I think it's less than 400$ BOM, even if that was the case i don't see PS5 sell more than 449$, my personal concerns are pricing (more than 449$) & thermal paste.
Well, I'm only going by the Bloomberg article, and they estimated a $450 BOM. With the type of cooling Sony would need to maintain that power distribution in the system and not end up with a RROD type of situation, I think a $450 BOM (maybe slightly more) fits into that.
There's also the flash memory controller to take into account here, too, though I suspect the actual SSD NAND component to be "relatively" cheap, as they're probably using QLC NAND chips.
I can't even bring myself to post that much atm, there's just so much misinformation and FUD everywhere its baffling. Fanboys on both sides are going into a meltdown trying to score "points" and barely any of them have any clue what they are even talking about. I just read one that said SX will give up 20% of its power for audio... I mean... Fucking hell, get a clue/life/hot dog you stupid twat.
The SSD in the PS5 is fucking amazing, but its not the be all end all.
The raw power of the SX is fucking amazing, but its not the be all end all.
BOTH consoles are good, no, amazing. Both would make a whore blush.
And if you don't like this just because its "neutral" then I suggest you get a bloody life, because we are in for some damn good times later this year.
Yeah, it's disappointing that people simply can't be happy with both systems as they are. Now I've seen a few Xbox people downplaying the PS5's SSD (or SSDs in general, saying they'll only be good for quicker loading times when that's not going to be the ONLY benefit the way these systems can use them!), but there's a LOT more Playstation people downplaying the advantages XSX has (100MHz - 300MHz faster CPU, 16 extra CU cores, faster pool of (smaller) VRAM-orientated GDDR6 memory, etc.) and acting like PS5's SSD will mitigate every single one of those things. When just a week prior, a lot of those same guys were adament about PS5 being 12/13/14/15 TFs because that was their narrative up until the actual presentation on Wednesday.
I'm a bit more surprised at how some gaming outlets are really pushing the "SSD as a gamechanger" angle; make no mistake it WILL have an impact on certain aspects of game design and PS5 is the better positioned of the two to make full advantage of those very specific things. But I don't hear any of these outlets talking about XSX's 16 extra CUs and what that can do for GPGPU programming. We saw how Sony 1st-party exploited that on PS4, XSX 1st-party will have a lot more room to play with in GPGPU capabilities.
But I think some of that is down to them not understanding how GPGPU actually works. Maybe if it were explained more in the way of being a softer form of FPGA (but not exactly actually the same thing) combined essentially being a cluster of very powerful DSPs, they maybe could understand its purpose better. And the ironic part is that while both systems can fully make use of GPGPU capabilities, PS5 would have to compromise in at least one major area (such as visual output) to do so.
And I'd argue it's GPGPU that is the larger game-changer for next-gen compared to SSD v-cache, but that isn't to downplay SSD memory-mapped v-cache as an important thing, either. It's just that the GPGPU stuff would have a higher learning curve, but if MS and Sony can provide tools to 3rd-parties to make maximized usage of it, it could finally become commonplace this gen, and it's an area XSX will have a pretty noticeable advantage in.
No one wants to acknowledge that, tho
