happened to Versus is screamingly obvious in my opinion.

FFXIII and FFXIV were in full production between 2005 and 2009, an elongated process due to the problems they had with the engine. Versus XIII was obviously pencilled in from the start to release some time after XIII because their "edgy alternative" would always need to follow their orthodox mainline entry.

Essentially this means as a project it would have the lowest priority in terms of active production, but tons of time in pre-production/conceping/prototyping... exactly the sort of situation where a single game gets blown out into a putative trilogy because when you don't have the staff to do something, you may as well expand and iterate on what you have in the hopes it will turn into something amazing.

Unfortunately, shit happens. XIII launches late and to a decidedly mixed response, then XIV lays a fucking egg really setting the cat amongst the pigeons. After 18 months of flailing around trying to fix this failed MMO, they eventually decide to throw everything they have into essentially rebuilding the game from the ground up as fast as possible. A hail-mary pass that essentially consigns all their other major projects onto the back burner for the duration.

Especially risky, single-platform products like Versus XIII.

Toriyama meanwhile is keeping the lights on by recycling the FFXIII assets into a cost-effective and heavily outsourced sequel that evidently was never pre-planned as it begins with a hard-reset on the plot of the original.

LR I really wouldn't be shocked to discover if it was built on the bones of the engine variant originally earmarked for V13 given its quasi --open world structure and dynamic TOD/lighting system. Some funding for this would likely seem more logical than V13 given its multi-platform nature and "completing the trilogy" (haha) gimmick.

Long story short, I'd be surprised if a great deal more than what was used for promotional purposes for Versus XIII actually ever existed in code. I'm sure there's stacks of paperwork and concept assets, but beyond some cg and vertical slice proof-of-concepts, it was always vaporware kept alive solely by Nojima's name and corporate standing.

Looking at what was going on elsewhere in the company over the entire duration of its "development", a team of the size neccessary to execute the project would never have been available.

I thought the rumor was that Lightning Returns was originally a Valkyrie Profile game that got morphed into Lightning Returns?


There's no way Squenix was going to have a MC kill the supposed female love interest at the beginning of the game. They aren't going to make a character unlikable by being revealed to have killed a young woman. I can't see them doing this even if it was some auteur bullshit.

At most they'd have something like Xenogears where Fei (Id) kills Timothy and Alice. That's the extent I'd ever see them go and that was in a non-final fantasy named spinoff that wasn't called Final Fantasy because of the tone.

And this is at least partly why I look forward to the story more in Nier: Automata. Taro Yoko's games may be weird as hell, but they allow more original ideas that you generally wouldn't see in other games.
Holy shit

Ok now that I think about it, it still continued the story in a weird way. The game begins at the ending cutscene of XIII but this time Lightning is chosen by Etro to be the Goddess and disappears from her friends and family. The rest of the game is Sarah and Noel fucking around in the past and present. Toriyama forced the story of Lightning and friends to continue.


The whole red eyes means death is near was something I kept in the back of my mind when playing XV. Felt weird when it amounted to nothing, but if that vXIII stuff is real, then yeah, that would've been cool.
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