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Spartacus: War of the Damned - the conclusion of a legendary journey - Fri on Starz

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Just got to watch last week's episode. MAH GAWD it was greatness. The direction was A+, not only in the battle scenes with great use of slow motion shots to create what looked like stills within motion, but just during talky scenes as well. The Spartacus/Crixus confrontation in the stairwell with all the weird dutch angles...so good.



New episode tonight:
Spoils Of War

As Crassus leads an onslaught against the rebel-occupied city, Gannicus finds himself trapped behind enemy lines. Tiberius is tasked by Crassus to hold a celebration in honor of a man he despises.


One of the main characters will probably be killed tonight.

Hoping the rest of the show isn't one long siege inside the city at least.

REV 09

dat knight in shining armor.

Another strong episode. Lyta (sp?) hott as hell...moreso than expected


Unconfirmed Member
Good episode, though I expected Gannicus and the girl to die at the end as Laeta escaped. They've really gotta start killing off some characters soon.


Donarrrr, well I guess he took a backseat this season even for backseat characters. Spartacus at his best with those double kills over and over at the beginning before he escapes :D
Good episode, though I expected Gannicus and the girl to die at the end as Laeta escaped. They've really gotta start killing off some characters soon.

I don't know if the series is going to end in a way that's historically accurate. I think people may be surprised, and I'd be fine with that. But there was a bit in the preview for the next episode that makes it look like
Naevia might finally buy it. But probably not. Most likely just a tease


If this season is just going to be a Roman curbstomp, bleh, no point watching. Crassus is now morally on par with Glabur and Batiatus, so something needs to happen him. Although one day having molten gold poured in his mouth would be good too, I doubt the Caesar spinoff will get so far.

Caesar struggled with Donar, so I'm glad Gannicus kicked his ass. Its annoying that's the closest thing they've had to a twing of imperfection. Not really seeing any point in rooting for Caesar at this point. The thing with the Roman girl indicated he might have some honor about him, but if he was in on the whole giving Laeta to the pirates then what was the point?

Tiberius going full psycho is interesting to watch. But it would be ne nice if he could get a one-up on someone other than the poor slave girl. Someone desperately needs to take Caesar and Crasus down a few pegs, why not another Roman?

Laeta's branding bothered me more than about anything I've seen on the show. The actress' crying really sold it. Disturbing as fuck.


Hunky Nostradamus
That was pretty good stuff. I'm glad Gannicus didn't die. His escape was cool as shit.

Laeta's branding bothered me more than about anything I've seen on the show. The actress' crying really sold it. Disturbing as fuck.

Really? More disturbing than people getting beaten/tortured/mutilated/stabbed/decapitated/raped, etc.?

Was Donar the one who was fighting with Gannicus?

Yeah, and I liked him and I'm glad they didn't treat his death like just any other death on the show. They gave him a bunch of scenes and his final one was a battle with Caesar where he got to deny Caesar the victory by offing himself. Went out like a boss.
What a fucking incredible episode, as usual. Gannicus escape was fucking epic, I had a sick feeling in my stomach either he would die, or the slave would be captured and tortured. It's too bad Gannicus couldn't have had a real fight with caesar, he would have decimated him.

Much deserved death for the pirate, that piece of shit.


Gannicus has to have a spin off or survive this series.

I really hope he gets away and travels all around spreading the tale of spartacus

and I forgot all about Licenia being the cousin of crassus. they should give a small line mentioning it.


What a fucking incredible episode, as usual. Gannicus escape was fucking epic, I had a sick feeling in my stomach either he would die, or the slave would be captured and tortured. It's too bad Gannicus couldn't have had a real fight with caesar, he would have decimated him.

Much deserved death for the pirate, that piece of shit.

Same here. I thought Gannicus was going to die just after reaching his hand out to the girl in the cellar (right after the suspense of finding out if the footsteps were Gannicus or a Roman's) since that would have been unexpected right after people let their guard down. I knew it was him coming back for the girl, but I thought for sure they'd kill him after everyone thought he was ok and as the girl approached him.

If anyone lives at the end of it all, it should be Gannicus and I think most people would feel the same way as I do. It's not a main historical character that NEEDS to die or vanish, and everyone loves him. I like the idea of him surviving to spread the story of the great Spartacus.

I'm still really curious if Caesar will get his own show. It's a polarizing character that you either love or hate which is great.


Another awesome episode, and I can't wait for the next one. They'll probably start killing characters every episode now. I expect Lugo, Nasir, Naevea to go quickly now. Saxa, Leata and the shy girl might survive.

I do think the final fight will disappoint a bit, Crassus can't be that much better than Caesar and he has been defeated by Gannicus multiple times. Yet at the end those two will have to defeat Spartacus and Gannicus. It might be best if Crixus is killed by Crassus next episode but wounds him so that he can't fight in the final fight, while Caesar fights Aggron to the latters death. The actual final moments of the show should just be Gannicus and Spartacus standing next to each other fighting the remaining legion to a stand still at the ditch. Let them fall from exhaustion into the ditch and cut to black right there so we can wonder if they escaped or not. They can even do a more hopeful ending and show Leata and Saxa/shy girl laughing somewhere together while walking toward their guys while never showing if they're Spartacus and Gannicus or not.

I'm still really curious if Caesar will get his own show. It's a polarizing character that you either love or hate which is great.
His make-over on the other hand is a problem. He was better with the beard.


Good episode, but why oh why did they make Anna Hutchison wear a merkin that was about two sizes too big? For some reason it really put me off.

Another strong episode. Lyta (sp?) hott as hell...moreso than expected

You should watch The Cabin in the Woods for more Anna Hutchinson hotness. Also, because it's one of the best movies of 2012.


Good episode, but why oh why did they make Anna Hutchison were a merkin that was about two sizes too big? For some reason it really put me off.

You should watch The Cabin in the Woods for more Anna Hutchinson hotness. Also, because it's one of the best movies of 2012.

She seems to have put on more weight since then. I like it.
Game of Thrones/ Spartacus Crossover
Spartacus is mance rayder and his people beyond the Wall.
Look there's a wall

Intense episode. I thought Gannicus is going to die.
Guy Pearce as Caesar. damn


If this season is just going to be a Roman curbstomp, bleh, no point watching.
they won the first battle in 4 seasons and that one with almost no one of worth dying and the romans still getting slaughtered by the dozens ^^


This episode made me really nervous, now that we are approaching the finale , characters start to die and I really did not want to see Gannicus go.

Crixus on the other hand will unfortunately (along with Nevea), have me wishing the opposite when their time comes.


Hunky Nostradamus
I hope Spartacus and Co. are able to escape the mountain pass. I don't want their final battle to take place in the snow.


Heh, Crassus' wall. I love the way they're integrating actual history in this show.

And Gannicus should leave these losers immediately. I can't have him risking his life for them.


This was the Leata body episode.

I said "goddamn!" out loud.

I especially appreciated the glorious side bush shot.


I pretty much spent the entire episode going "no..no...no...no..no..nnnnoo...nooo...wait...is this going to work..no..don't stay and fight them...no..wait..yes! go!!!"

..and then he rode off on a horse with his lady. Fucking Gannicus :D
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