Who decides these things? The rating boards or can someone else be blamed?
PEGI (the ratings board) said they didn't censor anything.
Who decides these things? The rating boards or can someone else be blamed?
Australian censorship still blows my mind... why have an adult rating for games if you still have to censor the things? (EDIT: And for the record i'm not American...)
Who decides these things? The rating boards or can someone else be blamed?
Australians maybe be bloody nutjobs, but they ain't bloody religious nutjobs, mate.
Maybe I'll import the PS3 version from America, then. Certainly not day-1ing it now.
Yeah I cancelled my 360 pre-order and am waiting on hearing if the Xbox 360 version is region free or if I can import the PS3 version.
I did email Ubisoft support but they redirected me to the Uplay shop and they said I couldn't buy it from them (not what I asked them so not sure why they redirected me to them) and said they think it's likely to be region locked and I could have issues with DLC.
When i go to the steam store it says:
I'm from Austria and the steam PC version seems to be censored so not only consoles affected? I'm so lost.
VG+ in Canada has confirmed that the game is region-locked.
Thanks, sounds like I won't get this on the 360 and I'll have to try and get the North American PS3 version (as I think all PS3 games are region free, DLC might be different though) as I don't have a PC.
Anyone know of a good online retailer that lets you import games from North America to the UK?
CD Universe ships worldwide last I checked.
In Europe and Australia, some scenes in the video game have been censored.
I was told that Australia has different standards. They have their own ratings system, as does Europe, so I was told that we had to submit it for ratings and they come back and tell you this will pass, this won't. Ultimately, the full version of the game is in North America, so at least that version is out there, but anywhere it's censored [in the other version], we just put in little black cards explaining what has happened.
It's not that big a deal. It doesn't change things that much, but we weren't going to change the game downwards somewhere and just not tell anybody. You'll see how ridiculous that is.
How do you feel about that?
It does feel like a double standard, a little bit. We weren't willing to change the content, but also it doesn't ruin the game it's like 40 seconds' worth of the whole game. As long as we could make a joke out of the fact that they made us cut this, that was fine.
so, is it yet posibble to make the german PC version 100% uncensored?
I have a question though for those who are playing this game...
I've just gotten to the Nazi Zombie part, and often the Nazi Zombie characters will have their mouthes move like they are saying something (and all the other characters on screen are just looking at the Zombie as if paying attention to something they are saying), except no vocal audio can be heard. Are their lines censored as well? Does anyone know?
By not buying the game in a German store.
1st: what PC versions are 100% uncut?
2nd: can I buy those versions as retail and install and play them here in germany without any problems?
You'd need to use a VPN to activate the key, but that's it.
That must be a bug. I was playing the Aussie version of the game on the PS3 at a mate's place last night and the Nazi Zombies were most definitely... talkative.
Using a free VPN to activate the game will take you about 5 minutes. It's the only way to the play the game in Germany anyway, since it's not released here yet. Steam won't let you start the game if you don't connect to Steam with a non-German IP due to that. That's also the reason why no one will be able to tell you whether or not the German version might be patchable.and there is the problem.
and there is the problem.
cant I buy the german version and make it uncut?
btw.: why is the pc version 47,50 and the console version 35 at amazon uk?
Supply? There's only 7 left in stock for that version looking at the site.
so I could buy the Pc version here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00CMJ1H7C/
then use a VPN to activate it and after that I can play the uncensored version without using VPN again?
btw.: why is the pc version 47,50 and the console version 35 at amazon uk?
just finished it, steam says 13 hours, sounds about right. Did all the side quests I could find. Amazing game, and easily the best licensed game ever. I would say bring on a sequel, but that will never happen.
Yeah must be a bug... Thank you
The stuff they cut in the EU versions was probably for the best. The controls in those parts of the game absolutely stink. Had to turn off the 360 controller to get it to work on PC.
The US PS3 version isn't region locked, even though on the case it shows region 1. My console is British.