some guy leaked FFXV's story six months ago | up: newer 4chan stuff as of Dec 9th


We just need A Realm Reborn for Final Fantasy XV.

Call it: Final Fantasy XV: A Noctis Reborn.

Yeah, absolutely.
I'm usually pretty against these kind of projects, but base XV is still a somewhat decent game that gave me lots of fun, so i'm very open to the possibility of going back to it a couple of years from now.

PSY・S;226303824 said:
Would be funny if they used what's probably an old Drautos render for Cor.


Edit: The similarity really is crazy. I wonder if they were related at some point.

I still think they were going with a Basch/Gabranth story: probably siblings, both from Solheim and under the King protection, serving under Regis one as Commander of the Army, the other leading the Kingsglaive. Then Drautos betrays the King and Cor would have sworn revenge.
A duel with just Noctis and Cor against Drautos (wearing the OP armor) would have been fun-fucking-tastic.


Crystal Bearer
This image is hillarious on multiple levels. Verstael being Prompto's father is obviously a huge part of it, but Weskham being white and Clarus being called Crailas and having his E3 2013 design adds another dimension to it. And for some reason Luna's mother isn't shown, even if her face was shown in Kingsglaive.
Guessing the guide team just didn't know about the constant changes.


Oh, that guy. Yeah that was weird. Everyone super sad and I feel nothing since I talked to him liked twice for a minute each.

I thought it was that kid at first.......LOL

I was like Oh no the kid died...then the kid actually showed up crying he could have saved "oh you are not him?"
PSY・S;226303824 said:
Would be funny if they used what's probably an old Drautos render for Cor.


Edit: The similarity really is crazy. I wonder if they were related at some point.

Aside from the ear shape this almost passes as a pre/post timeskip comparison.


For those who lmao at Stella's leaked fate, I am just gonna quote myself in this very thread:

Not to disagree with you or be a so called "Nomura/Versus fanboy" (because Im not one, not to be fooled by my avatar :p).

But there are plenty of ways to still develop her character even if she got killed at the beginning. One obvious way is through Noctis recovering his memories. Like the Omen trailer. If anything, it would build up suspense to get viewers attention....

Just say'n

you know who also died at the beginning?



PSY・S;226303824 said:
Would be funny if they used what's probably an old Drautos render for Cor.


Edit: The similarity really is crazy. I wonder if they were related at some point.

I don't really see the similarity. Eye shape is way different, nose shape is WAY different, eye brows are different, ears shape are also way different, as is the shape of the face, hair/eyebrows color, different... Skin color, different...

I guess you could argue the eye color is almost the same and the hairline looks similar?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I'd argue that your storytelling is pretty damn horrible if you have a strategy guide that reveals a major point about one character that is never brought up within the game. Or you know, Prompto being a Magitek warrior. That was mentioned once and then completely glossed over. Or the fact that the game wants you to feel sorry for Luna, but you never get to really meet her so even her death scene falls flat to a certain extent.

Also: JARED.

I think the point is you are supposed to feel Noctis sorrow/anger at Ardyn, rather than sadness for Luna. I kinda think people are missing the point of her character insofar as she isn't a "romantic interest" figure so much as a saint who's destiny is knowing martyrdom.

The whole marriage angle struck me more as a symbolic gesture, both in a political and mythic sense, than any sort of love match. Her dutiful devotion is rewarded by being made Queen in the afterlife, which ironically I think subverts the criticism of her usage being overtly sexist. From her character's perspective King Noctis is just as much a "trophy" as she is to him.


The game IS unfinished. The game was delayed because the team felt like it would get destroyed by critics if released in the state it was in July and it was a last minute decision to delay it.

Damn, the game already got disappointing reviews in the current state, what would it have been if it released in september ?


Even just looking at this scene again knowing she's dead:

It just kinda works. It's impossible to say whether this would've been better, but it does sound pretty fascinating.

I like this so much more than anything I saw in XV. :( More than simple differences in plot Versus just had a completely different vibe. I really wish we got that game, or at least could have seen more of it.
sorry I added the spoiler tag to this lol

didn't want to spoil the movie for ppl who havent watched it.
Why would you spoil that?!?! Don't you have any decency to put spoiler tags on?!?!

Haha it's fine the movie has been out for a long time. Almost everyone knows the ending without even seeing the movie.
Not just FFX.

But FFVIII as well.
Oh. Oh THAT theory...
Legitimate reason for why I didn't really want to play VIII. I mean
if I'm really not against playing as a dead guy halfway through the game, but then what's the point of the rest of the story? Is it filler or does he actually do something to change the world?

Still playing it though.


Why would you spoil that?!?! Don't you have any decency to put spoiler tags on?!?!

Haha it's fine the movie has been out for a long time. Almost everyone knows the ending without even seeing the movie.

Oh. Oh THAT theory...
Legitimate reason for why I don't really want to play VIII. I mean
if I'm really playing as a dead guy halfway through the game, then what's the point?

That's a stupid ass theory. If you don't wanna play the game because of that then LMAO

Although I do like the Rinoa is Ultimecia theory cuz it's cool although impossible


I'd argue that your storytelling is pretty damn horrible if you have a strategy guide that reveals a major point about one character that is never brought up within the game. Or you know, Prompto being a Magitek warrior. That was mentioned once and then completely glossed over. Or the fact that the game wants you to feel sorry for Luna, but you never get to really meet her so even her death scene falls flat to a certain extent.

Also: JARED.

Is that plot point relevant at all, if it's never brought up?

Prompto, as well as Gladio going solo, seem to be blatant DLC bait. Which is probably even worse, but it's a different issue.

Feeling sorry, eh, I don't really care. I don't need to personally care about the same things the characters do in order to find it compelling. A death can be effective even if I'm not crying.

If anything, I'll probably feel sorry for Noctis, since we're following the story from his point of view. When we get new info on Luna through the radio, Noctis is also getting that with us. I don't mind that.

The kind of thing that is absolutely awful, though, is stuff like prompts telling you things that a simple in-game dialogue of a few seconds would cover. That's just terrible. They should include these in a patch, since they're getting people back for voice recording anyway.

The broadsword felt so awful to use as Noctis. I have zero interest in buying a Gladio DLC.

I thought so too, but the concept arts showed and the fact that the director of Gladio's episode worked on Bloodborne had me very interested. I'm not preordering the season pass or anything yet, but I went from "this will definitely be terrible" to "go on".

EDIT: I love the Greatsword for Noctis, though, but only because it's supported by several other movesets. Using it exclusvely would be boring as hell.


I always knew their whole "A fantasy based on feedback" approach was the wrong way to go about it. Feedback is good but not when you compromise your own creative vision to please a small group of nerds for silly reasons.

Well i mean it kind of isn't even their creative vision to begin with.
That's a stupid ass theory. If you don't wanna play the game because of that then LMAO

Although I do like the Rinoa is Ultimecia theory cuz it's cool although impossible
Sorry I edited my post cause I never added the rest oops! I didn't want to (I'm a weird guy) but I am now.


I don't agree with or care for them fixing the game via DLC. The story was garbage. Them fixing it later doesn't mean anything for me. I already played through the game and experienced it's terrible story. They cannot go back in time and make me experience something else. I liked the open world stuff and combat, and had a good time with that part of the game. The main story and side quests were an absolute waste. This will probably be my last FF.


I still think they were going with a Basch/Gabranth story: probably siblings, both from Solheim and under the King protection, serving under Regis one as Commander of the Army, the other leading the Kingsglaive. Then Drautos betrays the King and Cor would have sworn revenge.
A duel with just Noctis and Cor against Drautos (wearing the OP armor) would have been fun-fucking-tastic.

I remember one of the possible leakers saying, before Kingsglaive came out, that General Glauca was Drautos Leonis, Cor's brother.

Maybe they removed his ties to Cor after they decided to make him the main enemy of Kingsglaive. Not having Cor be a part of the fight against his brother who just betrayed the entire kingdom and murdered Regis would probably be worse than just making it so he's no longer a Leonis. No one knew for sure, anyway. Makes sense.

Dr Thor

Neo Member
Yeah, there's a lot of lore and world building from optional stuff in this game. I personally really like it. The world of Eos is very intriguing. And they went the better route of doing that through short radio bits and also short text stuff, not the typical WRPG book that you'll only invest the time reading if you're already really into the lore. With shorter bits of exposition, it serves the purpose of drawing people in better, imo.

This is a very poor design decision for an RPG, though. The story is so threadbare and disjointed in XV that some of the stuff in 'optional' interactions should actually *not* be optional, but rather delivered d so the average player can understand what the hell's going on. As it stands many people will miss these details that explain some of the plot mysteries or ambiguities and disengage from the experience entirely. I know I certainly did.

Similarly, I'm still stunned they thought it was a reasonable idea to put major plot details and character info/development in a film and anime series that only a tiny percentage of buyers will actually watch. The story needs to drive the player to engage with and complete a story-focused experience like an RPG, and as such everything you need to understand and feel involved with the story *should be in the actual game*. It's not rocket science, they've done it in other FFs. Even FF13 did it better, though they made the same mistake of putting important story/lore info in optional log entries rather than involving the player in it directly.

Pro tip, S-E: optional content in an open-world game should contain extra flavour and background info which is *also* optional, not anything essential to following the story or immersing yourself in the game world! Linear games can get away with putting essential stuff in logs, etc., but those bits should be on the critical path through the game and players should be clear that they're important and should be read/heard/viewed (see System Shock 2, Doom 3, etc.).

Ray Down

That reminds me DQ6 had the
was dead the whole time with Ashlynn, though you could figure it out since her name translate to, burnt to ash....

Also doesn't DQ6 have an abusive backstory with


They probably thought that people didn't like that scene after the backslash from the Dawn trailer lol

A fantasy based on feedback.


Crystal Bearer
They probably thought that people didn't like that scene after the backslash from the Dawn trailer lol

A fantasy based on feedback.

The worst was Tabata deliberately grabbing for the Versus crowd with that Jump Festa 2015 trailer with all that old invasion footage.


Is that plot point relevant at all, if it's never brought up?

Prompto, as well as Gladio going solo, seem to be blatant DLC bait. Which is probably even worse, but it's a different issue.

Feeling sorry, eh, I don't really care. I don't need to personally care about the same things the characters do in order to find it compelling. A death can be effective even if I'm not crying.

If anything, I'll probably feel sorry for Noctis, since we're following the story from his point of view. When we get new info on Luna through the radio, Noctis is also getting that with us. I don't mind that.

The kind of thing that is absolutely awful, though, is stuff like prompts telling you things that a simple in-game dialogue of a few seconds would cover. That's just terrible. They should include these in a patch, since they're getting people back for voice recording anyway.

I thought so too, but the concept arts showed and the fact that the director of Gladio's episode worked on Bloodborne had me very interested. I'm not preordering the season pass or anything yet, but I went from "this will definitely be terrible" to "go on".

EDIT: I love the Greatsword for Noctis, though, but only because it's supported by several other movesets. Using it exclusvely would be boring as hell.

They have a different director for the DLC?


The worst was Tabata deliberately grabbing for the Versus crowd with that Jump Festa 2015 trailer with all that old invasion footage.

The "this is a sneak peek of a work in progress, we aim to deliver even more with the finished product" line followed by the "Imperial Invasion of Insomnia" title card is hilarious in retrospect.


The worst was Tabata deliberately grabbing for the Versus crowd with that Jump Festa 2015 trailer with all that old invasion footage.

The narrative changing from "This game still retains Versus' heart and soul and we want to please fans who have been there since the game got announced" to "yeah Versus and XV are different things guys stop asking" from one ATR to another lol
Please elaborate.

Where was it stated she was going to be a protagonist? (Legitimately asking, I might've skipped over it) but I mean, it seems pretty unlikely if she's dead. For all we know she could've had the same amount of screen time as current Luna except without the anime and film


Neo Member
The narrative changing from "This game still retains Versus' heart and soul and we want to please fans who have been there since the game got announced" to "yeah Versus and XV are different things guys stop asking" from one ATR to another lol

"Actually, we have no idea what we want to do"

What did happen to verstael. The emperor was the demon that chases you through chapter 13 but can't remember fighting verstael at all. More surprised that gladio dad was killed alongside Regis yet I can't remember gladio even reacting to that fact.
I can't even remember. He literally had one scene where he seemed drugged or delusional.


I remember one of the possible leakers saying, before Kingsglaive came out, that General Glauca was Drautos Leonis, Cor's brother.

Maybe they removed his ties to Cor after they decided to make him the main enemy of Kingsglaive. Not having Cor be a part of the fight against his brother who just betrayed the entire kingdom and murdered Regis would probably be worse than just making it so he's no longer a Leonis. No one knew for sure, anyway. Makes sense.

Hhhnnnnggg, Noctis and Cor taking revenge on Drautos would have been amazing!
But now impossible to insert in the game. I would be satisfyied if they made Verstael recovering Glauca's body and armour and turning it into some sort of Magitek zombie and let it fight with Noct in Gralea.


Where was it stated she was going to be a protagonist? (Legitimately asking, I might've skipped over it) but I mean, it seems pretty unlikely if she's dead. For all we know she could've had the same amount of screen time as current Luna except without the anime and film
The second leaker called her thus (not the Versus FFXV one).


Damn, the game already got disappointing reviews in the current state, what would it have been if it released in september ?

The game didn't receive disappointing reviews. 84 is not disappointing. Actually the same leaker says that the team is satisfied with the game reception.

Ray Down

The second leaker called her thus (not the Versus FFXV one).

My guess with his wording he meant heroine.

Especially since Nomura made mention she wasn't playable or at least indirectly. Then again made that quote was more throw out to find the fact she actual dead the whole time.


Where was it stated she was going to be a protagonist? (Legitimately asking, I might've skipped over it) but I mean, it seems pretty unlikely if she's dead. For all we know she could've had the same amount of screen time as current Luna except without the anime and film

In fairness, with Nomura's track record it's plausible for this to have been planned to happen three or four times over the course of the Versus games.


Damn, the game already got disappointing reviews in the current state, what would it have been if it released in september ?

Pure, unadulterated revisionist history right there!

I guess if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes true for certain people.


I like this so much more than anything I saw in XV. :( More than simple differences in plot Versus just had a completely different vibe. I really wish we got that game, or at least could have seen more of it.

Yeah I liked this a lot. This thread, even ignoring the rumors, has made me sad we didn't get Versus XIII.
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