These last couple of episodes have finally picked up the season for me. It's been rather blah until now. Liked Caesar since his first appearance, and continue to like him. Though, I was expecting him to be much more skilled as a fighter than they portrayed him in the final scene. I was expecting an epic fight with Gannicus the way they set that up a couple episodes ago. But dude couldn't even handle Agron, who never came across as one of the elite Gladiators.
Things happened a little too quickly at the end for me. The ambush at the shore occurred seemingly out of nowhere, like an entire portion of the episode was accidentally deleted. And Caesar must have teleportation powers, because one moment he's killing Nemetes and his lackeys in the city. The next moment, he's jumping out of the shadows and stabbing Spartacus in the shoulder(which was such a disappointingly amateurish attempt at assassination, after the badass character Caesar was thus far built-up to be). Then, he's all of a sudden back in the city, fighting Agron and crew. It just seemed like they wanted all of that to happen within one episode, and forcefully squeezed it into the allotted time.
It's kind of crazy we're only halfway through the season, and it looks like Spartacus is already facing certain doom. The city was breached and there's a Roman armada approaching the shore. How the hell are they going to hold out for 5 more episodes, without resorting to Dragon Ball Z stalling?
Also, I've finally come to accept and like Liam as Spartacus this season. I didn't like him at all, all of last season. Not sure what it is in particular, but he's been really likeable this season.
Definitely more excited in the rest of the season than I was after the first few episodes, but I still have my doubts that it can exceed Season 1 and Gods of the Arena for me. Batiatus was just too damn good.