Cool. I really want to try these games. How long does the SoT pre-order bonus last?
game needs more mintberry crunch.
Someone might have mentioned it to them and they thought it was fine since the plot in this game doesn't seem to revolve around the girls being excluded from the game.Following Unity, they made AC: Syndicate that had two leads, one a woman.
It could be a result of the show's creators, but Ubisoft is making a more concerted effort.
Thanks!!! And tips for a first play through?They'll likely just break the 4th wall, make a joke and move on. I don't see them coming up with a perfect excuse for it. Seems like a hassle.
Digital preorders yes.
Get rekt Nintendo.
EDIT: This was a badly thought out sarcastic joke.
Go for a class that is proficient at bleed, or always make sure one of your weapons is good at making enemies bleed.Thanks!!! And tips for a first play through?
That's Wendy. You won't be playing as her.I like her, will probably use her as girls don't get as much love on the show.
Just to confirm tho, that's Wendy on the pic, isn't it?
They didn't say the girl in the trailer was the new kid and they used the male kid for the marketing or the gameplay in the conference, so yeah the likelyhood that's Wendy is like 95%
Screw you guys, I already played as a girl
You also play as a new kid in every new main Zelda tho
True. I have yet to play syndicate. Looking forward to the steam sale lol.Following Unity, they made AC: Syndicate that had two leads, one a woman.
It could be a result of the show's creators, but Ubisoft is making a more concerted effort.
I could have swear that The Stick of Truth had a male/female option, but apparently not. Good news. Every RPG with customizable characters should have a male/female option.
Cool. I really want to try these games. How long does the SoT pre-order bonus last?
but not the other 97% of devs and publishers?
Get rekt Nintendo.
EDIT: This was a badly thought out sarcastic joke.
to be fair, it is text.
Liar.Boo. Boo Wendy. Boo.
Man, Nintendo fans can't take a joke.
What did smurfs ever do to herBoo. Boo Wendy. Boo.
Wonder how much of the script will be rewritten because of this. Hopefully enough to warrant playing the game twice.
Wonder how much of the script will be rewritten because of this. Hopefully enough to warrant playing the game twice.
Wonder how much of the script will be rewritten because of this. Hopefully enough to warrant playing the game twice.
Doesn't the game make you create a blank character from scratch? It'd be weird if the option choose gender was absent.
Alternately, it would be hilarious if this was all a troll and what actually happened if you rolled a female character was Cartman not letting you into the group and getting an immediate game over/kicking you back to the character creation screen so you can make a boy character. Unlikely, but hilarious.
But yeah they did say in this interview that characters do treat you differently if you're a girl: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/06/15/south-park-video-games-trey-parker-matt-stone
out of curiosity...when does Season 20 air...i loved the last season
Haha, that's pretty cool
No, it was perfectly fine. As a joke, it was perfectly ok. Nintendo has also earned it as a legit jab, as mentioned above, after their ridiculous attempts at justifying their decisions. You just had the misfortune of making fun of something with incredibly defensive fans.
Since you're canonically the same character from SoT, who had to be a boy, it would be funny if they had a "wait what the fuck weren't you a boy" line.
I'm thinking they'll either change things a lot if your'e a girl or make it a running joke that people barely notice/remember that you're a girl. With PC Principal involved it would be interesting if they made your skin color a factor too (ie he'll check his privilege and treat you nicer if you're a girl and/or have a darker skin tone.)
out of curiosity...when does Season 20 air...i loved the last season
Matt and Trey are only doing 10 episode mini seasons now for Hulu since they bought the rights from CC.
We only get 10 episodes every Sept from here on out.
Hopefully with the Presidential election coming up it'll be a good one this year.