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Spain shatters two-party rule, Europe watches as it turns into an ungovernable mess

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It would be a huge surprise for me if PSOE supports Podemos, for me the most likely outcome is a PP president (not Rajoy) supported by C's and with the abstenance from PSOE.

It would be for me too, but PSOE was asking for Podemos support when Pedro tried to be president.

Podemos and Ciudadanos always said that they would never sit ona table to negotiate anything if both of them were there, and Ciudadanos already had a pact with PSOE, so...

I think Podemos is going to ask for PSOE support and I agree with you that the most likely outcome is the one you explain.

What a mess.

I still think that if Psoe gets less votes but more seats than Podemos they will try to bullshit their way into office.

That's gonna happen regardless. For sure. PSOE is always gonna try to bullshit their way into office, but in this case I think Unidos Podemos will get both more votes and more seats than PSOE.


Arrimadas is cute, is the girl you would introduce to your parents, but I have a crush on Andrea Levy from PP, looks like a girl that would make you a bj under the table in a restaurant lol

Very typical of PP, undercover shit all over, haha.

Funky Papa

It would be a huge surprise for me if PSOE supports Podemos, for me the most likely outcome is a PP president (not Rajoy) supported by C's and with the abstenance from PSOE.

Another possibility would be the PSOE bombing REALLY hard and being left with no other choice but support Podemos just to stay relevant. Getting their position usurped would be a huge shock for them. Pedro's head could roll before that if he's not fast enough to kiss Pablo's ring and ensure a position for himself.


Another possibility would be the PSOE bombing REALLY hard and being left with no other choice but support Podemos just to stay relevant. Getting their posiont usurped would be a huge shock for them. Pedro's head could roll before that if he's not fast enough to kiss Pablo's ring and ensure a position for himself.

I think Pedro's head will roll anyways after Sunday.


Another possibility would be the PSOE bombing REALLY hard and being left with no other choice but support Podemos just to stay relevant. Getting their posiont usurped would be a huge shock for them. Pedro's head could roll before that if he's not fast enough to kiss Pablo's ring and ensure a position for himself.

It would be a surprise for PSOE to be under 80 seats, Pedro's head will roll one way or another, and it's clear than the PSOE old guard would prefer a PP government more than a Podemos one. Also, after the pact with C's it seems like 6 millions of PSOE voters wouldn mind a right turn for their party, the socialists ideals flew away long ago.


Neo Member
As a Spanish person living in the UK, this is going to be a hell of a week.

Brexit is still undecided, and these elections on Sunday are going to mean a world to me.

This Sunday is likely to be one oh the most important moments in Spanish democracy ever, just based on the possibility of a paradigm shift in the trend.

I am personally in favour of Unidos Podemos, mostly due to a process of elimination.
Old parties are not going to change anything(and there's a lot wrong with Spain), and Ciudadanos is going to support the old parties with whatever they want, just for the sake of being there.
Smaller parties, although with really good programs and really good and honest people, are not going to be able to be relevant, due to our electoral legislation(the 2 big parties tailored it based on their own interests years ago).

So, yeah, time to clench, and hope for the best.


What an absolute mess lol.

Some of my family who are temporarily here in the states are distraught. None of them like ANY of the parties but will vote PP to keep Podemos down.

My family in Spain is fairly varied, with some voting Podemos, some Cs, and PP. PSOE is straight fucked.

Funky Papa

Top kek.

Ciudadanos IS the PP's "great value" brand. I'm not sure if they realise that endorsing an "independent" president to isolate Podemos will sink the party faster than UPyD. You can't pull that kind of stuff without having a truly consolidated base of older voters willing to clock in every four years like the PP does. Rivera is believing his own hype.


Top kek.

Ciudadanos IS the PP's "great value" brand. I'm not sure if they realise that endorsing an "independent" president to isolate Podemos will sink the party faster than UPyD. You can't pull that kind of stuff without having a truly consolidated base of older voters willing to clock in every four years.

PSOE = Xbox One
PP = Xbox Scorpio
C's = Xbox One S


PSOE not siding with UnidosPodemos and letting PP govern for another 4 years its a very real possibility but its a suicidal move, most of the people that vote them dont want that and it could happen to them the same as PASOK in Greece, from being a Governing Party to becom the sixth force in the parlament.


For those wondering about the generational split (Googletrans):

I think the text is easy enough to understand without translating it. The PP is going to get absolutely fucked in about 8 years unless they miraculously reach to the younger generations.
Isn't this somewhat usual for conservative parties though? As Churchill famously said: if you are 20 and not left-wing you have no heart, if you're 40 and still left-wing you have no brain? Fifteen years ago in Holland we were adamant that we would finally get rid of the Christian Conservatives. Yet somehow they keep on popping back up.
So... do you guys think that the Brexit will affect the results of this election?

And if so, how?

I don't really think it will have a direct impact in the results of next sunday, maybe it could benefit PP/PSOE while it could harm Unidos Podemos, but very slightly.

However, I believe brexit could benefit the independent parties in Cataluña, while I relly think there's very little in common between both cases.

Well, will go to vote next sunday morning, time to break the 2-party rule again

Funky Papa

I don't really think it will have a direct impact in the results of next sunday, maybe it could benefit PP/PSOE while it could harm Unidos Podemos, but very slightly.

However, I believe brexit could benefit the independent parties in Cataluña, while I relly think there's very little in common between both cases.

Well, will go to vote next sunday morning, time to break the 2-party rule again
Pretty much.

It's incredibly difficult to say.
I'm more concerned about people voting a corrupt party like PP than "brexit" or Cataluña´s independance. I can't believe news agencies report scandals about corruption monthly, or even weekly, and people still support them, that's something I won't ever understand. Meanwhile people seem to care more about Venezuela than corruption in our country.


I'm voting Unidos Podemos, not because I have an ideological affinity to them or because I think their proposals are feasible, but because we need to get rid of PP. This week's scandal has been the final nail in the coffin, this is a Watergate-level scandal and all they're saying is "whatever".


I'm voting Unidos Podemos, not because I have an ideological affinity to them or because I think their proposals are feasible, but because we need to get rid of PP. This week's scandal has been the final nail in the coffin, this is a Watergate-level scandal and all they're saying is "whatever".
Then do yourself and spain a favor and vote for Ciudadanos. Not the shit show that is Pablo Iglesias
Then do yourself and spain a favor and vote for Ciudadanos. Not the shit show that is Pablo Iglesias

Ciudadanos is as shitfest, if not more, as Unidos Podemos, however I'm glad thanks to both parties we have debunked the 2-parties rule.

And, yes, I rather vote Unidos Podemos than Ciudadanos.

Funky Papa

Then do yourself and spain a favor and vote for Ciudadanos. Not the shit show that is Pablo Iglesias

Podemos' appeal is greatly restricted by their leadership, but Ciudadanos has been shown to have no ambitions besides being a junior partner and its already tainted by Riveras' association with the wiretaps.

As far as change goes, Ciudadanos offers a very small, highly incremental one that is not very attractive for a lot of people who identify the old parties as the source of the problem.


Then do yourself and spain a favor and vote for Ciudadanos. Not the shit show that is Pablo Iglesias

Albert Rivera has proven himself as the biggest hypocrite on planet Earth. His photos with refugees make me want to puke.

Also, the Antifraud Commissioner named him yesterday at the Catalonian Parliament's hearings. So he may be involved into this "political police" scandal as well.
Welp, my vote goes for Ciudadanos.

Not going to vote for the guy who has wet dreams of Chávez and Venezuela, specially after having read the thread about the Venezuelan guy talking about how he could get himself arrested for trying to buy food too early in the morning.

Nevertheless, I am glad if Unidos Podemos grows (just like Ciudadanos) judt to fuck with thr 2-parties rule
Wow thanks for the great thread! It's my first time voting so something like this that summarizes the major parties in layman's terms helps out a lot!


Ciudadanos is as shitfest, if not more, as Unidos Podemos, however I'm glad thanks to both parties we have debunked the 2-parties rule.

And, yes, I rather vote Unidos Podemos than Ciudadanos.

I don't disagree but I'd much rather have someone like Albert Rivera than Pablo Iglesias who has proven time and time he isn’t fit to lead any party..

Podemos' appeal is greatly restricted by their leadership, but Ciudadanos has been shown to have no ambitions besides being a junior partner and its already tainted by Riveras' association with the wiretaps.

As far as change goes, Ciudadanos offers a very small, highly incremental one that is not very attractive for a lot of people who identify the old parties as the source of the problem.

Agreed completely, but I don't think a party like Unidos Podemos is what spain needs right now. I'd much rather have PP win and rajoy step down than have to deal with Pablo Iglesias.

Albert Rivera has proven himself as the biggest hypocrite on planet Earth. His photos with refugees make me want to puke.

Also, the Antifraud Commissioner named him yesterday at the Catalonian Parliament's hearings. So he may be involved into this "political police" scandal as well.
That's fine, all 4 parties have been extremely hypocritical but there is to much extremism coming from Unidos Podemos camp for anyone in spain who wants a future here to honestly feel comfortable with having them as their president.

As bad as spain is with PP i think things will be infinitely worse with Podemos.

Again, i think Podemos get a lot of things right. (i live in València where compromis has majority rule and while I don't agree with somethings I feel like they've done a fantastic job)

But after uniting with izquierda unida and Pablo Iglesias being an incompetent baboon I just don't feel comfortable about Spain's future with him in charge


What will happen if after the new election no party/alliance conform a majority? Will another election be called?

Maybe it's all King's Felipe keikaku to regain absolutist power.

Funky Papa

Both Pablo Iglesias and Albert Rivera are great party leaders. Nobody else has killed and buried so many internal opponents faster than them. They are unchallenged and have shown significant leadership at their respective scales.

Iglesias just happen to talk, look and beheave unpresidential as fuck while Rivera looks like a stock photo model.
Welp, my vote goes for Ciudadanos.

Not going to vote for the guy who has wet dreams of Chávez and Venezuela, specially after having read the thread about the Venezuelan guy talking about how he could get himself arrested for trying to buy food too early in the morning.

Nevertheless, I am glad if Unidos Podemos grows (just like Ciudadanos) judt to fuck with thr 2-parties rule

I'm so sick of the Venezuela syndrome in Spain! really, really tired of that nonsense. I hate how the media focuses in any happening in Venezuela just to link it to Podemos, it's utterly disgusting journalism. Instead they should focus in other issues that really affect every citizen in this country, but Venezuela? come on, some news agencies (tv, newspapers, online, etc.) seem to create hoaxes and relate anything coming from Venezuela to Podemos, it feels so cheap that makes me angry. I also hate how they try to blame Carmena (Ahora Madrid!) for anything, it's exhausting.

Meanwhile you get fraud and scandals from PP almost daily, and people don't care!

About Ciudadanos, I don't like Rivera at all, he seems desperate for power, he would sign anything to get in the govt.

Funky Papa

Cheerful reminder of Felipe González lauding fucking Mao of all people in 1976, not so long before turning heel and going "OTAN de entrada no".

You should believe nothing about the international "friends" of Spanish presidential candidates, specially when said candidates have been shown to be ready to change their discourse at the drop of a coin. Iglesias, like many other leftists, got close to Venezuela because it was politically profitable at the time. Even Zapatero did. Nobody should trust Rivera's position on Venezuela for this very reason.

The PP is a different beast since they are much more ideologically consistent.


I'm baffled by the Venezuela speech getting into so many people.

Do people really think that Spain can turn into such a mess if Unidos Podemos wins the elections, or is it simply pure hate mixed with ignorance? This week we've found out that PP is robbing the bank in broad daylight with, maybe, the support of Albert Rivera but a lot of people are concerned by the ghost of bolivarianism in Spain. Makes my blood boil.

The Hermit

I think I just read about Brasil in 4 years.

The whole world is going crazy, thanks to giant corps and market speculation.


Well, you have all the right media groups dumping info about the Red Menace and some left ones to so its normal that more uninformes people believe that Spain its going to become a Communist country and that we are going to be robbed of our propiety.

What its really happening its that they have fear, Fear all of the shit that can be discovered if new parties get in the goverment and break the non-written non-agression pact that PP and PSOE has for some things. Its ridiculous and a classic to see in local an global elections how the governing party destroys lots of documentation when they know they are going to lose and tho other party does nothing to investigate! That amongst other things.

Thats why we need a change and the end of the almost two party system that we have.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
10$ says a third round happens.

PSOE will have to choose between Podemos and PP.

They will chose neither.

Oh and there's the threat of new Catalan elections in December as well...


EU rules likely wouldn't let Spain go the way of Venezuela. Podemos could implement a hard-left program, but the kind of strict market controls that are screwing over Venezuela right now are impossible with a hardwired system of free trade and free movement.


It could be worse.

You could be Belgium.

It could be worse.

You could be a spaniard living in belgium. Thats sucks like double, fml.

Funky, awesome post, got me rolling in laugh.

Probably PP winning again. I just _dont_ get spain. Seems like fear works wonders for both big parties (pp/psoe).

Time for a clean up and a new force to change some stuff around, time for experiments. I dont think we can go worse than the usual.
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